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Silver Monitoring Thread £ (GBP) only.

Message added by ChrisSilver

To discuss price action in USD instead, please see here: https://thesilverforum.com/topic/19861-silver-monitoring-thread-usd-only/


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Current Price


Live Change

0.16% £+0.04

Live high £22.42


Live low £22.37

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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Current Price


Live Change

-0.05% £-0.01

Live high £22.53


Live low £22.47

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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Current Price


Live Change

0.24% £+0.05

Live high £22.57


Live low £22.50

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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Current Price


Live Change

0.16% £+0.04

Live high £22.72


Live low £22.66

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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7 minutes ago, Petra said:

🤔😮just seen this on another thread🤔🤔😮🤷🏼‍♂️😁

May have been me. I posted it on the gold and the silver thread as it's relevant to both 😁

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7 minutes ago, katyc said:

May have been me. I posted it on the gold and the silver thread as it's relevant to both 😁


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Can anyone sum up whats happening and why - I have been busy and not paying attention. 

Having said that I told my group yesterday that it will most likely get smashed down today. 
After all these years watching the charts its so predictable at times. :P 

Whats the resistance levels in £ as i wanted to make some purchases. 

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4 minutes ago, Stacktastic said:

Can anyone sum up whats happening and why - I have been busy and not paying attention. 

Having said that I told my group yesterday that it will most likely get smashed down today. 
After all these years watching the charts its so predictable at times. :P 

Whats the resistance levels in £ as i wanted to make some purchases. 

Men in suits making a shitload of money betting against the market, the moffos paying the price?

We really don't need markets, they are useless for us.

More silver coins on my website  


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2 minutes ago, theman73 said:

Men in suits making a shitload of money betting against the market, the moffos paying the price?

We really don't need markets, they are useless for us.

Great as that was exactly my guess also - I said yesterday that this does not add up.
Also they probbaly knew about the jobs numbers ahead of time & knew people would go to safety only to get the rug pulled. :) 

Am i correct in that assumption as it looks very controlled and simple - pump it up get the cash in then rinse all the retail speculators. 

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Just now, Stacktastic said:

Great as that was exactly my guess also - I said yesterday that this does not add up.
Also they probbaly knew about the jobs numbers ahead of time & knew people would go to safety only to get the rug pulled. :) 

Am i correct in that assumption as it looks very controlled and simple - pump it up get the cash in then rinse all the retail speculators. 

Computer say Yes

More silver coins on my website  


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Current Price


Today Change

-1.53% £-0.33

Today high £21.51


Today low £20.86

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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On 05/08/2024 at 20:59, modofantasma said:

The US economy reaches Superstar Status


Dare I ask but.... Are things just too rosy in the world for silver price to push for a new high? 

At some point (from the article)


From the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, U.S. GDP grew by 8.2 percent—nearly twice as fast as Canada’s, three times as fast as the European Union’s, and more than eight times as fast as the United Kingdom’s.

will flip. Exodus out of the US Dollar and US assets, businesses preferring to list elsewhere ...etc. The considerably stretched US elastic will snap back. Fundamentally why a global stock index fund should be preferred over just a US stock index fund. When that occurs, gold and silver in USD may very well rise, a lot. A relatively depreciating dollar however is a rise in other currencies, where gold/silver may decline in price.

I envisage that the flip will be more of a rapid rather than progressive transition a.k.a. US stocks taking big/rapid hits, perhaps even halving or more in a single year. Stocks tend to take the stairs up, elevator down. What may transpire is a transition to where after that the US Dollar is no longer seen as the safe haven, instead gold being preferred i.e. after large declines the US could remain down, enduring multiple 'lost decades'. It's financial weaponising (Russian sanctions) haven't gone down at all well with the rest of the world.

A factor is that the US has transitioned to where many rely upon stocks for their pensions, reduced collective insurance to put the onus upon individuals. When that falters many may endure great hardship. Sadly much the same trend is rising here in the UK, self insure your health care costs, pension, etc. individually becomes more of a lottery.

The 2008/9 financial crisis was largely a consequence of banks gameplay of heads they win, tails the taxpayer bails them out. After that came up tails things transitioned to where states started playing the same gameplay, but where WHEN they lose ... there's no one to bail them out. States are playing the stock markets, have the benefit of insider information, but where for each winner there has to be a loser. The US is masterful at that insider trading however sooner or later that will misfire.

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1 hour ago, Bratnia said:

banks gameplay of heads they win, tails the taxpayer bails them out

I prefer the term: Privatise the profits and socialise the losses

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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I bought silver! 😇

Well, an ETF 😂

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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Just now, HerefordBullyun said:


This was made 3 months before black Japan monday

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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