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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

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On 30/06/2024 at 11:58, jultorsk said:

Writing on the wall?



The wealthy are already fleeing Britain over fears about Keir Starmer's tax raids, it was claimed today. City lawyer Ayesha Vardag revealed a 'flood' of clients had already left ahead of what is expected to be a Labour landslide. Ms Vardaq, whose firm specialises in high-profile divorce battles, said the wealthy were opting for destinations such as Dubai and Monaco rather than risk hikes in capital gains and inheritance tax.

It is the latest sign of anxiety about the prospect of a Labour government with potentially the largest majority in history. Sir Keir has insisted that apart from closing specific tax loopholes, nothing in his manifesto requires additional tax rises for 'working people'. But critics say his plans cannot be delivered without unleashing tax hikes yet to be declared to voters.


Gold GBP1,846.43

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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20 minutes ago, Paul said:

I wonder if gold/pound £ sterling will have a wobble with new very  government soon ?? 

If it is as big a certainty as paper/polls are saying I would think its already priced in ,just imho

I'm alright, Jack, Keep your hands off of my stack

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56 minutes ago, Paul said:

I wonder if gold/pound £ sterling will have a wobble with new very  government soon ?? 

I think we may see the opposite once the current comedy show are ushered out.

A government actually looking to do the job they are elected to do will be a nice change. The Conservatives are a busted flush, their time is up.

I would happily pay a penny or three extra in income tax (or however it is administered) to fix our broken country. 

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3 minutes ago, TheShinyStuff said:

I think we may see the opposite once the current comedy show are ushered out.

A government actually looking to do the job they are elected to do will be a nice change. The Conservatives are a busted flush, their time is up.

I would happily pay a penny or three extra in income tax (or however it is administered) to fix our broken country. 

If Raynor and Lammy are in his cabinet I don't see this being a functional government.  The pound might take a bit of a wobble, raising gold in £££'s

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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4 minutes ago, silversky said:

If Raynor and Lammy are in his cabinet I don't see this being a functional government.  The pound might take a bit of a wobble, raising gold in £££'s

The current government hasn't functioned for years. Raynor I don't mind, Lammy not so much, but seriously - compared to what the Conservatives have served up of late they are a massive upgrade.

I think that fundamentally 14 years is just too long to be in government and what we are seeing is maybe inevitable. Maybe time for a constitutional change to limit length of consecutive governments.

The same is happening here in Scotland with the SNP (I've never been a fan, but to be fair they did a decent job for a while) they have been in power far too long.

Change is good!

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Biden is about to be removed according to the way the bookies see it.  That might cause a bit of uncertainty, especially as he is still resisting firmly.

Odds now for victory in November, Trump 1.73, Kamal 5.5,  Biden 15.25,  Newsom 18.5

For dem nomination, Kamala 2.2,  Biden 3.85 (and bouncing into the 4's) Edit: Newsom 9.0 and Obama 16.0

This shows a serious crash in confidence for the status quo.  Something is about to change, unless all the gamblers with political inside knowledge aren't putting their money where their hushed mouths are...  But we know they are....

Perhaps an Obama late run to get the emotions all up in the air?  Most dems would probably be ecstatic.

Either way, some uncertainty waves inbound which might rock the pms about a bit

Edited by silversky

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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20 minutes ago, silversky said:

Biden is about to be removed according to the way the bookies see it.  That might cause a bit of uncertainty, especially as he is still resisting firmly.

Odds now for victory in November, Trump 1.73, Kamal 5.5,  Biden 15.25,  Newsom 18.5

For dem nomination, Kamala 2.2,  Biden 3.85 (and bouncing into the 4's) Edit: Newsom 9.0 and Obama 16.0

This shows a serious crash in confidence for the status quo.  Something is about to change, unless all the gamblers with political inside knowledge aren't putting their money where their hushed mouths are...  But we know they are....

Perhaps an Obama late run to get the emotions all up in the air?  Most dems would probably be ecstatic.

Either way, some uncertainty waves inbound which might rock the pms about a bit

Another dysfunctional sh!t show.

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33 minutes ago, silversky said:

Biden is about to be removed according to the way the bookies see it.  That might cause a bit of uncertainty, especially as he is still resisting firmly.

Odds now for victory in November, Trump 1.73, Kamal 5.5,  Biden 15.25,  Newsom 18.5

For dem nomination, Kamala 2.2,  Biden 3.85 (and bouncing into the 4's) Edit: Newsom 9.0 and Obama 16.0

This shows a serious crash in confidence for the status quo.  Something is about to change, unless all the gamblers with political inside knowledge aren't putting their money where their hushed mouths are...  But we know they are....

Perhaps an Obama late run to get the emotions all up in the air?  Most dems would probably be ecstatic.

