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Russia selling oil for physical gold only?


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Interesting article but without any reliable references or sources.


It's Russian propaganda, and poor quality at that.  Western hegemony has never been based on petrodollars; the opposite is true.  The flow of petrodollars has contributed to the challenging of Western hegemony across the world. 


If Putin was 'converting' oil revenues into physical gold, there would be a huge bull market right now - which there isn't.  Gold is pretty stable, if a little bearish, so there's no major 'new' market entrants affecting the supply / demand in any significant manner.

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Can someone on a PC copy and paste a translation here. It's in Czech and will take me forever to do on my phone.



Straight from Google Translate so please excuse any errors.



The analyst looked at the crisis in Russia. It's apparently quite, quite different

17. 12. 2014 10:52

Educator, consultant and analyst Jan Campbell is quite honestly laughed at increased reports of the impending collapse of the Russian Federation. Fluctuations in the ruble, according to him called up artificially, and the American column acting on the currency exchange in Moscow. Devaluation of the ruble supposedly because Americans are trying to prevent the collapse of its currency.


Campbell points right off the bat, that at the latest in 2011 ,, is found in the third world war ", whose main actors are the United States and the Russian Federation. The battlefield between the two entities, according to him at the end of this year, has become a particular monetary exchange in Moscow which brings fierce fighting Russian central bank and its associated sixth column operating in the US interest. Now the analyst worth devaluation of the ruble, which, according to Western media causes panic among Russian citizens and has lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation.

Campbell, however, convinced that it is an artificial exchange rate fluctuations of the ruble.


Do what is happening around the Russian currency, according to Campbell significantly reflected in another world commodity market - and gold. In recent months, apparently because of speculation that the Russian Federation intends to buy up gold from the producers, and thus support. A move that reportedly displeased watch USA. The analyst says that if this measure Russian administration really touched, he would be the US dollar into a corner, from which he had no chance to escape. Because it would increase the coverage of gold rubles, which would make the Russian currency made tender not only attractive, but also independent of the dollar. The Americans say they know why they are doing everything for the devaluation of the ruble as a depreciating currency may affect the role of the Russian Central Bank as a regulator and supporter of own production of gold and its redeeming.


What exactly Jan Campbell writes in an extensive commentary for ParlamentníListy.cz:

It seems to me quite amusing to read some news from the Czech Republic to panic in Russia and the impending collapse of the Russian Federation and the end of Putin's power under US sanctions - EU and compare them with messages western neighbors, the Czech Republic and long conversations over Skype young and old acquaintances in the east from the Czech Republic.

I want to share with this fun following a few comments and observations and offer the opportunity to enrich the discussion and search for the truth, that it is always difficult, especially in times of war.

First, suppose that there are many educated and professional readership figures in the Czech Republic, who knows that we are at least since 2011 in the 3rd World War. This statement is not necessary to describe tons of paper and print meaningless graphs. The 3rd World War is one common denominator. This redistribution of energy resources, including gas after continuous war for oil commenced in 1918 and 1945. The USA in this period weakened Great Britain and strengthen Israel as a star in the south of Europe. Everything went according to plan and the Pentagon papers document CFR until 2008. In that year, the US felt his weakness and began to take place.


Second, in 2010, when oil prices began proofreading, US Geological Survey started broadcasting a report about the oil deposits in the amount of 223.5 miles tons and gas deposits totaling 3.45 trillion m3. All this in the eastern Mediterranean. The government in Beirut soon after the publication of information received under stress. Lebanese oil reserves at that time were 113.7 million tons and gas reserves of 2.7 trillion m3. The British company Spectrum can tell more if they want, or be able to. In any case, I suppose Information Energy Minister of Lebanon Mr. Bassila is still true.

