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Forum threads and etiquette

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4 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

Hi Leon welcome back to the forum!

I'll start this off £10  what do we win and when does the auction finish!  



Dave I have never left 

Maybe take heed of the comments from other forum members 

Thanks 👍

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6 hours ago, James32 said:

Here's my take on it ( not that anyone asked)

If ive personally upset someone and "assuming" I actually have? and they are not just a self absorbed know it all, whom happens to be steeped in "irony" then I sincerely apologise. If your out there feeling aggrieved, then please feel free to PM and I will sincerely listen and hopefully rectify the issue. 

My threads ( can only speak for me) seem to get a lot of noise, I never asked for it,nor do I covet it. I do though recognise that it's coming from a place of lighthearted jest and respond in the same way. I never worry if its effecting my sales as those that truly want to buy "will buy" I'm guilty of returning the favour on occasion 😅 but to only those I'm sure warrant it. 

I'm also guilty off maybe overwhelming a post by tagging people I've spoken to recently, or remember they maybe after a certain item? I know ive helped sales ,but that all stops now and everyone can fend for themselves.

As for cliques?? When I joined the forum there was an abundance of already formed "cliques" and it was quite off-putting, but I seem to have landed/fallen into a certain group of like minded people who can see life from a similar position. I would like to think this normal? And I certainly know that any new comer who attempts to interact with me/this group, is welcomed with open arm's. Cant say that about every clique?? Can a forum of over 18000 members all have the same personalities/traits? Highly doubtful.

I know from feedback during private messages or from purchases/sales, that I've made a positive entry into a members stacking/selling journey, whether it be holding items till payday, actually advising them its not the right item for them, advising on actual condition ( not the bullion bollocks that most hide behind) cutting costs and helping with postage,managing expectations, and try to deliver a rapid service, whether I'm paying or receiving payment.

My view is, If someone wants to buy my item, they will buy it. They won't even have the brain power to see the comments on the thread, their focus and determination will ensure they get a price and condition then message to purchase. How do I know this? Because its what goes through my mind when I see something that sings to my taste/wallet. I get condition and if the price is deemed acceptable in my tiny brain, then I buy and pay within ( sometimes seconds) I'm very aware of how valuable people's time is,so I make it as painless as possible. 

I do agree that sales posts do get messy at times, but I've also witnessed it helping sales in a positive manner. How this can be controlled/changed is up to the moderation team, pretty sure they already act on blatant attempts of sabotage though?

I've hand on heart never used the report function since joining, call me old fashioned but talking usually helps. 

Change maybe needed, but if so, then change is needed across the board?? Yes!

Fun is good, can be taken too far at times I agree, but I think the forum police's itself remarkably well. We need to be very careful we don't create a super sterile environment that feels like a library, we can't all buy every second of every day, so if the only thing to exist on the forum was sterile sales posts with no comments allowed, then I'm cancelling my membership and finding other outlets to aquire what I need ( I can get that non personal experience from dealers) 

By all means tighten up on absolute nonsense, but also tighten up on the complete bullshit that goes on too. Favouritism, misleading/unhelpful information. Complaining about things- deep down you know have no impact on your plan/day. Trying it on with pricing and hoping to catch a naive newcomer by the short and curlys? Insulting offers, Complaining about the forum only hurts the forum and will sabotage it's progression. many things should change but I'm voting against taking fun out of the equation.

We can "all" improve, but at least I know personally that I've done right by people ( with their interests at heart not mine) and have never been out to get anyone, if I have a problem, I will message to fix. If ive made a mistake and I either realise or have been made aware,I will message to fix.




This should be you title for your next sale mate🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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3 minutes ago, Leonmarsh said:

Dave I have never left 

Maybe take heed of the comments from other forum members 

Thanks 👍

It was a comment you said,  you said YOU sold off your stack and YOU were going to spend your time else where.  

Of course it great to hear you are back, or you saying now you never left as you add so much depth and wisdom to this forum.  

I will personally look for you sales and I promise I will never comment on them. 

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1 minute ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

It was a comment you said,  you said YOU sold off your stack and YOU were going to spend your time else where.  

Of course it great to hear you are back, or you saying now you never left as you add so much depth and wisdom to this forum.  

I will personally look for you sales and I promise I will never comment on them. 

