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closed Gold 1/20 Britannia 2013, First year of issue PF70UC

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Morning update with 9 hours to go,

and still in the lead with a bid of £120 we have @cliveb13

....meanwhile, the pirate already having earned his "TSF' I won my first auction badge" is  sill all at sea,
 @James32is suffering from a severe bout of salmonella poisoning, following his cooking yesterday
and I am reliably informed that @9x883is far too busy knocking up QB Completers

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 a little over 4 hours to go and time for a little update😀

Once again in the lead we have @cliveb13with a bid of £123, thank you

will the pirate walk on water and come ashore to bid again(miracles do happen)
will @9x883have time to look up from his smelter?
will Nigella, sorry @James32ever be able to leave the bathroom?😀

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45 minutes to go, and still in the lead we have @cliveb13with his bid of £123

.......so many questions

 @Fenlander1have the hinges seized on the treasure chest ?

will @9x883find £2.01 behind the settee?

will @James32ever finish cooking that lasagna?

is @Petrahiding in the bushes?😀

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