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George and the dragon bullion coin

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How to completely destroy an iconic design....

Be The Royal Mint!

Anyone disagree!? I think this is close to worst coin design ever from the Royal Mint




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4 minutes ago, BackyardBullion said:

The horse looks like it has explosive diarrhea 

Looks like the dragon is giving the but a scratch. Another coin I was really looking forward to getting and then I saw it! Hopefully some better designs will appear in the “series” (whatever that means now when we’re talking RM) and I can pick one up

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Rehashed version of the 2018 George birthday coin in 2018

Lazy coin design by the royal mint.


Well, I'm sure they will sell for £25-£26 per Oz here on the forum any time soon. Definitely not worth buying at £32.50 before VAT direct from the mint.


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1 minute ago, Zhorro said:

Initially I didn't think it was that bad, but then...  what is coming out of the horse's backside???


All the poo

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Just now, BackyardBullion said:


All the poo

Thanks a bunch, I quite liked it, but now I just can't unsee that.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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And now you wont unsee it on your year of the horse coin either!


4 minutes ago, Thelonerangershorse said:

Thanks a bunch, I quite liked it, but now I just can't unsee that.


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9 minutes ago, Zhorro said:

Initially I didn't think it was that bad, but then...  what is coming out of the horse's backside???

I think it will grow on you 😇

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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Any equestrians here cannot be unbothered by St. George's positioning on the horse's croup. Not the ideal place to sit on a rearing horse (particularly one with a roaring diarrhea)... :unsure:


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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8 hours ago, jultorsk said:

Any equestrians here cannot be unbothered by St. George's positioning on the horse's croup. Not the ideal place to sit on a rearing horse (particularly one with a roaring diarrhea)... :unsure:

It's probably because he's riding bareback whilst wearing a short skirt.

Edited by Thelonerangershorse

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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Well, I did quite like it

Now you have mentioned the horses continence problems I cant un-see that 💩

There are still elements I really like though, the text on the edge, the background, St George himself.  Not so keen on the horse which seems to be a real issue recently as its been pants on the last couple of Britannia designs.  I also do not like the way the date is presented with a plain background when the rest of the fields are textured.  Hate the dragon.  If they are doing a 1/4oz gold version I may pick ont up on the secondary market though, even with all those negatives.  I would not shell out for the 1oz though.

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23 minutes ago, Orpster said:

Well, I did quite like it

Now you have mentioned the horses continence problems I cant un-see that 💩

There are still elements I really like though, the text on the edge, the background, St George himself.  Not so keen on the horse which seems to be a real issue recently as its been pants on the last couple of Britannia designs.  I also do not like the way the date is presented with a plain background when the rest of the fields are textured.  Hate the dragon.  If they are doing a 1/4oz gold version I may pick ont up on the secondary market though, even with all those negatives.  I would not shell out for the 1oz though.

Yes, there is a 1/4oz bullion version, Atkinsons don't seem to stock it though, haven't looked anywhere else yet.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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8 minutes ago, MrStacker said:

Absolutely shocking. I mean I was p’d off with the latest myths and legends design. Then came the generic lion and eagle coin and now this fugly wtf moment of a design.

Really upsetting to see RM releases and designs getting worse and not better. 

George in the helmet looks like a generic cartoon character sketch from the early 90s that didn’t make the “final cut”.

I don’t like being distasteful towards RM coin designs or the mint itself but I haven’t seen anything decent from them that I would deem “special” in a very long time. 

Sticking to old sovs, some 1oz bullion coins and selective proofs. None of the recent new series are exciting or interesting imo. Sadly more horrendous design decisions that get approved. 😔

Britannia x Liberty my favourite coin so far this year.

They should have copied this original, sculpted by Charles Grassby and situated just around the corner from where I live. I think the lance has been broken off. Impressive.


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It's just lazy coin design

Reusing the same design as 2018

Could have done so much with it, but it's just mediocre at best.

It's so bad I don't even want to do a video on it as even bad press can help. Now I think about it maybe The Royal Mints marketing strategy is "piss everyone off and they will blow up social media"

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Let's hope the next releases in this G&D bullion series are a bit better.  Some good designs to choose from, potentially.
I'll still probably buy this one.  I've been fairly selective of late but I do like having coins with different designs on them, rather than having multiple similar Britannias, Sovs etc.

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2 hours ago, Stuntman said:

Let's hope the next releases in this G&D bullion series are a bit better.  Some good designs to choose from, potentially.
I'll still probably buy this one.  I've been fairly selective of late but I do like having coins with different designs on them, rather than having multiple similar Britannias, Sovs etc.

There’s a slim chance they will use a better design on a Bullion coin than on a Proof. 🫥

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