Thirdly, I assume that the information Oil & Gas Journal is also true. Information argue that proven oil and gas reserves in Syria are larger than in Lebanon. As of 1. 1. 2014 oil reserves were 2.4 billion barrels and gas reserves were 8.5 trillion m3. Who doubts that he can examine the data in Syria Business Law Handbook 2010. Almost exactly a year after the publication of the US Geological Survey from 2010 disappears from the public domain and 2011, starting a new storm in the North African countries, including those that have or may have a function or effect to transport oil and gas. Therefore appoint year 2011 beginning of the 3rd World War. The date of the war is not essential. What is important is who and whom war.


Fourth: Rollers USA and the Russian Federation. The war between the USA and the Russian Federation today, at the end of 2014 takes place at a much higher level than that posed by the civil war in Ukraine, President Putin pointless insults and leering expectations collapse of the Russian Federation, accompanied by the Russian people panic and speculative earnings of around 1.000 percent. This level of war and the battlefield is currency exchange in Moscow, which revolves CBRF (Central Bank of the Russian Federation), and the associated sixth column operating in the US interest. While at the same time and often forgets to recall the events around gold. Gold is also my experience in the category, which is close to the reallocation of resources. Rotchildova investment activity in the Russian Federation sanctions sanctions-here-there certainly is more than admiration for Russia or Russian women.


Fifth: Today, 16. 12. 2014, the price of an ounce of gold is $ 1210.2, $ 1192.4 yesterday. That is the price of gold rose in one day by 1.49%. This also means that the USD gold price grows. Please economists and analysts to think and explain this miracle contradictory economic logic to the public. According to what is taught at universities in the Czech basin and elsewhere in the West, at least one award should have opposed direction.

Sixth: gold would be gold, if it were not so valuable in times of crisis. Only from July to September 2014 the world's central banks bought 92.8 tons of gold. The share of the Russian Federation in this volume was 59%. The Russian Federation has joined Azerbaijan (28 tons) and Kazakhstan (7 tons) of gold. The Russian Federation has to date, according to official information backed by gold reserves of 10.6% valutních. And I'm talking only about gold registered CBR and not about others private inventories. The problem with gold, not only for the Russian Federation but also that the top four owners - USA, Germany, Italy and France - firstly became the main executors of sanctions, on the other hand, must wait, how old they will be returned to the gold deposited in the USA and when. According to my information, for example, Germany receives his gold from the US over the next 20 years. That means never.


Seventh: in November 2014 he wrote Reuters and Forbes to purchase 115 tons of gold the Russian Federation. At the same time they are in circulation speculation that the Russian Federation will buy all the gold of Russian producers of gold, and that is support. This speculation may be in the coming days and weeks confirmed as true. In this case, however, Russia's policy of buying up gold can never be in the interests of the US and EU. In this we see one of the major reasons for the attack on the ruble and its devaluation. Hysteria and hyperactivity speculators. Devalued the ruble could affect CBRF role as regulator and support our own production of gold and thus ultimately reduce the possibility of paying import into western Russia gold. If a full-fledged buying up gold produced in the Russian Federation, gets USD into a corner from which it will not leak. Hence the panic, hysteria and journalistic hyperactivity. USA knows it very well. After the collapse of the USSR was able to get into the body USD greatest country in the world in terms of size and natural wealth, and live there as a parasite. Just as each separate cell in the body becomes a parasite that eats the organism, and thus, ultimately, ourselves, so it is USD. The whole world has become a dollar and also the victims USD. Putin knows it, and so he began to act immediately after consolidating power and the Russian Federation. For those who want to know otherwise and elsewhere, offering Lektury neomarxisty - French Braudel, who wrote that the market and democracy are two mutually exclusive concepts is because that market mechanisms could confirm himself to be a monopoly. Therefore, not in the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin as no democracy als USA, less and less USD and no bankruptcy. He who laughs last, laughs best.


