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19 hours ago, Minimalist said:

Your judgement is wrong and insidious.

If members are under that perception, then they are mistaken and will be treated in a insouciant way. Im not here to compose to member(s) perceptions, opinions and desires. I post from a position of truth, curiosity and culture.

Since you really want an answer because you are under this illusion that you think the fiat philosophical commitment is worthy this is my final position: I preserve metal wealth and use it as a protective shield (insurance) against the World Order/Banking Cartel. Like, Russia and China, preserving metal holdings comes from the antonym of historical comprehension - both these entities will be correct along with myself. Ideas that come out of Eton College should be regarded as economic illiteracy and disingenuous intent. The functions of "keynesianism" is to propagate a social and political agenda, to put the 99% into disadvantage through counterfeiter fiat creation for the benefit of one-percenters. It is the 99% who owes the public debt and it is the one-percenters who own the corresponding financial assets - interest on the public debt works like a regressive tax as long as the debt is rolling over. Until you admit that fiat printing is nothing more than a redistribution program the better. I will NEVER... EVER... get on with the agenda pushing of demanding the economy is to produce other outcomes than what most of the people need, prefer and desire. The illusion that the Global Cartel deserves to be elevated over the average persons preferences, that their manipulation and central planning is considered and should be logically followed is an act of lunacy. Not only have you fallen for the establishment, its propaganda pieces, the entirety of the system, it echoes into day-to-day life to the population: "the economies booming" "there is no inflation" these incorrect dogmatic conditioned common beliefs are a reflection of total control. Myself, and others on this forum, can easily conclude that we are a modern fiat slave class - subjugated in every way to the Banking Cartel. Even the littlest of effort to point this out, from the CPI, paper/futures manipulation, the City, legal manoeuvring, quantitative easing and "extraterritorial jurisdiction" is almost always met with a resented or hostile reaction. The average person does not want to admit it because it requires independent thinking then action. Every single bit of it is interconnected, right through the economy and into social actions - the family is being destroyed, there is a lack of love, couples are incapable of loving in comparison to older generations this is simply radiating from most people I have experienced. The public health of this system has pineal glands damaged, oxytocin destroyed by seed oils and GMO, hearts covered by trauma, gut so irritated and inflamed they are unable to think, offended by anything and everything. But dont listen to me, HH. I am only on the right side of history.

Do you speak any other language than truth?

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23 hours ago, sixgun said:

We have entered the inflation stage - funny how things play out.

Give me some data to back this up?

Every chart I look at tells the same tale, running hot up until 2007/8 then not so good since; We seem in a way less inflationary period than pre financial crisis, quite the opposite in fact

The more I look and learn the less I understand this fixation with inflation, seems like a made up dream by people who dont understand Fed QE is bank reserves 


Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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4 minutes ago, Kman said:

Give me some data to back this up?

Every chart I look at tells the same tale, running hot up until 2007/8 then not so good since; We seem in a way less inflationary period than pre financial crisis, quite the opposite in fact

The more I look and learn the less I understand this fixation with inflation, seems like a made up dream by people who dont understand Fed QE is bank reserves 


Oh come on - where have you been?
A 5 second look on my Twitter feed



Energy bills set to rise £139 for 15 million people: how to make sure you’re not among them

Here is ShadowStats - the guy plots prices using the old time basket


i know this is true b/c i look in my shopping basket - i buy stuff for a small company and see the invoices for the same things going up.

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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30 minutes ago, Kman said:

Give me some data to back this up?

Every chart I look at tells the same tale, running hot up until 2007/8 then not so good since; We seem in a way less inflationary period than pre financial crisis, quite the opposite in fact

The more I look and learn the less I understand this fixation with inflation, seems like a made up dream by people who dont understand Fed QE is bank reserves 



I grew up with inflation in the 1970's; great for savers, mortgages/borrowing, not so much.

