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WHAT IF? Gold Spot Price Crashes

By Stacker2020, 04/05/20

WHAT IF? Gold Spot Price Crashes

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Nice video pal. 

Doesn't effect me because I use savings I don't need in a hurry.

I have no big overheads to cover so if it dips it's no big deal and I still have my metal. It's been money for 5000 years.

Shares on the other hand you might as well go to the bookies......

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This video is presumptuous. If you are new to gold, buying Gold in bulk is "not the right thing to do" because it could go down.

Yes, it could go down. But it also could go up big. In which case cost averaging will do you no good.

I understand what you are trying to say but you cant say something is not the right thing. You dont hold a crystal ball.  

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If gold goes down then you lose money or do you? Think about it, would you of spent the money on something else?  A lot of people come to gold silver buying because they are bad with money.  Gold holds its value its the currency that moves around it. 

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