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closed South Gippsland Bullion - Series of Decent


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The South Gippsland Bullion Series of Decent!


Issue #1, 'The Reaper', depicts the Greedy Banker-Pig gleefully printing more Dying Dollars, oblivious his suicidal actions are bringing about his own death as The Reaper stands in judgement behind him .




Issue #2, ‘World Leaders’, depicts the World Leader Puppet Clown lying through their teeth and drooling over the prospects of more power and more money promised to them by their faceless puppet masters. Their mission? Say anything; promise anything to stay in power, but whatever you do, “keep screwing the taxpayer”.




Issue #3, ‘Too Big To Fail’, depicts the Greedy, Insatiable Corporate Monster Building: ‘BIG’, devouring small business, screwing suppliers. Its mission? To feed itself and to make everyone else pay for the privilege.




Issue #4, ‘Recycle’, shows how the Crushing Triumvirate of Government, Big Corporations and The Banks conspire to drink deeply from our wallets, defiling the real meaning of a ‘free market economy’. They squeeze brutally to whittle away our wealth and Recycle their plunder amongst their own.




  • Exclusive private mintage strictly limited to 8888 oz

  • 'Collector's Bullion'. Never to be reproduced: Dies destroyed after mint complete

  • Mirror-finished, hand-polished

  • Only available individually pre-packed in coin capsules. No tubes, no scratches.

  • Manufactured in Australia to high-quality bullion standards

  • Definitely no privys, no mis-strikes (will be destroyed),

  • Anti-banking; anti currency-debasement global appeal

  • Professionally commissioned artwork by illustrator and cartoonist Mathew Johnston

The Obverse:




The Double Obverse. The Smiling Pirate Assassin on the obverse tips his tricorn to the popular anarchic symbolism of Fawkes, the anonymous face of the SGB Buyers Club Members. The skull and cross bones makes up the second obverse. Only 888 will ever be produced! Then the dies will be destroyed!






I have some sets with display cases, some without.






The only set I have seen sold did not include the double obverse.


I am having to increase prices slightly on what I was hoping to charge. This is because I got hit with a massive import duty/tax bill getting them into Europe in Portugal! Ho Hum. I still think I have these cheaper than anyone else outside of Australia!


I can't do singles unless you want the 3rd round - Recycle, which I have plenty of spares of. Other than that, I can only do singles if I have enough people to make up a full set - I would rather not be left with odd ones!



For the first 4 rounds they are £30 each, and £35 for the limited double obverse. £11.50 for the display case.


These are the only full sets I know of outside of Australia, and the cheapest prices I have seen too!

If you buy the full set I will pay standard international postage, if you would like insurance or registered delivery, I would ask you to make up the small difference in postage for that!


So full sets in case are £166.50 delivered.

Full sets not in case £155 delivered.


For registered or insurance you would just pay the difference between that and standard mail.


I prefer payment direct into my UK bank account, but I can accept payment in Euro at an agreed rate, or via Paypal gift.



Thank you for looking. Apologies for my poor photography. These things are so shiny it's impossible to get a shot without a reflection of something on them. More pics can be taken on request.





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