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How does trading feedback work

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You can give feedback to a seller or a buyer.

Go to their profile.

Click "View Trading Feedback"

Click blue "Add Feedback" box.

You will have to remember the exact wording of the transaction title as this is requested so you comment on the correct post.

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  • 1 month later...

As a new member , I have made a few purchases and was trying to leave some positive feedback as I am very pleased with my purchases so far . I cannot seem to be able to find out how to do this any pointers would be appreciated thanks. 

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There are a few ways. Click on to your trading partner's profile then click on the Trading feedback followed by leave feedback then fill in the boxes or move your cursor over the Browse at the top of the page then select Trading feedback from the drop down menu's but you will have to remember the listing's/ topic's title. This is the part that causes the most issues. There may be more ways but its the sales post's title that's the hardest to remember. I fine it easier to copy and paste the title and use that for the private message to the seller. Yet I can't seem to copy and paste that to the feedback topic box, I always have to start to type it and select from a suggested list. Easy enough if the sales post is quite unique but quite hard if it's just, for example, Sovereigns.

I'm sure @ChrisSilver and admin have their hands full at the moment but a quick link to the sellers sales posts in the feedback topic box would be great if at all possible at some point. It would make leaving feedback easier. 

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@Tav I have merged your topic into a pre-existing topic with the same question :) 

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  • 11 months later...

Is there a way that trading feedback could only be credited once both parties have left it for each other?

So (for example) if i leave feedback for another member it could only credited to them once they leave feedback for me.

i can see a problem in that if your left with negative feedback then by not responding it would not be credited to you so perhaps it could only be applied to positive feedback.

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