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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

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25 minutes ago, silversky said:

Biden is not going to be the democrat nominee, let alone the president.  The market is waking up to that after observing the zombie stare and hanging jaw last night.  The comment about playing Trump at golf as long as Trump carried his own bag was hilarious.  Everyone can see that Joe couldn't lift his own bag let alone carry it round 18 holes.  The left wing media were crying afterwards like it was the first time they had ever seen it before...  Such lies.  It was planned in advance and Caesar has been stabbed.   It's over!!!

So PM's are rising as change is anticipated...  Will it be Kamala? the most disliked candidate by the American people?  Or perhaps slimy Newsome, also disliked by ordinary folk.  Donors and money folk love him, but they realise that this time they need ordinary folk on board too.  It's a conundrum for the electoral calculus on the left, and that means a change of power is getting more likely with each passing day.  Is this just Gold responding to a bit of turmoil?  Ultimately the Don is probably a safer pair of hands and likely to settle PMs down if anything, but short term its turmoil.

I put a quid on Big Mike last August


I'm alright, Jack, Keep your hands off of my stack

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Just to add to my last comment... The CNN bias is now completely mask off.  No hint of an attempt by any of the ten plus talking heads of being anything other than democrat activists.

CNN are a team of supporters desperately hoping that their champion will defeat the other team's champion.  And they were doing everything they could to make that happen until last night.  After it started to go wrong, they turned on their champion for being a failure and ripped him to shreds.  They were almost crying as they said it wasn't fair on him and that he's too old etc.  Crying crocodile tears about having worked for him in the past and loving him etc... but that it's time to go..

Their new debate format was clearly designed to desperately try to help old Joe succeed, but it didn't.  It was like changing the meta in a video game, the younger man was better able to adapt to the sudden new rules, and still defeated his opponent.  He quickly learnt that their mic cutting and the like meant that he had to remain silent and use the next answer as a part retort to the last point rambled by Joe.  When they started a new question he would use half his time to refute the unanswered part from the previous question which CNN had tried to cut him off from refuting.  Smart and controlled.  It also forced Trump to be more disciplined than usual - far less of a bruiser interrupting and bullying his opponent - calmer and more measured and the new rules meant that Joe just rambled off into oblivion with his time.  He looked better when it looked like Trump was rude and interrupting a polite and civil man.  Now it was clear that Trump didn't need to interrupt him, there was simply nothing there by the end of his allotted time.

So in the end the CNN hacks were probably angry with themselves for their two major blunders.  Split screen at all times showing terrible faces from Joe and comical lively ones from Trump.  Trump a lively human, and Joe a near dead corpse.  And the non interruption mic issue.  That allowed the world to see that Joe cannot speak for 2 full minutes.  Absolutely dreadful exposure of their candidate, and the smarter ones amongst them know that they failed just as much as he did.

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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As is often said, markets like certainty.  What is clear today is that there is now a very high likelihood that Biden will not be the next president of the USA.

Whether it is a new Democrat or Trump, it will be a new president with new policies etc.  That is change and uncertainty which the market tends to wobble over.  Trump is more certain than anything the Democrats can throw at the table, so much of the uncertainty around Trump is already known and factored in.  It is Democrat uncertainty which is not factored in, and despite any other candidate having a low chance of beating Trump, a Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton reincarnation would certainly kick up a lot of uncertainty.


New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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2 hours ago, silversky said:

As is often said, markets like certainty.  What is clear today is that there is now a very high likelihood that Biden will not be the next president of the USA.

Whether it is a new Democrat or Trump, it will be a new president with new policies etc.  That is change and uncertainty which the market tends to wobble over.  Trump is more certain than anything the Democrats can throw at the table, so much of the uncertainty around Trump is already known and factored in.  It is Democrat uncertainty which is not factored in, and despite any other candidate having a low chance of beating Trump, a Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton reincarnation would certainly kick up a lot of uncertainty.


Mr Michael obarma??   , you mean ???? 👍

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Japan Fires Its Top Currency Diplomat As Yen Disintegrates, Another Intervention Looms:


'SuperCore' Inflation Rises For 49th Straight Month:


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My own list of 10 risks would be different, of course, but this is a worthy place to start.) Podcast: 10 Geopolitical / Financial Risks to the Global Economy:

1. Financiers Seizing Collateral in a Derivatives Crisis, a.k.a. "The Great Taking" and Liquidity crisis

2. Cyber attacks

3. Tariff wars

4. Confiscation of other nation's financial assets

5. Selling / Boycott of US Treasuries

6. Imposition of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

7. Russia's ban of uranium exports to the West

8. Restrictions on Strategically Significant Commodities

9. Private cryptocurrencies forcibly folded into CBDCs

10. Escalation of Ukraine war

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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4 hours ago, HerefordBullyun said:

