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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

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7 minutes ago, flyingveepixie said:

. Can you believe that...

Sadly I can. I bet she's smoked more embassies than the SAS... 

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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9 minutes ago, flyingveepixie said:

I agree with this perspective. The problem is that the aforementioned decent people who are fully awake and aware of all the bollocks and manipulation by a very few so-called elites (I hate that expression) are still vastly outnumbered by the hordes of unthinking sheep who continue to be herded towards the abyss thinking all in the garden is just rosy so long as they have their footie on the telly, their microwave ready meals and their fags.  A wifie in the queue in front of me in Sainsbury's yesterday spent £130 on fags. Can you believe that...

Another good point👍👍 £130 on cigarettes , people live well be  on there means ,  ,same as gold and silver , you buy if you have spare money , no point having X amount of gold , if you still have a big mortgage , or daft car payments , ( just my opinion , which counts for nothing )👍

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14 minutes ago, Darr3nG said:

That's like 2 whole packs, now

To be fair it was 5 packs, but what I found a bit suspicious is that she bought several packs of Rizlas to go with them. I know what she's up to....must've been well into her 70s too lol.  Still A child of the '60s at heart I suppose. She'll be sitting at home now skinning up with her Tremeloes and Yardbirds '2007 remaster' CDs on...

Edited by flyingveepixie
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49 minutes ago, katyc said:

China! (Donald trump's face comes in to my head when I say that).

They've confirmed stimulus (money printer goes burrr I'm guessing). Their situation (especially in property) is dire and according to Lynn Alden - who is usually very careful in what she says (so when she speaks I take notice) - is an issue worse than the USA debt deficit. The Chinese central bank and the everyday people are buying gold like crazy. 

Something usually breaks before the big correction starts, maybe this is it. They've kept it very quiet but can only do so for so long.


Source: https://www.chards.co.uk/gold-price/gold-spot-price



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3 hours ago, Gruff said:


There a high (inverse) correlation between the stock/gold ratio and subsequent 30 year maximum withdrawal rates (SWR). Recent modestly high stock/gold ratio = not the worst forward time outcome, perhaps 5 or 6% 30 year SWR, instead of barely 4% at stock/gold peaks/highs, more distant from the 8, 10 or 12% SWR's provided when stock/gold was low.

Gold being the asset of the decade ??? Well its already in a 50/50 position decade start to date, I'd expect coming decade years to further see some years where stocks were the years better performing asset. More so if as per the video liquidity becomes a factor (selling of gold that has no counter party risk).

Much of investing is simply to minimise bad decisions (losses), avoid/reduce mistakes and you're more inclined to do well/OK. As such a major risk is concentration risk, that's easily diluted by diversifying. Split your wealth perhaps between two homes, two major forms of 'stock indexes', gold and silver, and on a equal weighted assumption your risk exposure per single asset is a little under 17%. 17% in gold exposure halves and a 8.5% portfolio hit type bad-decision risk minimisation (compared to another who was solely into gold having lost 50%).

You can't realistically rebalance house/home value, but you can rebalance between stocks, gold, silver ...etc. type assets, and rebalancing back to target weightings is a form of trading - that is inclined to add-low/reduce-high. The collective product is more inclined to rattle along a similar progression line as the best performing asset. The counter side, add-high/reduce-low ... pays for that.

Stay the course, average in (and out) over many years, minimise mistakes - diversify and periodically rebalance ... and your outcome is more inclined to be satisfactory.

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43 minutes ago, treetop1280 said:

no point having X amount of gold , if you still have a big mortgage 


41 minutes ago, Darr3nG said:

Agreed (no, I'm not converting)

Disagree. A mortgage free property is a fixed immovable asset. How much inheritance tax would you pay for instance on a £1M house value that was mortgage free compared to another £1M house value that had a £666K outstanding debt/mortgage!

A mortgage property also has inflation working for rather than against you. £200K of mortgage now, compared to in say 10 years time when your wages (and consumer prices, and house price etc.) had risen 50% is like the debt having been eroded down.

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8 minutes ago, Bratnia said:


Disagree. A mortgage free property is a fixed immovable asset. How much inheritance tax would you pay for instance on a £1M house value that was mortgage free compared to another £1M house value that had a £666K outstanding debt/mortgage!

A mortgage property also has inflation working for rather than against you. £200K of mortgage now, compared to in say 10 years time when your wages (and consumer prices, and house price etc.) had risen 50% is like the debt having been eroded down.

I’d rather have no mortgage than a mortgage ??? , “ and your only 3 paycheque away from repossession,( and interest rates is just another racket)  , ask anyone who does not have a mortgage, the weight of there shoulder  they feel , and the freedom they feel ??? 👍

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1 minute ago, treetop1280 said:

I’d rather have no mortgage than a mortgage ??? , “ and your only 3 paycheque away from repossession,( and interest rates is just another racket)  , ask anyone who does not have a mortgage, the weight of there shoulder  they feel , and the freedom they feel ??? 👍

Some with 90% of their wealth in their paid off home - just might feel a bit uncomfortable with that high concentration into a single asset that can't be moved risk element. Mortgaging say a £1M home value to instead have £333K net in each of net home value, stocks, gold and they're less inclined to struggle to cover paying heating/energy costs, may very well see the 50/50 stock/gold value outpace the interest costs, and better placed to gift some of that wealth during their lifetime.

US data and 50/50 stock/gold has progressed at a 10% annualised rate of return https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&sl=WMAVXuKV8m7iLXUYWnoIl mortgage interest payments - at a slower average rate. Pocket/spend the difference.

Yes for many years of desiring to be mortgage free is a target, and a delight when that arrives. Subsequently there can be a tendency to become concerned about the concentration risk. OK perhaps if mum/dad intending to pass on the home to their siblings as (under current taxation) there are reasonable tax allowances for that. Outside of that and much less so.

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46 minutes ago, Bratnia said:

Some with 90% of their wealth in their paid off home - just might feel a bit uncomfortable with that high concentration into a single asset that can't be moved risk element.


Reaching a tipping point and realising the only major asset was our home didn't make me comfortable with virtually everything in one basket, hence being here amongst other things and diversifying.

58 minutes ago, treetop1280 said:

I’d rather have no mortgage than a mortgage ??? , “ and your only 3 paycheque away from repossession

I totally get paying down the mortgage to be debt free as soon as... 3 payments from repossession, isn't that part of a rainy day fund/savings?

You also need other investments/assets to minimise risk, mitigate taxes and build wealth for your future self/family.

Edited by CaptCaveMan

Looking to complete a date run of Bu Sovs and still require; 2010, 2011, 2018 & 2019

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£2003.68 as the intra day ATH.. creeping ever northwards!

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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57 minutes ago, treetop1280 said:

I’d rather have no mortgage than a mortgage ??? , “ and your only 3 paycheque away from repossession,( and interest rates is just another racket)  , ask anyone who does not have a mortgage, the weight of there shoulder  they feel , and the freedom they feel ??? 👍

Good grief @treetop1280 a truly sensible statement
Is it because gold has reached £2000, or the weight of  responsibility of being a forum "mentor"😀

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6 minutes ago, KRO said:

Good grief @treetop1280 a truly sensible statement
Is it because gold has reached £2000, or the weight of  responsibility of being a forum "mentor"😀

Gold and silver ??? Trinkets and toys , for adults , not to be taken to seriously , same as life 👍

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