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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

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1 hour ago, James32 said:

Can you explain this to an idiot like me? Please.

Its not a spot price its a futures price you can see the open and close prices for future dated contracts here could be the Feb contact 15 years since I bothered with future so could be wrong   https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/future/gc00

I'm alright, Jack, Keep your hands off of my stack

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4 minutes ago, theman73 said:


No, but thanks! I like 😊

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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31 minutes ago, bobski said:

Speaking of which, do you know of a dealer on here who I can sell a 1911 sov  to for spot or even under spot? one with an XRF to confirm absolutely that it's genuine. I bought it on TSF and it passed all of my tests and the sigma, but a random on Facebook said he thinks its counterfeit but still gold nonetheless (from 2 rubbish photos). I'm happy to take care of any and all postage. I just can't be bothered fannying around with it


Arphethean maybe 

Although if you post clear photos on a thread, I'm sure he expert's will happily chime in.

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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34 minutes ago, bobski said:

I bought it on TSF and it passed all of my tests and the sigma, but a random on Facebook said he thinks its counterfeit but still gold nonetheless (from 2 rubbish photos).

Why does this concern you Bob? 

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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Just now, bobski said:

Because any amount of doubt is doubt to me, and I won't sell it without someone being 100% happy, and without being completely honest

I believe either @StackSellRepeat or @sellerstacker frequent the jewellery quarter and would have access to that machine. But I still think starting a thread and asking opinions is the quickest option. 

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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Just now, James32 said:

I believe either @StackSellRepeat or @sellerstacker frequent the jewellery quarter and would have access to that machine. But I still think starting a thread and asking opinions is the quickest option. 

I'll take a bunch of photos and do my best to start a thread. ok if I tag you in it?

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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2 minutes ago, bobski said:

Because any amount of doubt is doubt to me, and I won't sell it without someone being 100% happy, and without being completely honest

That's fair. But if you have done checks and a sigma test, then you are confident to the best of your abilities.  @Spyder knows HGM .

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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1 minute ago, James32 said:

In the meantime, study these from Chards.. they take very good/clear pictures. 


Also I believe ( can't remember exactly) it's a very high mintage year, so why fake it is my initial thoughts. 

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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1 minute ago, James32 said:

Also I believe ( can't remember exactly) it's a very high mintage year, so why fake it is my initial thoughts. 

That was my thought. I just think that it's been polished. Possibly previously mounted. Will start a thread now bud

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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1 minute ago, bobski said:

That was my thought. I just think that it's been polished. Possibly previously mounted. Will start a thread now bud

The Indian fakes out in the middle east in the past were often 24 carat.  Fake but not the end of the world to be getting a little extra gold.

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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Just now, silversky said:

The Indian fakes out in the middle east in the past were often 24 carat.  Fake but not the end of the world to be getting a little extra gold.

I'll be happy to just pass it on either way mate

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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5 minutes ago, Chronos said:

Beijing Helicopter Taking Off: China Central Banker Calls For Direct Money Transfers To Households:


Interesting, thanks. I'd like to think they wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the US in the past, however we'll see. 

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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9 hours ago, Roy said:

Are the markets closed?

I'll donate £5 to the winner or a charity of their choice if you can guess where I am. I'll give clues sporadically 😊

You only get one chance so think before you guess! Any second guesses will be ignored. Sounds like fun?

I'm in the Americas 😊

Sunderland ? 

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7 hours ago, bobski said:

I'll take a bunch of photos and do my best to start a thread. ok if I tag you in it?

Bob, Very noble of you for not selling something that you are not too sure of. Yas lives in Bham and I frequently visit the Jewellery Quarter. If you are concerned and are only looking for scrap value. I can get you spot or very close to spot for the coin. The problem with the Jewellery Quarter is that they will tell you the purity of the metal in the coin but not if the coin is genuine, as they buy to melt. I have seen quite a few absolute fakes (but 22 ct sov coins) pass through their hands (into the pot). Something like 3.jpg 

would pass their tests. That said, I have also seen genuine George 3 and 4 sovs go into the pot. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. If you want me to I can take the coin with me when I go to Bham next and get you an answer on what the refiners would offer. So long as its .9167 you will get between 98% to 100% of spot price for it (based on who is willing to take it on the day). Regards, S

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6 hours ago, gji25 said:


Don't know if gold is high, or low. What I do know is that at around a 16.8 Dow/Gold ratio https://www.macrotrends.net/1378/dow-to-gold-ratio-100-year-historical-chart that's the same as it was in September 1929, January 1959, April/May 1979, October/November 1996, November 2007, November 2015, July 2024 ... and any other times it stood at around 16.8.

If you held gold between any of those dates - it was no more/less rewarding than holding a Dow stock index share. A difference of course is that stocks also pay dividends, perhaps a broad 4% average dividend yield. 50/50 Dow/Gold would have earned 2% in dividends instead of the 4% if you just held the Dow, before taxes, after taxes ... perhaps 1.5% versus 3%. BUT! Dow/Gold 50/50 was less volatile than just the Dow, elements of inverse correlations, 15% standard deviation instead of 22% for just stock. The same average reward with a lower standard deviation yields a higher annualised (actual) reward. Plug in a 5% average, and 22% standard deviation into the calculator near the bottom of this link https://www.gummystuff.org/AM-vs-GM.htm and compare that to a 15%standard deviation and you get a 1.2% difference, which being a capital gain may be tax efficient compared to dividends. 1.5% net dividend from 50/50 + 1.2% higher annualised = 2.7% combined, compared to 3% net dividend from holding just 100% Dow.

History will continue to repeat, the Dow/Gold ratio might rise or fall from present levels, as it has done in the past. I don't see time running out for the Fed as that implies collapse of the US/Dollar. More likely the Fed will continue, but the US may falter for a while, 60% of global stock market cap being via the US is above-average, another/others could rise and the US relatively decline as it did when Japan rose to near 50% in the Sony Walkman/Yamaha bikes ...etc. years when Japanese products became household names and the US declined from 60% share of global market cap down to 30% levels. The easiest way to address such fluctuations is to hold a global stock index fund instead of just a single countries stock index fund, combined with gold. A form of global currency of sorts that is more inclined to increase its purchase power rather than lose purchase power as fiat currencies are destined/designed to do.

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10 hours ago, JamesH said:
1 hours ago, Roy said:

Are the markets closed?

I'll donate £5 to the winner or a charity of their choice if you can guess where I am. I'll give clues sporadically 😊

You only get one chance so think before you guess! Any second guesses will be ignored. Sounds like fun?

I'm in the Americas 😊

You've decided to cut out the middle man and are digging up the Yukon.

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