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So, ive just started stacking....

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On 26/07/2022 at 16:04, AaaGee said:

As for silver there is a positive.

Im heading towards 50 now and never been good at saving money.

If i were to put 2.5k a year for the next 15 years on silver i would have what owes me £37.500 

Fingers crossed, at worst its still worth what it owes me. Sell it all and bank 37.k 

Surely its worth it?

This is hoping that i can afford to put 2 5k in yearly. Maybe some years more, some years less.

Sovereigns all day mate!  

Problem with that 37k in 15 years is lucky to be worth 12-15k in real terms.    Gold historically has always been a store of wealth look at a sovereign as a stored weeks take home wage today.  It's very likely still to be a weeks wage in 2037 when a weekly wage is £850 for example.   

Silver is not a store of wealth, it has not kept up with inflation.    

The only thing I can see putting gold under pressure in the mid term is very high interest rates as this historically has a negative effect on gold as there's better returns to be had having cash in the bank.  But I don't trust the banks one bit, would not surprise me if the banks all temped us to liquidate everything for the promise of a high interest return only to nail us all with a bail in once they are holding all of our cash. 

By all means buy what you like and live by the financial decisions you make for yourself.  







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39 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

Sovereigns all day mate!  

Problem with that 37k in 15 years is lucky to be worth 12-15k in real terms.    Gold historically has always been a store of wealth look at a sovereign as a stored weeks take home wage today.  It's very likely still to be a weeks wage in 2037 when a weekly wage is £850 for example.   

Silver is not a store of wealth, it has not kept up with inflation.    

The only thing I can see putting gold under pressure in the mid term is very high interest rates as this historically has a negative effect on gold as there's better returns to be had having cash in the bank.  But I don't trust the banks one bit, would not surprise me if the banks all temped us to liquidate everything for the promise of a high interest return only to nail us all with a bail in once they are holding all of our cash. 

By all means buy what you like and live by the financial decisions you make for yourself.  







Thanks, makes a lot of sense. You have voiced the opinion of others before you but its taken time for it to sink in with me (miss spent youth lol).

I'll get a hand full of silver brits a year just because I like em but will concentrate on gold. 

Thanks again 


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@AaaGee 👍nothing wrong with silver one bit as long as you are buying it for the right reasons, I’ve just bought some more this week, just made a quick 18% on it, not a massive amount pays for a few beers. 

some nice designs to be had and they are not expensive. So there is joy to be had collecting silver. 


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