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    The Silver Forum is one of the largest and best loved silver and gold precious metals forums in the world, established since 2014. Join today for FREE! Browse the sponsor's topics (hidden to guests) for special deals and offers, check out the bargains in the members trade section and join in with our community reacting and commenting on topic posts. If you have any questions whatsoever about precious metals collecting and investing please join and start a topic and we will be here to help with our knowledge :) happy stacking/collecting. 21,000+ forum members and 1 million+ forum posts. For the latest up to date stats please see the stats in the right sidebar when browsing from desktop. Sign up for FREE to view the forum with reduced ads. 

New Boy - Awaiting Initiation Ceremony!!

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Been stacking for a couple of months so relatively new to the game.

Just finding my feet, used 3 different sites so far to purchase my stack of silver.

Been watching loads of YouTube videos and Backyard Bullion led me here !

Living in Suffolk, UK 

Hope the Initiation Process is not like starting a new school or joining a cult 😂

Please Go Easy…….

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On 18/05/2023 at 18:30, Wonky said:

Been stacking for a couple of months so relatively new to the game.

Just finding my feet, used 3 different sites so far to purchase my stack of silver.

Been watching loads of YouTube videos and Backyard Bullion led me here !

Living in Suffolk, UK 

Hope the Initiation Process is not like starting a new school or joining a cult 😂

Please Go Easy…….

You're on the best site. To join cults you have to purchase a Premium Membership, Silver or above. Silver will give you access to the main cult - the early listings on the Buy, Sell and Trade section of TSF. The price of membership will likely be recouped via savings on your first purchase.

BYB runs a great newsletter with offers (he also sells here on TSF) but the stock is limited and sells super fast. The forum has daily offers roughly on par with BYB although BYB is one of the most competitive sellers and beats average forum prices. He's also a great person to buy from as he tests everything and has lots of experience with bullion and numismatics. It is possible to find forum deals that are even more competitive than BYB though

When you've reached the 20th Degree of Silver Forum Masonry, you can consider going Platinum, becoming a Knight of Malta and gaining access to the Platinum Lounge

After that it's off to the NBS to gain the 32nd Degree of secret knowledge, joining the order of the Knights Templar and becoming Sovereign Grand Inspector General. Our current leader is Salesman32 (the 32 standing for 32nd Degree). You may challenge him in gold-to-gold combat to steal his crown. The rules are you wear a suit loaded down with each other's gold stacks and then jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. Whoever doesn't drown, wins, and keeps all the gold. Salesman32 also goes by the aliases of MBS (Mohammed Bin Salesman) and James32

This and more can be yours for the low, low price of all your free time, your fiat currency, sanity and decorum. I know you'll make the right choice. Welcome to the cult, sorry, Forum 😂

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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Stay calm, @HerefordBullyun is sharpening his knife for your circumcision ceremonary - grit your teeth, it doesn't last long.

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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4 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Stay calm, @HerefordBullyun is sharpening his knife for your circumcision ceremonary - grit your teeth, it doesn't last long.

Welcome to the forum @Wonky will this one do... Shes a trusty one!! Proven in WWII


Edited by HerefordBullyun

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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16 hours ago, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:


BYB runs a great newsletter with offers

Ahem youve never read or watched the Bullyun bugle TSK some people!

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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On 20/05/2023 at 21:41, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

You're on the best site. To join cults you have to purchase a Premium Membership, Silver or above. Silver will give you access to the main cult - the early listings on the Buy, Sell and Trade section of TSF. The price of membership will likely be recouped via savings on your first purchase.

BYB runs a great newsletter with offers (he also sells here on TSF) but the stock is limited and sells super fast. The forum has daily offers roughly on par with BYB although BYB is one of the most competitive sellers and beats average forum prices. He's also a great person to buy from as he tests everything and has lots of experience with bullion and numismatics. It is possible to find forum deals that are even more competitive than BYB though

When you've reached the 20th Degree of Silver Forum Masonry, you can consider going Platinum, becoming a Knight of Malta and gaining access to the Platinum Lounge

After that it's off to the NBS to gain the 32nd Degree of secret knowledge, joining the order of the Knights Templar and becoming Sovereign Grand Inspector General. Our current leader is Salesman32 (the 32 standing for 32nd Degree). You may challenge him in gold-to-gold combat to steal his crown. The rules are you wear a suit loaded down with each other's gold stacks and then jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. Whoever doesn't drown, wins, and keeps all the gold. Salesman32 also goes by the aliases of MBS (Mohammed Bin Salesman) and James32

This and more can be yours for the low, low price of all your free time, your fiat currency, sanity and decorum. I know you'll make the right choice. Welcome to the cult, sorry, Forum 😂

Very informative and detailed explanation of the initiation process.

Do I still need to show my lower leg and expose my chest whilst wearing an apron ? And is it just on here or do I need to do the same whilst purchasing any bullion in person 😜

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14 hours ago, Wonky said:

Do I still need to show my lower leg and expose my chest whilst wearing an apron ? And is it just on here or do I need to do the same whilst purchasing any bullion in person 😜

Only if buying in person at Chards...Lawrence is quite particular with his sales.

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