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What might the gold price be in four years time in 2026?


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How many oz of gold can the average person buy per year now?   Take the nuclear family or close to it they may have a net income of 50-80k  if they are doing well......with all the outgoings  mortgage cars, credit cards, wife buying on amazon 16 times per week, kids hemorrhaging money I would not be surprised  that families outgoings  is 4-5k per month...........Doesn't really leave much for the stack.   

If people are like the above how much gold will you need to live, 2.5-3oz per month?    You are going to have to have the mother of all stacks if you think you can cash it in and live well for a good number of years.   gold rising is a poison chalice for the numpties who have not managed to work this scenario out as gold will always reflect inflation.    



Edited by GoldDiggerDave
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1 hour ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

How many oz of gold can the average person buy per year now?   Take the nuclear family or close to it they may have a net income of 50-80k  if they are doing well......with all the outgoings  mortgage cars, credit cards, wife buying on amazon 16 times per week, kids hemorrhaging money I would not be surprised  that families outgoings  is 4-5k per month...........Doesn't really leave much for the stack.   

If people are like the above how much gold will you need to live, 2.5-3oz per month?    You are going to have to have the mother of all stacks if you think you can cash it in and live well for a good number of years.   gold rising is a poison chalice for the numpties who have not managed to work this scenario out as gold will always reflect inflation.

For myself, at an all out push with no other projects on the go and a bit of overtime, I could manage 2 sovereigns a month, maybe 3 absolute maximum. This is based on sovereigns being £400-£450 per coin.

So with an average of two per month, I'd be looking at 24 sovereigns over a year, which is just over 5 ounces a year. Not a lot then in the scheme of things. Better value held than fiat I suppose.

But I'd rather put that money into silver at this time... I feel it has further to go. I'm not sure how I feel about gold at this time. I totally agree that the overall trajectory is upwards, but that said, the price rises over the past month have been manic. It feels like 2010 all over again to me. It going to go up some more and then at some point over the next month, it's going to drop. It's got a bubble feeling for me.

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Hard to believe that an average 1 oz gold is now over £1900! after I checked out my usual source at ATS this afternoon. That’s more than double what I’d like to pay (2017) !

So, like many others I’ve had to downsize. In my case it’s to 1/4 oz gold. But It seems that 1/4 Sovs or 1/10th oz are popular, even 1 g bars. 

For me the price of gold has already gone past the moon, and is now on a ‘slingshot’ course to Mars. It’s far too high!🙁



Edited by Britannia47
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Gold four years time?🤔🤔 be happy to be still alive by then 😮😁Any gold I buy by then will be a bonus so price then is nearly irrelevant 😮😮🤔

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