I'm not pretending I know how or when, but history does has a habit of repeating and has done so several times before.

I just today received the history file for a 1969 car, the factory included 16 gallons of petrol on the invoice, it cost five pounds, four shillings and 8 pence = 6 shillings and six and a half pence per gallon; clearly the 1970's fuel crisis paid a part in that, but it does demonstrate how commodities price increases can cause ravishing inflation - the niche car company itself of course went bust as a result.

Silver however did rather well in that environment ...........

Edited by Coverte

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.

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30 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Oh come on - where have you been?
A 5 second look on my Twitter feed

 know this is true b/c i look in my shopping basket - i buy stuff for a small company and see the invoices for the same things going up.

Problems with supply is nothing to do with currency though and should be transitory*

Edited by Kman

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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14 minutes ago, Minimalist said:

SGS alternative measurement looks really accurate from a personal experience point of view (purchasing).

CPI is well over 10% right now.

Sorry - you are deceiving yourself. You clearly don't understand Fed QE is bank reserves. Anything you see going up is transitory supply side fluctuations and they will settle down pretty quickly. The $trillions being pushed out as stimmies, furlough, bail outs etc - these are minor ripples on the pond - it's transitory - Jay Powell called me last night and told me so. 

Edited by sixgun

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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4 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Sorry - you are deceiving yourself. You clearly don't understand Fed QE is bank reserves. Anything you see going up is transitory supply side fluctuations and they will settle down pretty quickly. The $trillions being pushed out as stimmies, furlough, bail outs etc - these are minor ripples on the pond - it's transitory - Jay Powell called me last night and told me so. 

Its incredible, people genuinely believe it despite witnessing their own shopping basket increase in price. All to deny it for God Powell.

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39 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Sorry - you are deceiving yourself. You clearly don't understand Fed QE is bank reserves. Anything you see going up is transitory supply side fluctuations and they will settle down pretty quickly. The $trillions being pushed out as stimmies, furlough, bail outs etc - these are minor ripples on the pond - it's transitory - Jay Powell called me last night and told me so. 

Arent a lot of covid schemes in the UK coming to an end now? furlough, seiss etc; Ive seen a lot of people unhappy on twitter over £20 being cut from universal credit

Ive not kept up to date with the US stuff but just checking I see the US supreme court has overruled a ban on evictions and also covid unemployed benefits have been stopped September 6th

So yes seems like a lot of help is coming to end, but thats ok because im sure everyone will be employed and wanting to spend spend spend right? and it will be a very hot economy leading to some very inflationary conditions 🥵

Or is it people tend to focus on what governments and central banks are doing too much and not whats missing and why theyre having to do anything in the first place, hint: its not because things are going well and conditions are inflationary

This picture just says it all


Where would consumer and business debt be no financial crisis? theres missing trillions that would would have been created otherwise

You can see the same for business, for imports, to countries GDP

Look at Chinas GDP, from growing 14% in 2007 to, by their standards, barely growing at 6% in 2019, why the slow down?? a decade after US QE started, wow the Feds balance sheet goes up lets focus on that.. meanwhile the real world shows something is missing

gdpchina.thumb.jpg.15b6180dc54d7553d64545c026492077.jpgCan you really look at this stuff and deny reality that its deflationary? 

You guys are obsessed with central banks and Powell, I love Jeff Snider. 


Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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We will see @Kman - clearly all the prices at my supermarket will be going down and if not i will get you to tell them to put the prices down.

We look at the real world not dot plots.
Are prices all around us going up? That's what people like me and @Minimalist see. 
Are we in stagflation? i lived through the 1970's - there was lots of stagflation.

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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1 hour ago, sixgun said:

We will see @Kman - clearly all the prices at my supermarket will be going down and if not i will get you to tell them to put the prices down.

whilst you're doing your accounts for judgement calls,

where do all of the people who got duped by the wss silver squeeze scam go to for compensation?

is it you for promoting that silver was a short squeeze when it's price was over $26?


for one that doesn't supply figures and time frames you can talk about others future predictions.

and on the odd occasion that you do give a time frame,


just make up an excuse explanation,


just reading that sentence shows how ignorant you are about the feds claim of transitory higher inflation.



