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Inspiration, Memories and Poured Silver from YouTube Royalty - Mr Zeke!

By BackyardBullion, 07/08/20
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Inspiration, Memories and Poured Silver from YouTube Royalty - Mr Zeke!

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Just finished watching your video, nice to have a mentor to emulate or be an inspiration. Sounded like you were so chuffed that he wanted one of yours.

MrZeke's watch collection on instagram is sweet too. Guess a few folks are multi item collectors. I inherited my coins and also inherited some old watches, small clutch of both items.

I'm looking to pass what I can to my kids, keep it  in the family for as long as it goes. A bit of gold and silver, hopefully they won't get in the situation where they need to sell them. Won't matter it will be theirs to do with how they want. 

Hoping my sovereign arrives tomorrow, always get excited waiting for a delivery.

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