Eighth: You need to understand the transmitted signal providing in principle Putin, Lavrov a few days ago Medvedev. Signal that Russia does not intend to pay for the reconstruction of Donbas, Donbas and Luhansk pull out of the economic abyss. Real fight USA - Russian Federation takes place at a higher level, which I mentioned. Therefore, we are talking about territorial integrity. This signal is also the Kremlin's willingness to compromise. In any case, the signal but not the end of the talk about the independence of the Donbas. I will develop opportunities arising from the approval or disapproval of Kiev and the EU. Both lack the necessary funds for the reconstruction. Facts in the case of disagreement Kiev and EU enlargement is likely to become the leeway Kremlin and the resulting benefits. Yet Ukraine remains a long-term provocateur of the Russian Federation in the broad sense. Since terrorism, sabotage, via the information war to attempt blocking Transnistria. All this despite the possible pressures street, but already has the power to a new Majdan, which would change the relationship of Ukraine to the Russian Federation for the better. Russophobia and fanaticism Ukrainian ruling elite will harm the interests of Ukraine itself has therefore to maintain the favor of the US.


Ninth: hurts to think about the structure of the information relating to the celebration of 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and not least of ignoring 120letého anniversary of Khrushchev with two events related reparation payments to the German Federal Republic, Russian Federation. S reparations Federal Republic of Germany is in fact linked to the idea of unification. This resulted in the '80s, as many young people may think, but according to historical documents on 10 March 1952. At that time, the USSR proposed the victorious countries of World War II - USA, UK, France - unification of Germany. German unification by Beria had become a militarily neutral impact areas between the USA and the USSR. With this unification were associated reparations, which Beria judged at the time at $ 20 billion. No small sum compared with the Marshall Plan in the amount of $ 13 billion. I will also consider looking for answers why the USSR proposal for the unification of Germany had been adopted, nor why Gorbachev did not act on reparations and compensation for investments in East Germany during unification, when the USSR to his feet GDR and the FRG in force until 2010 (! ) reparation for the 1st World War. Gorbachev was satisfied with DM 4.5 billion - in the words of former Ambassador to the USSR in Germany VM Falina when the then value of investments of the USSR in the GDR was assessed nearly $ 1 trillion DM. Since the collapse importance of all agreements, including the Helsinki Accords of 1975, practical occupation of Germany by the US Army ended, the Balkans atomized through bombardment followed by rewriting the border, I can imagine that in the near future, if it has not already, to remind President Putin or his successor, Chancellor Merkel or her successor colossal debt of Germany to the Russian Federation. The question of reparations is an issue of nationalistic pride and thus the element of negotiating a fight between the US, EU and the Russian Federation in the event that the Russian ederace remains undefeated and sovereign state.


Tenth: In this context appears again even older history. It will do so either intentionally or simply factual error or misunderstanding Premiere Medvedev, who in his last article, 15. 12. 2014 forgets that Donbas, Crimea and many other regions of modern Ukraine became part of Ukraine only when the Soviet Union and not in 19th century. In the Russian Empire would not even occur to promulgate drunk drunken Juzovku (today Donbas) or Luhansk country in the territory of Ukraine. President Putin will have to answer the question why they closed their eyes to the growing Russophobia immediately after the collapse of the USSR, why are allowed to steal Ukrainian oligarchs trillion m 3 of gas since 2000 and what is, or what was the cause of such illogical patience leadership of the Russian Federation to Ukraine elite. Ukraine received independence from the right or Majdan, but Yeltsin, who had acted unlawfully in terms of the applicable constitutions and laws. Crown that gave so. Budapest Treaty of 994, which speaks of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but even today the UN has granted the state border. By this point I quit. Because it is possible to look at the borders of the Czech Republic and other countries and issues, which in peacetime does not play a role, but in time of war transforms into a hazard that can have fatal consequences.

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Many systems are experimented with and fail, a few are doing fairly well, Command Capitalism seems to be succeeding at the moment as an emerging model. Inclusive Capitalism I think the Rothschild's called it (in 2014).

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