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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

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17 minutes ago, Chronos said:

Trump Or Not, Dollar Devaluation Is Imminent:


The US has already directed other central banks to start reducing their USD holdings (sanctions applied to Russia). Trump is a isolationist, opines he can slap 100%, 200%, whatever import duties on foreign cars ..etc, employ Americans to build US cars that Americans buy etc., but such sanctions would obviously be reciprocated, barriers against the US exporting. Biden has done a excellent job of alienating allies (such as the UK), as will Trump, without which the US will lose its capacity to export inflation, reducing how much it can print/spend on the likes of its military might. Could drive the US to become more like North Korea, alone and where few are prepared/able to export or import from the US. The likes of tech firms/new-starts might look to list elsewhere other than the US, that opens up global access rather than just a market of 300 million US citizens out of a 8 billion global population.

As well as a declining dollar I wouldn't be surprised if in another decade the US had declined from being 50% of the global market cap down to 25% or less. Japan's 1970/1980's rise saw the US reduce from around 66% of global market share down to around 25%, so such a transition is not unprecedented.


Obviously for American's that would be good for those holding gold.  For others (Brits etc.) ??? Perhaps a reasonable stance might be alongside gold to switch any existing US only stock holdings away from the US into others such as into a global stock index fund, at least in part capture which/what ever rises as the 'alternative(s)'.

For a indications of what such a transition might be like for the US/Americans from the above chart the 1930's (Wall Street Crash) and 1970's (collapse/high inflation) align with when the US declined from a relatively higher share of global market cap to lower levels. i.e. uncomfortable (and for a proportion of the US population - critical). China's military might is being grown to match that of the US's. In another decade it will more likely be twice the size/strength, time and economics are on its side. I also wouldn't be surprised if Trump ended the Ukraine war, split Ukraine down the middle gifting the eastern half to Putin, and thereafter see greater integrations between the EU and Russia/China, distancing of the EU from the US. BRICS -> ASCRIBE (extended to include Europe and Arabia).

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6 hours ago, Spyder said:

So one week later after an assassination attempt, gold is back where it was.  Move along, nothing to see. 

Someone tried to assassinate gold?

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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2 hours ago, Chronos said:

The 'greatest bubble in human history' is close to bursting, black-swan investor Mark Spitznagel says:


"He's been warning of a crash since January 2023" ... since which stocks rose 26% in 2023, and another 14% in 2014 to recent

"Spitznagel said the current rally would likely continue for months as inflation continues to fall and the Fed eases monetary policy, adding that stocks could soon lose over half their value in a subsequent sell-off." ... so expecting them to continue to rise, and then pull-back, give back some (maybe all/more) of those large/fast gains.

If he'd shorted stocks with conviction (SDS) since Jan 2023 he'd already have lost half his money. Perhaps he's down-talking the market in the hope that a drop might recover some of his short losses. Similar to how some big banks might talk down gold when they're looking to buy.

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4 hours ago, Thelonerangershorse said:

Yet more inflation heading our way,




What goes around ....

Harold Wilson's (Labour) government put faith in economic planning as a way to solve Britain's economic problems. The government's strategy involved promoting growth. Wilson believed that scientific progress was the key to economic and social advancement, as such he famously referred to the "white heat of technology".

In practice however events derailed much of the initial optimism. Upon coming to power, the government was informed that they had inherited an exceptionally large deficit. This partly reflected the preceding government's expansive fiscal policy in the run-up to the 1964 election. The pound came under enormous pressure, and many economists advocated devaluation of the pound in response, but Wilson resisted, reportedly in part out of concern that Labour, which had previously devalued sterling in 1949, would become tagged as "the party of devaluation". The government instead opted to deal with the problem by imposing a temporary surcharge on imports, and a series of deflationary measures designed to reduce demand and therefore the inflow of imports. In the latter half of 1967 an attempt was made to prevent the recession in activity from going too far in the form of a stimulus to consumer durable spending through an easing of credit, which in turn prevented a rise in unemployment. After a costly battle market pressures forced the government to devalue the pound.

In 1968 Labour imposed a retrospective 130% tax rate, even basic rate taxes were very high (Beatles wrote/sang Taxman ... in reflection of their 95% late 1960's tax rates).

Yep, "the party of devaluation" is back in town, with a dictatorial majority. Good for gold, if you can avoid the taxes - and other restrictions. In late April 1966 Exchange Controls were introduced/extended that prohibited holding/selling gold unless licenced and being restricted to holding just 4 Sovereign coins maximum. Silver did well in 1967, rose around 73% in US dollar terms, whilst the Pound was devalued from $2.80/£ to $2.40/£, so gained over 100% in terms of Pounds.

Labours hoped for growth wont materialise when already high taxes are pushed higher still and regulations/changes continue to remain dynamic/unstable. Without that growth their £u@$ed! Cut taxes, express stability/confidence and rather than pushing away the 1% that pay a third of the tax take to leave the rest having to pay 50% more in taxes, they might reverse that flow perhaps even double up the number so that the rest could have their taxes halved. LT/KK concept, but that the Bank of England didn't like and voted (forced) them out.

Whatever maximum wage increase Labour grant to one Union, so that will have all of their other Union mates queuing up to demand. It's in their DNA to give in to such demands. But I guess each generation has to actually live through one Labour dictatorial majority to actually experience the 'vote for change' (for the significantly worse side) that yields.

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4 hours ago, DisplayName said:

Wouldn't want to teach at a school in England for my weight in gold, no matter the price of gold. Isn't NHS staff worked to death as well? 

