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closed Airtight A19 Direct Fit - Ordered by error

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Anyone want some A19 Direct Fit Capsule.  I order then my mistake thinking they fit half sovereign but they don't

They fit coins with a Diameter of 19mm.  


They probably fit 1/20 coin but not well.  

Unfortunately pay lot of Customs so not worth returning. 

These any good, open to any offers?  

Have about 75 - 90 of them.




Uk only pls

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45 minutes ago, Urlcool said:

Thanks Spyder.  I had them listed on eBay for month and nothing.   I even put them on auction for 99p for 25 and got no bids. 

Are you for real, 25 for 99p and no bids.   You need to get some coins to show what ones fit in them.  

How much do you want and see if I can use any?

Never Chase and Never Regret 

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2 hours ago, Silfrfish said:

Hiya mate, how much would you want for 5 of these? They might fit one or two bits of old world silver I have 🤔 not sure yet but worth a punt

£5 ok with post?  

2 hours ago, Silfrfish said:

I guess they should fit any of the 9148 coins Numista says has a diameter of 19mm 😀

It also says some half sovereigns are indeed 19mm so maybe they’d fit



No they 100% do not fit the half sovs.  That why I got them.  

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