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anyone else had issues with bleyer ?


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7 minutes ago, BleyerBullion said:

Hi Gary

I see I am a bit late to the party here as I've been tied up in meetings all morning. I really do not understand why you felt the need to air something that I thought we had already addressed to your complete satisfaction.

Since this is in the public domain I am respecting your privacy, but here are the facts to put the record straight. I am very proud of my wonderful team who bend over backwards to help people all they can, it is a shame when this is not appreciated.

You have purchased several times from us and due to the amount of money spent overall, we requested standard compliance information. The fact that we have these procedures, keeps our bank and our merchant terminal provider happy. We do not pass this data onto anyone and this was clearly explained to you in a long email from me personally. Bullion dealers are routinely targeted by fraudsters using innocent people's money to buy bullion that can be easily turned into cash, our request to you was strictly standard practice - nothing more than that.

This was your tenth order over a period of almost 7 years so yes, since you seemed so upset about being asked for ID and your orders are not of enormous value, I felt it reasonably safe to make a small exception in this case. You ordered 2021 coins and 2022 coins. Our database was out, so there were no 2021 coins available but I did have 2022 coins coming in. 

In addition to waiving the ID request, I offered you a discount of £43.46 or a refund for the 2021 coins.

You were not happy with this offer and requested a refund. My sales team processed the refund immediately and advised that it may not show up immediately on your account.

I am interested to know what else we could possibly have done to please you?

I hope that whatever pain you are in will pass soon.

Best wishes



Well put Caroline...... 👍

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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3 hours ago, Bigmarc said:

Just tried to see what your first post was but I don't think the archives go back that far. 

When I first joined it took me a while to navigate my way around so I am very suspicious of these type of posts. 



Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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9 hours ago, dicker said:

Let's hope is not a 'One post wonder' who has simply done a 'drive by shouting' to vent his spleen and will be back with some constructive comments on the forum.

I am not a betting man but I suspect there is more chance of finding Lord Lucan riding Shergar at the 1430 from Aintree.


"Let's hope is not a 'One post wonder'"

I was hoping the opposite!

"I am not a betting man but I suspect there is more chance of finding Lord Lucan riding Shergar at the 1430 from Aintree."

Oh dear, and I've got £50 riding on it at 20:1


Just realised, maybe gg is a horse!

Edited by LawrenceChard


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Gary has not been back yet 23 hrs after his “warning”.

Barry has been missing in action since Wednesday.

There is a strong correlation between poor spelling and grammar, making random assertions and then disappearing.


Not my circus, not my monkeys

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The guy has expressed his dissatisfied experience with Bleyer which I feel he is entitled to do. This is a forum and yes granted this particular thread being the first is not great but imo well within his "rights". Folks come and go here on the forum, they come for the information or the deals and then the disappear. 

Being impartial to this and having read what both parties have stated it is clear now Bleyer have gone out of their way to satisfy this customer and have exhausted multiple options to provide the 'customer service' from the failed sale  

I think the individual wanted to vent his/her frustration at the fact that sale did not go through that is all. Most of us know there is always 2 sides to a story so initially I personally took the start of the thread with a pinch of salt.  


Maybe I am wrong about the individual within their right to make the thread,

please reply

Edited by Tn21
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20 minutes ago, dicker said:

Gary has not been back yet 23 hrs after his “warning”.

Barry has been missing in action since Wednesday.

There is a strong correlation between poor spelling and grammar, making random assertions and then disappearing.


Chuck Norris has found him

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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1 hour ago, Gordy said:

now we have two dealers linked to this thread... will @LawrenceChard or @BleyerBullion be getting in the new James Bond Diamonds are forever bars?

Is there much demand for these bars? I can find out but we haven't had much call for the James Bond series so far. Please contact us directly sales@bleyer.co.uk and we can look into it for you.

Bleyer Bullion is the South West's local bullion dealer, serving the whole of the UK by phone and online. Bleyer offers friendly, expert consultancy and welcomes face-to-face appointments with UK customers looking for a more personal service. Please visit us at: www.BleyerBullion.co.uk.

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Maybe mods should delete this or the OP shoudlndontjebrifjtbtjinf and remove the thread ? I can’t lie I’m guilty of being a sheep a lot of the time and posts like this usually convince me to not purchase. After ready the comments and Caroline though I have reconsidered to potentially using them in the future. What I’m getting at is a lot of people usually can get swayed not just by posts like this but in everyday life with things. Innocent until proven guilty ? Lol. Seriously though I think this post should disappear.

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2 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Maybe mods should delete this or the OP shoudlndontjebrifjtbtjinf and remove the thread ? I can’t lie I’m guilty of being a sheep a lot of the time and posts like this usually convince me to not purchase. After ready the comments and Caroline though I have reconsidered to potentially using them in the future. What I’m getting at is a lot of people usually can get swayed not just by posts like this but in everyday life with things. Innocent until proven guilty ? Lol. Seriously though I think this post should disappear.

Really? What is it that offends you, this guy came on and tried to blight the reputation of a reputable dealer and possibly new investers may be put off buying from them which can harm their business and without any merit as they didn't do anything wrong in my eyes anyway

When I purchase or look to purchase from Bleyer I ALWAYS look at the stock levels on what I am wanting to purchase.

Posts like this need to be kept alive so new members and new investers can be assured that they wont be ripped off by dealers and if keeping this thread going helps Bleyer to keep their reputation it can only be a good thing.

The OP came on here, became a member and never upgraded so it cost him nowt and he proceeded to post a slur against Bleyer without them knowing what was up and then he promptly buggered orf....

As they say. small pebbles can cause large ripples..

In this case i think the members are fully 100% correct in defending Bleyer in this matter.

He has as much chance to respond and defend what he is saying but where is the response?

Elvis (garyg) has left the building and if he has decided not to become a fully fledged member of the forum then this great forum has not lost one iota of influence.

This is just my opinion by the way and no animals (greyhounds) were harmed in the writing of this comment 

How many or these comments can you fit in a tube?


It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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