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I can confirm that the silver 12 coin Lunar set is on offer at a very fair price if I hadn't now got that set completed I would have no hesitation in buying it at the asking price.


Good luck with your sales Paul some lovely stuff there.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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Well it looks I am joining the masses of society in camp usury for a wee while 
Much against my personal ethics, I have come over to the 'dark side' and got a personal loan ............gggrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  !!!!   :( ;( :(
Dropped a call into my bank to see 'what, was what....and what was possible' as raising these funds is quite urgent and there were no immediate takers as yet
Not to bore you with the details &  fine print they have agreed the amount i needed to raise and actually I have borrowed a few thousand more on top to  actually get a lower APR. Low single figures isn't so bad even if it is for a few months until i can clear it in full
Jeez, I can see why people get over their heads so easily when it is offered
Well we all know it is just a credit entry and no money is actually being created or lent to me
All pre-approved over phone and just need to sign the paper work in branch tomorrow and deposited same day.
Bank Monkey on phone :   " Reason for loan ? "
Paul :  "Home Improvements" :)
So i am withdrawing items from sale - thanks for those who looked and sung my praises

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........Nooooooooooooooo to gawdy looking home improvements going on there.  


Best reason to put on a loan application HOME IMPROVEMENTS 


It shows prudent, stability, sensible, adding value.  


Better than saying want to take you, your 8 kids, and their 12 fathers on dirty big holiday for two weeks to the Benidorm Hilton


to consolidate all catalogues Kays Freemans Gratton Argos Provvy and Wonga loans onto into one manageable loan payment

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Yeah, bet she wishes she thought of it ! Ha !!  Would have been an SNP vote winner in Govan & Paisley (Glasgow) and Niddrie (Edinburgh)


Promise Promise Promise - that is all they do - Politicians


Regardless of any political persuasion Coloured blue, red,yellow, green, UKIP tie - all the same they are


Just wait a month or two until they are in office and see how many promises they back track on or change in the next 4 year term


Normal service resumes tomorrow.  Sleep for the next 4 years


Actually i really like watching The Thick of It and i can probably bet that is exactly what things are like for these folk who live in their political bubbles / career politicians

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There may have been x2 fathers present at point of conception Sham ;)


Our social engineers of world society are certainly doing their job well.  


Reward the feckless underclass feral folk with everything for nothing. and the folk of society who are hard working trying to keep a roof over head, food on the table, hold down a job are priced out of having children due to the costs involved.


Jeez, i for one certainly don't wish to bring a child into this world we call 'normal'. Just see how it has changed the past ten year for the worse, what it is going to be like in 50 years + ??  Well King Cameron will give us a starter for ten today now we have the blue tied puppet in for another term

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