Either way, some uncertainty waves inbound which might rock the pms about a bit


12 minutes ago, TheShinyStuff said:

Another dysfunctional sh!t show.

It would be good craic seeing them debate against Trump

Kamala Harris is unelectable. This is what Tulsi Gabbard, who was a Democrat at the time, said about her in 2019:

"Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence -- she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep a bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way."

Newsom, my goodness, is he running on his record of what he's done to California? Unelectable. The conservatives hate that guy. We are witnessing, for the first time in history, negative net migration to California from other states. Liberals are fleeing California to Red states like Texas, which tells you all you need to know

Michelle Obama? I know the Americans love a dynasty but there's never been a female POTUS and the Obama name has been destroyed. What was Michelle up to while Barack was in the limo with his crack pipe doing unspeakable acts with his fellow male junkies?

If history is anything to go by then every time without exception when there's been an economic crisis or people have felt the pinch (pandemic, current inflation/cost of living crisis), the ruling party in the US has changed. Based on that it's a slam dunk a Republican gets elected even if it's not Trump, but it will be Trump. 

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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Many an article on the manipulation of Gold prices over the years by those in power. 

Is it not true of many topics when we look deeper? 

US politics similar to a punch and Judy show. Is ours so much different what are the choices? 

Like trying to find the cleanest set of underwear in a basket of dirty laundry🤣

The term 2 cheeks of the same arse comes to mind.

Corporate media spent the last four years either ignoring or mocking legitimate concerns about Biden's cognitive ability.

Now, they want you to believe they've always reported the facts. 🤔

Lots of changes globally currently the colours of the newly elected may change but do the policies change? Are the presidents, prime ministers just the enforcers of the real power brokers, policy makers BIS, Central Banks, WEF, CFR, Club of Rome, Chatham house, Rockefeller’s United Nations, IMF, world bank, WHO, Global corps and NGOs to name a few.

Pepsi and Coke used to spend billions on clever marketing. However remove the label and most people can’t tell them apart?

Same with current conflicts, “ The first casualty of war is the Truth” 

The Nefarious Global Geopolitics, is probably one of the strongest reasons inquisitive individuals hold onto gold rather Fiat paper (toilet?)

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1 hour ago, silversky said:

Biden is about to be removed according to the way the bookies see it.  That might cause a bit of uncertainty, especially as he is still resisting firmly.

Odds now for victory in November, Trump 1.73, Kamal 5.5,  Biden 15.25,  Newsom 18.5

For dem nomination, Kamala 2.2,  Biden 3.85 (and bouncing into the 4's) Edit: Newsom 9.0 and Obama 16.0

This shows a serious crash in confidence for the status quo.  Something is about to change, unless all the gamblers with political inside knowledge aren't putting their money where their hushed mouths are...  But we know they are....

Perhaps an Obama late run to get the emotions all up in the air?  Most dems would probably be ecstatic.

Either way, some uncertainty waves inbound which might rock the pms about a bit

Ron Paul was saying theres going to be a black swan event. Bird flu pandemic to spoil the US elections - It would surprise me as the next scam-pandemic. 

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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Dont forget that Ukraine has not been granted Nato membership which means Russia has won the super power battle.

Keep a note in your diary for the next brics nation summit in october as most probably the gold standard will be reinstated.

LFTV.  live from the vault.   Spot price is immaterial. its just an illusion.

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1 hour ago, iggypop said:

Many an article on the manipulation of Gold prices over the years by those in power. 

Is it not true of many topics when we look deeper? 

US politics similar to a punch and Judy show. Is ours so much different what are the choices? 

Like trying to find the cleanest set of underwear in a basket of dirty laundry🤣

The term 2 cheeks of the same arse comes to mind.

Corporate media spent the last four years either ignoring or mocking legitimate concerns about Biden's cognitive ability.

Now, they want you to believe they've always reported the facts. 🤔

Lots of changes globally currently the colours of the newly elected may change but do the policies change? Are the presidents, prime ministers just the enforcers of the real power brokers, policy makers BIS, Central Banks, WEF, CFR, Club of Rome, Chatham house, Rockefeller’s United Nations, IMF, world bank, WHO, Global corps and NGOs to name a few.

Pepsi and Coke used to spend billions on clever marketing. However remove the label and most people can’t tell them apart?

Same with current conflicts, “ The first casualty of war is the Truth” 

The Nefarious Global Geopolitics, is probably one of the strongest reasons inquisitive individuals hold onto gold rather Fiat paper (toilet?)

FYI, If you want people to take you seriously, don't quote George Galloway

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

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1 minute ago, TheShinyStuff said:

No, but I know who/what he was. I think you're getting a little carried away here. 

If you think I'm getting carried away, read a little bit. The seemingly benevolent forces of 'change' have a nasty habit of delivering a different sort of change than was advertised.

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