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Everything posted by Oldun

  1. Just mindboggling how The Royal Mint condone a comically poorly packaged £500 product (let alone more expensive) to be sent out just to save a couple of pence on a bit of plastic. Call it what it is…lazy and cheap.
  2. Is bought 2 at Mint price the same as bought 2 from The Mint ? (lobbed grenade in and runs away)…….
  3. It is a pity they can’t send out replcement coins as easily as a box! You would think, after 1,000 years of existence, they would take more care over their products and customers, regarding proof coins. All we see so far is a bunch of words and no change when rubber actually meets the road. The RM’s Quality Control Department is clearly defective. The time spent checking the coins by eye is lacking, or the staff are in need of training or extra tools. The same goes for their packaging department. Why doesn’t the Head and senior management of The RM anonymously order proof coins on every issue themselves to see what turns up at their door to be able to see it properly from the customers’ point of view ?
  4. Yep. I was told they were minting them in batches and that mine would be part of the batch supplied this weekend…….we shall see…..
  5. More light being shed on who packages coins at The RM is needed. Do they outsource ? Do they use part time workers when busy ? I suspect one of the two is more likely than using full time employees. @BackyardBullionIf you have the ear of the person in charge, that would be a great starting point to ask about, as it seems very obvious that packaging is a problem. As for checking the coins, is that a separate pricess performed by RM employees? It would seem from the RM’s own videos but is the RM putting too much pressure on the checkers by not employing enough causing overpressured employees to tire and make mistakes ?
  6. 100% Japanese cireworks despite the german title….Artistic Japanese genius. Lived in Japan for a few years….back in theday, so know these florious fireworks signature,..their fireworks are very distinctive…although, after review, these fall short of Japanese excellence…..but I digress. Next chapter it is…..
  7. Hey, at least we all have £5.63 P.S. The answer is “Eat the tele.”
  8. Here comes page (insert favourite number)….just let it die……or end in epic comedic effect or heroic righteousness in which we can all bathe and lord Barry as a man for all seasons
  9. Giving advice is fine.Potential or actual defamatory accusation I would advise steering clear of without cast iron proof and a bloodygood lawyer.. Journalists never have to pay for their **** ups….if it sells papers/clicks and the latter outweighs the bottom line….think about the journalistic cesspit.
  10. Not trying to disparage you and you may well be right in the real world but this is speculation and a heartbeat from defamatory Without actual eveidence, it remains speculation.Try being a Police Officer, for example, to understand what can and can’t be brought forward as evidence…triple that for a lawyer.
  11. I am “old and tired.” I will leave it to you youngsters to figure it out. Have at it… not haveatit as I first typed although…..and yes the ladies are impressed by the male pectoral before anyone asks and I get…oh what it is it….. cancelled ?
  12. The key to all of this legally is “recommended” as regards the rrp…...it defers any and all legal responsibility beyond the initial payment in its entirety and in accordance with clauses xyz etc etc etc etc blah blah…(most people switch off or pay serious bones to be told at this point)….you get the point…easy to be a tabloid star….much harder to swing it by the courts…. But, if you have researched and paid for (or educated yourself on) the groundwork, by all means test the legal system. It is not always right and should be held to account in the case where it is patently inappropriate or wrong or open to consideration…..rejoice that you live in a judicial parliamentary system, right or wrong where what you claim is actually cared about or given a shoot about…..use it well and if you have a case, you will win. Is the legal system perfect ? No, of course not. It reflects us, its citizens, humans. We are, by definition, imperfect. Of course, the legal system should be challenged and adjusted where found lacking. But, Barry, and here is the point, are you legally sound in this claim ?
  13. Surely “how” the dealer guaranteed both coins is defined as being the agreed business arrangement between the dealer and the private owner and not any legal liability of the RM? Or am I missing something ? And again, if you can prove in a court of law that the RM deliberately acted in kahoots with the said dealer (in your claim) , with the sole and particular intention of misrepresenting itself to you (to my simple mind, clearly not provable or likely in the eyes of the law) as representatives of then all power to you. You must have a bleeding good lawyer, as theeast end boyz would say But trust me, this will not wash in a tabloid if you are wrong, Quite the opposite. You could open yourself to a major defamatory counterclaim. And I know this much just by being a pleb Gawd knows what actually major league lawyers would do…other than drain all plaintiffs bank accounts and buy all thecoins while laughingand quaffing and tipple of choice ! But, fight the good fight Barry and if you areright, it will come out. If anything sums this marvellously indignant debate (in this epic of a thread) of what is right or wrong whilst argiung amongst ourselves about the absurd, this conceptual masterpiece by Monty nails it to the wall, everytime. Oram I missing something ?
  14. I do not need to go back and read as I have and my interpretation is as posted. So, do you have actual physical, legal evidence (recordings, emails from the RM admitting they willfully engaged in an act of deception in kahoots with the dealer and specifically as, if you do not then you are to quote, Shakespeare, “pissing into the wind,” and trying to drag any dealer who tries to post here into your web to try to use as evidence. I offer neither encouragement nor admonishment. But, as the great man once said. (and do not get me wrong, I admire your gumption and perseverance. They are fine qualities. But I am not sure how much of this you can get get to stick regardless of any past editorial tabloid success. If you are right, you will be proven so). Anyway, back to the man, Kenny Rogers, The Gambler.
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