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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by LawrenceChard

  1. A brief résumé would have helped, but yes, I agree. Sounds like a scam! 😎
  2. It does help to include some text in posts. Having seen this, I can definitely say... You could do with a decent camera / macro lens. 😎
  3. Folks on here would pay good money for offcut Gillicks! 😎
  4. "On these white background shots it's not too apparent that the 1st portrait is actually a cut-out. " What? There's a bit missing? 😎
  5. A well known Blackpool dealer usually pays spot for sovereigns, and only occasionally less if they / we get far too many, or if there is a big gold price spike. Even then, it is 99% not 98% or 97% which some of the scrap dealers pay. 😎
  6. The "other site" you mentioned probably got their information from here: https://24carat.co.uk/frame.php?url=collectingcoins.php "What premiums would have been paid in past decades?" Although you did not say which decades, or how many: About the same as now, apart from 2008/9 when almost everybody, except for one Blackpool dealer, stuck their premiums up to take advantage! 😎
  7. Been there, seen it, and got the tee shirt: https://www.chards.co.uk/blog/perth-mint-bullion/230 😎
  8. Not only does their site not tell you what they do, it doesn't tell you who they are. It's almost as if they don't want you to know. I did find this though: It’s finally here, THE HOLY GRAIL OF PRECIOUS METAL INVESTING. Holy smoke, have they only just discovered something the rest of the precious metal trade hase know about for at least 2,500 years? For example: Gold Silver Ratio https://www.chards.co.uk/gold-silver-ratio or even here on one of our "Heritage" sites: https://taxfreegold.co.uk/goldsilverratio.html 😎
  9. That's all about right. I'm not sure whether any recent proof sovereigns were issued late in the previous year, but this is an interesting anomaly: https://goldsovereigns.co.uk/1830sovereignwilliamiv.html 😎
  10. Just before I saw this post, I had been looking at another big shot sounding outfit. Wanting to know who they are, I first looked for their company name and / registration number. The first place I looked was their home / index page. - Nothing. The first place I looked was their "About Us" - Nothing but sales waffle. Then I tried their contact page - Guess what - Nothing I know from experience that it might be on the "Terms & Conditions" page, which it was. I then looked on Companies House, and found their registered company number. Only when I had done that, I checked using "Edit:Find", and discovered it was actully on most of their pages, but in small print which I had missed. I am just about to try the same process on the company above. 😎
  11. This may interest you: https://www.chards.co.uk/the-gold-sovereign-series-book/14379 😎
  12. Mine is to see how many monster boxes I can get in one stack before they start to fall over. I expect them to more more stable when full than when empty! 😎
  13. "At a guess, they probably screwed up the F/X rate calculation." As opposed to screwing the tourists? 😎
  14. "Will they now have the time to include Charlie on next years Sovereign?" Of course there will be time. It has happened for every single monarch as far as I can recall, and that was before we had all the technological advances we have experienced in the past 70 years. "I hear there is no coin portrait done yet." Probably correct. It sounds like you didn't read my recent post: 😎
  15. What? Brexit, covid, inflation, huge fuel and energy bills, food banks, a plunging pound, and an ineffective government? How would we fit all those onto a coin design? 😎
  16. Perhaps you bought them from @Apmex100 instead of APMEX 😎 With such big production runs at competitive prices*, it would be surprising if every coin was perfect. * Of course the US Mint has a monopoly on producing American Silver Eagles, but the Royal Canadian Mint produce Maple Leafs, and there are other mints fighting for their own market share. 😎
  17. Old joke: "My wife went to Indonesia" "Really, Jakarta?" "No, she flew" 😎
  18. £1,888 per 1 oz coin is very steep for silver Britannias, but I guess you were meaning gold ones, or possibly platinum. You really need to change your name from Silverlocks to Goldilocks as I previously suggested. I'm not surprised. Most airports charge an arm and a leg for anything and everything, including trading concessions. Yet travellers seem to think everything will be cheap at airports, probably because "duty free" has created an illusion of bargain prices at ports, airports, and on ships and planes. Similarly, for many years, there has been the belief that gold is cheap in Dubai, and a few other places in the middle east. This probably arose because a lot of high carat, typically 22ct, gold jewellery were sold in gold souks. Much of this was probably of Indian manufacture, which usually has a low about cost, but with fairly basic styling. Many of the fake sovereigns, and quintuple sovereigns, we see have probably been through Dubai at some stage in their history. They can be "cheap" because they are fakes, and some are only 21ct gold. In most cases, genuine sovereigns could be bought in the UK at lower prices than in Dubai. When there is an almost captive market of gullible tourists (Gullibles Travels?), is it surprising that some traders will take advantage of this naivety? Airports are generally renowned for their fine cuisine, although there may be exceptions such as Geneva. 😎
  19. Does this look like the RM already a cunning plan in place? However, it does sound like they have heard the news! 😎
  20. Thanks. As you might have noticed, my thoughts default to gold, but also: It was posted in Home Precious Metals Gold 2022 Britannia premium .. and @Apmex100 mentioned sovereigns, all of which would tend to suggest he was thinking about gold. A lot of TSF topics get started without the OP specifying whether they are talking about gold, silver, platinum, or something else. Unless readers than look at which category it was posted in, it is easy to be at cross purposes. Partly for this reason, I now often restate the topic title as the first line of the first post. I also sometimes add it to the "quote" before responding. 😎
  21. No! ... or at least nothing of great significance, if you are talking about the bullion versions, which you did not specify. Proof sovereigns, yes, like most special one-off years, although there is an increasing number of them. 😎
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