Is there a pullback coming next week?

When they doubled GP's wages many opted to move over to half weeks, and even then often phone in to say they'll not be in today - so expensive locums have to be quickly called in to fill that hole. Over the last few years the NHS budget has gone from 100Bn to 180Bn ... whilst in return services have declined. Social Services, NHS, GP's, Pharmacists do very well and get rewarded despite the services they offer declining. That's just a natural characteristic of the Public Sector. Migration to boost GDP is actually a cost, lowers GDP/capita - that is more reflective of productivity and standard of living. I recall my local pharmacist who was being paid £15 for each Covid jab administered and he had a team of six working 8am till late administering jabs. Highly paid consultants often offload costs that they'd otherwise have to pay onto the NHS. In many NHS departments there are there are more chiefs (those with a tablet/desk) than indians (front line staff). Pensions in the public sector are more often golden compared to what pensions private sector workers might achieve.

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Those boomers have a lot to answer for, eh?


Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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12 minutes ago, Bratnia said:

When they doubled GP's wages many opted to move over to half weeks, and even then often phone in to say they'll not be in today - so expensive locums have to be quickly called in to fill that hole. Over the last few years the NHS budget has gone from 100Bn to 180Bn ... whilst in return services have declined. Social Services, NHS, GP's, Pharmacists do very well and get rewarded despite the services they offer declining. That's just a natural characteristic of the Public Sector. Migration to boost GDP is actually a cost, lowers GDP/capita - that is more reflective of productivity and standard of living. I recall my local pharmacist who was being paid £15 for each Covid jab administered and he had a team of six working 8am till late administering jabs. Highly paid consultants often offload costs that they'd otherwise have to pay onto the NHS. In many NHS departments there are there are more chiefs (those with a tablet/desk) than indians (front line staff). Pensions in the public sector are more often golden compared to what pensions private sector workers might achieve.

In principle on paper the NHS is brilliant and awesome idea 


Sadly these days 

It's not meant to work,it is failing, it's by design.

It will fail 

Once it eventually collapses because it can't be funded

watch the likes of BlackRock and vanguard, insurance company blood draining squibs, hedge funds, pension fund parasites, venture capitalists circle for the bones of the carcass to pick the meat of it

Arriva more or less own the ambulances 🚑 already

Virgin health / Richard branston pickle is well on the way with most lucrative NHS outsourced mental health contracts already 

NHS isn't there to make you better, cure or heal anything, it's there to keep you in a perpetual state of being as close to fit enough as possible to keep paying your ni, taxes etc but close enough to be reliant on medications prescribed by matrix educated supposed caring doctors to write you a script so you don't die.

so we can keep peddling persistent pills that neither cure, nor solves anything, just keeps symptoms at bay and guarantees a cradle to grave income for the big pharma firms that sponsored the university medical schools the doctors qualified in 

I'm not a doctor so don't take this as personal health advice but i don't think I'm far wrong

Best way to stay healthy is to think for yourself, learn  and be the best version of yourself

keep out of the headlights of NHS, doctors, tests, pharmacists, chemists unless absolutely needed

Think and learn for yourself 

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Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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6 hours ago, Paul said:

In principle on paper the NHS is brilliant and awesome idea 


Sadly these days 

It's not meant to work,it is failing, it's by design.

It will fail 

Once it eventually collapses because it can't be funded

watch the likes of BlackRock and vanguard, insurance company blood draining squibs, hedge funds, pension fund parasites, venture capitalists circle for the bones of the carcass to pick the meat of it

Arriva more or less own the ambulances 🚑 already

Virgin health / Richard branston pickle is well on the way with most lucrative NHS outsourced mental health contracts already 

NHS isn't there to make you better, cure or heal anything, it's there to keep you in a perpetual state of being as close to fit enough as possible to keep paying your ni, taxes etc but close enough to be reliant on medications prescribed by matrix educated supposed caring doctors to write you a script so you don't die.

so we can keep peddling persistent pills that neither cure, nor solves anything, just keeps symptoms at bay and guarantees a cradle to grave income for the big pharma firms that sponsored the university medical schools the doctors qualified in 

I'm not a doctor so don't take this as personal health advice but i don't think I'm far wrong

Best way to stay healthy is to think for yourself, learn  and be the best version of yourself

keep out of the headlights of NHS, doctors, tests, pharmacists, chemists unless absolutely needed

Think and learn for yourself 

Agreed 100%. There is a definite plan in action. All part of the greater sabotage. I honestly despair at what this country has become, and not just from the aspect of the NHS, which as you say is a great idea on paper, and which worked very well for many decades.

I have no doubt that doctors and other frontline NHS staff believe they are working in our best interests, and most of them are in fact, but GPs in particular are pressurised by Big Pharma to use certain drugs and to shift a certain amount of them, and are rewarded accordingly. To be fair on them, I don't believe frontline NHS staff are part of the Blackrock et al club anymore than you or I are, and most make their genuinely best effort according to what they have been taught and the constrictions of the current healthcare model.  In my own experience I've always been greatly impressed by their skill, intellect and knowledge, as well as the dedication of ancillary staff who have to put up with Joe Public who is often rude, ignorant, and abusive - and before anyone asks : No, I do not work for the NHS.  Of course you get a few mongs in nursing and among paramedics, but for the most part I think they do pretty well given that the system is so overwhelmed and so much funding wasted on management and stupid ideas like DEI.

Anyway, this is completely off-topic, so what are the ideas on gold movement this coming week chaps and chapesses..?



Edited by flyingveepixie
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