Edited by HawkHybrid
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This is the point. Jay Powell et al come on the telly and spout what they spout. They quote their numbers and their plots. The tame controlled media give them the prepared and rehearsed questions.
The economy is strong, inflation is 2% - oh well it is a bit more but it is transitory.....
Then when you look at other sources i hear that foreigners are not buying Treasuries, it's entities related to the Exchange Stabilisation Fund holed up in the Cayman Islands etc. The plunge protection team appears and pumps up the index. The unemployment rate comes out low but 20+ percent don't have a job. Catherine Austin Fitts talks about the missing $21 trillions she found on the books. Mark Skidmore talks about finding $90 odd trillions missing - the books are closed to scrutiny under Fasb 56 so anything could be happening. Further estimates have been guesstimated at approaching $200 trillion of missing 'money'. There is so much cash swirling around. 9/11 was the excuse to invade Afghanistan to reinstate the nacro-trade to support the US economy post the dot com bubble bursting. The naco-trade runs on cash. $billions of back handers and bribes run on cash. Pallet loads of dollars. There are $millions if not $billions of counterfeit dollars. You yourself said there is no idea how many Eurodollars there are out there. It is like a Columbian drug cartel counting room - awash with illegal and opaque cash.
None of the charts can make sense in those circumstances. 

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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I dont know about stagflation, deflation, inflation, constipation, lactation or whether our prime minister will every get a proper hair cut,

but one things for sure you are experts at taking a thread completely off topic. ;) 


Polymetal and Wheaton stock is looking starting to very tempting. 

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1 minute ago, sixgun said:

This is the point

this is the point.

1. last data figures shows there is a higher level of inflation than the 2% inflation target of the fed

2. the fed was asked why is this the case and the response was that it is transitory.

3. the fed expects inflation to get back down to it's 2% target.

4. at 2% it means prices should rise each year by 2%, and that is considered normal and the end to the transitory period of high inflation.


if prices get back to rising by close to 2% (fed figures) in a relatively small time frame then they are correct in claiming it's transitory.


people who don't understand this and take any positive inflation in a fiat currency system as the worse thing ever, needs to read more.


furthermore big price rises in isolated locations/sectors etc. due to supply/regulation etc. don't necessarily count as inflation.

(eg when cardboard prices went up by 300% does not mean inflation was 300% in the same time frame)



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Ive posted about food inflation a few times,  as said before the government need cheap food to keep the masses happy.    Next year will be a shock for everyone food inflation will be high and some things won’t be available 

2 big things fertiliser gone from £200 last year to £475 this if you can get it. Tens of thousands of acres of grain won’t be planted this year.     Added to this the government’s green revolution whereby they are paying for wild flowers and bird seed mixes are taking as much out the system also.   So Britain will have to get used to having some pretty flowers and some nice birds but bread will be short. 
government are too blind to see what’s happening but this time next year food will be a struggle  

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20 minutes ago, Cornishfarmer said:

government are too blind to see what’s happening

Sometime I really want to think that this is true. ;)
& they are just a bunch of upper crust wallies who are completely out of sync with real life. 

I prefer to be ruled by democratic idealistic cretins and not totalitarian facist reptilians. 

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I see AG:£ has ticked up today, despite AG:$ falling.  This is on the back of £:$ falling, in turn because $ is stronger today.  I cant tell you why that is (DXY hit new yearly high, steadily increasing - so much for the weak dollar story). 

So much to say, marco economic outlook has a lot of twists and turns, whatever you think inflation is, either in UK or US. 

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2 hours ago, HawkHybrid said:

people who don't understand this and take any positive inflation in a fiat currency system as the worse thing ever, needs to read more.