My own list of 10 risks would be different, of course, but this is a worthy place to start.) Podcast: 10 Geopolitical / Financial Risks to the Global Economy:

1. Financiers Seizing Collateral in a Derivatives Crisis, a.k.a. "The Great Taking" and Liquidity crisis

2. Cyber attacks

3. Tariff wars

4. Confiscation of other nation's financial assets

5. Selling / Boycott of US Treasuries

6. Imposition of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

7. Russia's ban of uranium exports to the West

8. Restrictions on Strategically Significant Commodities

9. Private cryptocurrencies forcibly folded into CBDCs

10. Escalation of Ukraine war

The fact that you have the Ukraine war down  at number 10 is pretty scary.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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Maybe not the right place ......I see 1oz Krugerrand coins selling a lot cheaper than brittania coins and I know the buy back rate is less but do krugerands put people off that much

As the spread is less and more potential to gain maybe fear off holding them can be short sighted?

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8 minutes ago, Bratnia said:

Moon waning. New moon 5th July


Great song , ( bad moon rising)??? , could be coming for us all ???, 😀👍


8 minutes ago, Bratnia said:

Moon waning. New moon 5th July


Great song , ( bad moon rising)??? , could be coming for us all ???, 😀👍

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15 minutes ago, treetop1280 said:

Great song , ( bad moon rising)??? , could be coming for us all ???, 😀👍


Great song , ( bad moon rising)??? , could be coming for us all ???, 😀👍

New moon red?


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1 hour ago, Bratnia said:

New moon red?


Looks like it’s going to blow up and burn a hole in the ozone layer , just like the 80s , ( didn’t happen either)??? 👍

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1 hour ago, treetop1280 said:

Looks like it’s going to blow up and burn a hole in the ozone layer , just like the 80s , ( didn’t happen either)??? 👍

What was the net (of taxes) real (after inflation) cost of consumer price increases when in 1968 Labour retrospectively increased income taxes to 130% and set a 33% purchase tax rate (up from 25%)? How much more did you need to earn to pay for a £1 item that had increased by the then 5% inflation (that oddly saw inflation increase to 25%/year in the subsequent mid 1970's). David Bowie, Rolling Stones etc. opted to move to France.

Edited by Bratnia
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7 hours ago, Dankanugget said:

Maybe not the right place ......I see 1oz Krugerrand coins selling a lot cheaper than brittania coins and I know the buy back rate is less but do krugerands put people off that much

As the spread is less and more potential to gain maybe fear off holding them can be short sighted?

Just the potential CGT problems for me.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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Gold particles of the size of billionths of a meter are lethal to cancer cells. This fact has been known for a long time, as has a simple correlation: The smaller the nanoparticles used to fight the cancer cells, the faster they die. However, a more interesting, more complex picture of these interactions is emerging from the latest research:


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14 hours ago, Chronos said:

Gold particles of the size of billionths of a meter are lethal to cancer cells. This fact has been known for a long time, as has a simple correlation: The smaller the nanoparticles used to fight the cancer cells, the faster they die. However, a more interesting, more complex picture of these interactions is emerging from the latest research:


The average human body contains around 0.2mg of gold. Some suggest that you should eat more gold


as a conceptual health food supplement, but in practice it isn't absorbed during digestion.

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Farage going hard against the BOE governor.  "Utterly useless" he just declared.  Brave...

As we know, the BOE got rid of Truss by announcing QT the day of the mini budget.  They showed us who actually runs the country with that blatant attack on the government...  Farage clearly knows that he'd have to get rid of them on day one, and like Andrew Jackson is nailing his colours to the mast.

Thoughts on Gold tonight?  Will Biden survive the knives that are out for him?  Perhaps it's Jill that wants him to keep the job?  She seems almost as senile as him.  Either way the pushing and pulling is likely to create a fair bit of chaos and uncertainty, but will it affect the price of Gold?  He's retreated to Camp David for the weekend, apparently for a big family meeting...  Betting odds bounced around last night but stabilised for now...

Clearly even the die hard Dems are recognising that this is a very weak look for the USA on a troubled world stage.  NYT editorial board along with other major DEM affiliated newspapers are now calling for him to step aside...  And CNN of all the sycophants are crying that "we" need to find a way to replace him.  It's pretty much unheard of.  His own media top cover has flipped from air superiority to friendly fire....  Yikes...  It's almost like it was a sudden "the king has no clothes" moment.  Interesting political events coming thick and fast this week, so I expect a bit of Gold action to accompany it too.

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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