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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

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4 minutes ago, Paul said:

Back on the up again ↗️📈🚀= :) 

Damn Right, Look we only have a few weeks left before the moon.

As a P.S. Don't believe all that's on the tinterwebs. It'll be $10,000 🤣🤣🤣

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11 minutes ago, ZRPMs said:

Damn Right, Look we only have a few weeks left before the moon.

As a P.S. Don't believe all that's on the tinterwebs. It'll be $10,000 🤣🤣🤣

I will have a listen now - see what our Yankee oracle friend sees in his optimistic crystal ball 🔮

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39 minutes ago, Paul said:

Yay !!

Got my seat in Seat 1B in the front row :) 

@James32 got there first and nabbed the window seat :( 

Speedy Boarding.  Will all speedy boarders please report to the gate with your passport and boarding passes ready. Where you will be guided to a corridor an stand there for an hour before boarding the flight today which will take you to the moon. Welcome to EasyRocket. 

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Reports of Belarus massing troops on their border with Ukraine, presumed defensive but now we have pictures of  Belarusian tanks painted with the “B” in white paint.

This might be part of a bluff but if not, there’s potential for this to explode, might push gold up next week, worth keeping an eye on.


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6 hours ago, pricha said:

Speedy Boarding.  Will all speedy boarders please report to the gate with your passport and boarding passes ready. Where you will be guided to a corridor an stand there for an hour before boarding the flight today which will take you to the moon. Welcome to EasyRocket. 

Recent trip to Krakow with Wizz air (from Gatwick) 1:45 delayed on the way out, 1:30 delay on the way back. Whoosh! NOT! Of course delay notification was also delayed so couldn't even opt to delay leaving for the airport.

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Do we have a better idea of the price of gold in a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2, 5, 10 years than 'experts' do? I believe we do.

Type away and the winner get 10 points😁

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13 hours ago, VGfine said:

Reports of Belarus massing troops on their border with Ukraine, presumed defensive but now we have pictures of  Belarusian tanks painted with the “B” in white paint.

This might be part of a bluff but if not, there’s potential for this to explode, might push gold up next week, worth keeping an eye on.


The UN should make a Humantarian buffer zone between Belarus and Ukraine. Belarus are flexing to keep the Ukrainian troops from redeploying. 

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 

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33 minutes ago, KevjustKev said:

Do we have a better idea of the price of gold in a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2, 5, 10 years than 'experts' do? I believe we do.

Type away and the winner get 10 points😁

3 months 1930

6 months 1950

1 year 2000

5 years 2400

10 years 2900

No evidence used or any responsibility taken!

Edited by davejones
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1 hour ago, KevjustKev said:

Do we have a better idea of the price of gold in a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2, 5, 10 years than 'experts' do? I believe we do.

Type away and the winner get 10 points😁

If your offering 10 sovs then I'm all in...

10 years 

155676433345666677776655444498876665555555 vietnamese dong

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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2 hours ago, BLOOMMAN101 said:

3 months     meh

6 months    don't care

1 year       ditto

5 years    higher

10 years    higher still

Don't care +1

Price down, more ounces (fewer stock shares); Price up, fewer ounces (more stock shares). Jan 2011 to Jan 2024 and gold in US has just about recovered to have matched inflation.


50/50 stock/gold yearly rebalanced and you'd have nearly twice as many ounces of gold in your safe without having added a single penny.

Jan 1980 to Jan 2000 and gold halved in nominal terms, quartered in real terms (you lost 75% purchase power). 50/50 with stocks and you ended up with nearly 8 times more ounce of gold in your safe. The increased number of ounces offset inflation and some.

In other cases it swings the other way around, gold does well, stocks struggle, end up with fewer ounces of gold held, more stock shares held.

Edited by Bratnia
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4 hours ago, NGMD said:

Belarus are flexing to keep the Ukrainian troops from redeploying. 

cf. "Belarus are flexing, thus offering Ukrainian troops the chance to defect - and eat food."

‘Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.’

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Looks like the usual Fri pm drop, any guessing on close being above/below £1,900?

Edited by CaptCaveMan

Looking to complete a date run of Bu Sovs and still require; 2010, 2011, 2018 & 2019

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5 hours ago, PapaLazarou said:

cf. "Belarus are flexing, thus offering Ukrainian troops the chance to defect - and eat food."

Maybe they're concerned about the Ukrainian plutonium enrichment and ballistic missile developments within Ukraine nearing completion, and are suggesting that Ukraine should test those elsewhere. With recent Ukrainian advances into Russia Moscow is just a short 300 mile hop distance.

Such news as it breaks should see gold move higher.

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21 hours ago, Chronos said:

The downfall of Germany:


Pre 2008/9 financial crisis and Germany was making massive speculative bets. When the 2008/9 financial crisis hit and those bets turned bad, they swapped them over to the ECB (rest of EU). No different other than in scale to banks playing heads they win, tails and taxpayers bail them out gameplay. Greek debts by comparison were just a drop in the ocean - however unlike Germany Greece was permitted a bail-out - denied by Germany.

Much of the EU are net beneficiaries, that ensures entrapment, the few that are/were net contributors include the UK and a claimed similar for Germany, however in reality Germany has also been a net beneficiary. The UK sold much of its gold to help kick start the Euro, and for decades net contributed towards the uplift of other net beneficiary EU countries/states. Now our roads are worse than theirs ...etc. but as a parting factor the UK had to pay to leave despite having net contributed over £1 trillion (inflation adjusted) during its EU membership years.

If Brexit had been correctly progressed rather than parliament striving to hinder it at every opportunity the UK could have been in a very comfortable position. For instance given that the French aid rather than hinder boats full of migrants leaving its shores for the UK the UK should have responded with a attack upon the EU, applied for instance 75% withholding taxes, which would drive the repatriation of the likes of water, rail, utilities etc. that were lost to foreign ownership as part of being in the EU. Most countries apply withholding taxes, the US for instance default to a 30% rate, 30% of any US stock dividends paid to foreign holders are retained by the US (reduced to 15% in the case of the UK under a US/UK tax treaty arrangement). France had (maybe still does?) apply a 75% withholding rate against investors residing within 'unfriendly' states/countries.

Rubbish political management, political risk, has driven away much of otherwise UK inward investment, the entire market value of UK stocks is quite small, isn't that much larger than a few of the largest of single US stocks, around £4 trillion. When that collectively pays out 4% in dividends and if half of those dividends go overseas - that's £80Bn/year, a 20% applied withholding tax might generate a £16Bn/year revenue. or £60Bn if a punitive 75% withholding rate were applied. Foreigners paying what otherwise would have to be raised via taxes from UK residents.

Edited by Bratnia
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