Dave, step back have a think your business of grading relies on people using you, and be default feeling comfortable sending there expensive coins to you 

In response to your backhanded quip, I don't claim to add any depth or wisdom.more than the next man,  and with respect I don't see much from you in terms of of knowledge or wisdom other than flipping and pumping out modern proofs, I have personally been put off using you for grading because of the constant gags

I have sold my stack bar one coin but my interest remains with pms, unlike others who seems to spend there life in here I also have other interests

Will I get back into pms probably 



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1 minute ago, Leonmarsh said:

Dave, step back have a think your business of grading relies on people using you, and be default feeling comfortable sending there expensive coins to you 

In response to your backhanded quip, I don't claim to add any depth or wisdom.more than the next man,  and with respect I don't see much from you in terms of of knowledge or wisdom other than flipping and pumping out modern proofs, I have personally been put off using you for grading because of the constant gags

I have sold my stack bar one coin but my interest remains with pms, unlike others who seems to spend there life in here I also have other interests

Will I get back into pms probably 



Fantastic news! ,  

If you look at the activity page the more banter, the more hits the more the sales are on the top of this list, when I'm on my phone I use this as my default TSF home screen so I'm drawn into sales/auction with more hits.  I've seen loads of banter in sales listings and I end up bidding for a  laugh and end up buying lots that I would have never known they were listed, I certainly would not have not looked for them. So the best thing to do if you do not want this for yourself then put something in the rules of your sales/auction.  (Serious auction only) (No fun here)  or Vice versa for those who do 

Have you ever thought about PM ing the people who do regularly comment on your sales?........I do and I sell direct to them for instance if they comment of a full sovereign and might not have a enough money to buy it I'll offer them a 1/2 0r a 1/4  every comment is a opportunity to sell,  I've done this recently on my Queens Beast sales and generated another 4 sales.     

This forum is full of very sharp people some I begrudgingly admire it's self policing. 


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Leon, I just asked a question in your sales post, "For scientific and demonstration purposes only"  

This is what happens on the activity thread most people use......It's just bumped it up!  


Good luck with the sale! 


Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 08.23.22.png

Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 08.24.18.png

Edited by GoldDiggerDave
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8 hours ago, James32 said:

As for cliques?? When I joined the forum there was an abundance of already formed "cliques" and it was quite off-putting, but I seem to have landed/fallen into a certain group of like minded people who can see life from a similar position. I would like to think this normal? And I certainly know that any new comer who attempts to interact with me/this group, is welcomed with open arm's. Cant say that about every clique?? Can a forum of over 18000 members all have the same personalities/traits? Highly doubtful.

Clique wasn't a well chosen word by myself and I hope I've not offended you or anyone else, that wasn't the intention.

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10 hours ago, Roy said:

Agreed, 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone!'

To mitigate the loss, I keep the Chard's website tab open to monitor the £/$ price and the site has its own compare function too.

(I realise you probably know this already!)


That's good to hear, although you probably notice we had a glitch last night affecting all 4 PM prices,

It looked like a faulty GBP:USD exchange rate. This iself was showing as around 1.0035 for some time, against what looked like an actual rate of about 1.10 to 1.11

We still do not what caused this, but are investigating. It also affected our on-site product pricing. We do have a number of filters and alerts in place, and these will be subject to checking and review.



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58 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

We still do not what caused this, but are investigating. It also affected our on-site product pricing. We do have a number of filters and alerts in place, and these will be subject to checking and review.

You are not alone, some make outrageous claims...

(GB News, 19th August, 2022)

gbnews gold.jpg

Edited by PapaLazarou

‘Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.’

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3 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

ok £20 but I want free RMSD

I'm all for more of that:

Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) is the most commonly used quantitative measure of the similarity between two superimposed atomic coordinates. RMSD values are presented in Å and calculated by. R M S D = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n d i 2.

Maths rules, OK?



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12 hours ago, Leonmarsh said:

Supportive of people making positive comments such this is a nice piece, and so on 

Its just the nonsense Im not a fan of

Yeah I get this, but I’ve never had a problem with odd comments myself but in response to the o.p AND trying to be brief, I personally think @Tn21 sums it up well. As a forum banter is good, maybe a bit more self moderation or in appropriate threads would be kind to others.

11 hours ago, Tn21 said:

The sales threads could be tightened up, but it is up to us to report and flag anything outside the 'permitted boundaries'

Having said that the more paid up members the better, the forum needs to grow and evolve.

@Orpster and @Zeuk make slightly longer points I’d say most will feel comfortable with, it’s really good this forum is welcoming and light hearted in places, I’ve found most people to be really engaging and helpful the past couple of years; so maybe it’s just a question of being respectful, so as not to deter grumpy old men like @Roy 🙂

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