Serious question - Are you insinuating that the Fed have hit their 2% target nearly every annual year or close to it? 

Edited by Minimalist
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1 hour ago, Martlet said:

I see AG:£ has ticked up today, despite AG:$ falling.  This is on the back of £:$ falling, in turn because $ is stronger today.  I cant tell you why that is (DXY hit new yearly high, steadily increasing - so much for the weak dollar story). 

So much to say, marco economic outlook has a lot of twists and turns, whatever you think inflation is, either in UK or US. 

its due to a flight to quality effect, equities are bleeding at the moment (US down 2%) and their chart looks precarious atm !

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4 hours ago, sixgun said:

There is so much cash swirling around.

Did you read my earlier post with the charts? you can see what happens when theres ample liquidity pre financial crisis and what happens when theres not post

If no financial crisis China wouldnt care about a new reserve currency because they would still be growing exponentially

How can March 2020 happen, a liquidity crisis, if theres so much cash?

2 hours ago, Cornishfarmer said:

Ive posted about food inflation a few times,  as said before the government need cheap food to keep the masses happy.    Next year will be a shock for everyone food inflation will be high and some things won’t be available 

2 big things fertiliser gone from £200 last year to £475 this if you can get it. Tens of thousands of acres of grain won’t be planted this year.     Added to this the government’s green revolution whereby they are paying for wild flowers and bird seed mixes are taking as much out the system also.   So Britain will have to get used to having some pretty flowers and some nice birds but bread will be short. 
government are too blind to see what’s happening but this time next year food will be a struggle  

Tell me if this is wrong

"Food prices are likely to soar next year after record-high gas prices forced fertiliser manufacturers to halt production, experts have warned."

Are current gas prices anything to do with too much currency?

Are high shipping container costs  anything to do with too much currency? Or is it shutting things down with lockdowns and expecting to reopen like nothing happened

Kdave talked about it a lot with oil to his credit but it seems to have caused problems with a lot more

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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7 minutes ago, Kman said:

Did you read my earlier post with the charts? you can see what happens when theres ample liquidity pre financial crisis and what happens when theres not post

If no financial crisis China wouldnt care about a new reserve currency because they would still be growing exponentially

How can March 2020 happen, a liquidity crisis, if theres so much cash?

yes i saw all your charts and i replied on that basis. The Fed PhD economists have all the charts but their predictions and actions based on said charts do not connect with the real world. You have posted plenty based on this type of chart and you are confronted with members saying something very different. You gave up posting b/c members did not seem to accept or appreciate your efforts. i expect you became disheartened and thought sod it.  i have no doubt you are very sincere. 
The likes of Minimalist and myself are also very sincere. i doubt we will meet as there probably isn't any middle ground. In the end it will be the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Edited by sixgun

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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7 minutes ago, sixgun said:

The likes of Minimalist and myself are also very sincere. i doubt we will meet as there probably isn't any middle ground. In the end it will be the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

It comes down to the fact that these people refuse to believe that the Fed/Banking Cartel is fundamentally built on deception and dishonest intent.

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42 minutes ago, Kman said:

Did you read my earlier post with the charts? you can see what happens when theres ample liquidity pre financial crisis and what happens when theres not post

If no financial crisis China wouldnt care about a new reserve currency because they would still be growing exponentially

How can March 2020 happen, a liquidity crisis, if theres so much cash?

Tell me if this is wrong

"Food prices are likely to soar next year after record-high gas prices forced fertiliser manufacturers to halt production, experts have warned."

It’s not just the shut down it’s the cost of fert.     To produce milling wheat you use more fert. If you use £30 more fert and only get £10 more farmers will just produce feed wheat.     Or because the fert price is so high they could just plant spring barley which needs a lot less fert and sprays.    Also lot of talk about just leaving fallow to help the soil structure but that won’t produce any grain at all.

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