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Silver Premium Member
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    United Kingdom

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    SilverRich got a reaction from Earthmetal in Sigma Metalytics Verifier with Wands   
    Read the sentence under your highlighted part. 
    I think the distinction between "import charges" and "VAT" are important here. 
  2. Like
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    SilverRich got a reaction from SyCstacker in Today I Received.....   
    Thank you. 
    I've actually been contemplating buying a proper camera as I just can't get the sort of images I want with my phone and I quite like taking coin pictures. 
  4. Haha
    SilverRich reacted to James32 in GOLD DEALS - (UK & Europe) See a deal, post it here   
    Wow. What a c,unt
  5. Super Like
    SilverRich got a reaction from Gruff in Today I Received.....   
    I'll pm you later. I just want my pictures to look like the one you've taken (crisp image of coin with black background) 😎
  6. Like
    SilverRich reacted to Charliemouse in Today I Received.....   
    You want all the secrets, huh?  😱 🤣
    You first need to ask yourself why you are taking the photo.  Or in other words, what type of photo do you want?
    A flat, face-on picture of the coin, like you would typically see in a catalogue or dealer's website.  Usually very even, diffuse lighting, no variation across the surface. More of a 'coffee table book' style photograph, angled and with more depth.  Typically more contrast in the lighting, showing variation in texture of the coin's surface, and emphasising depth. @Silverlocks has a set-up that is much more suited to produce the first type of photograph.  He has added tutorials and information on his equipment in the photography section.
    I tend to specialise in producing the second type of photograph.  Again, I have detailed a lot of my equipment (including lighting) and processes, used to achieve this.  But there is a lot of subjectivity, especially in the lighting of proofs and slabbed coins, that only experimentation is going to achieve.
    Please feel free to ask any specific questions or difficulties you have.  I am happy to talk through it.
  7. Like
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
    SilverRich got a reaction from LawrenceChard in GOLD DEALS - (UK & Europe) See a deal, post it here   
    Gold deals are just so scarce that we're reduced to finding deals on wooden boxes. 😭
    (Nice box though)
  10. Haha
    SilverRich got a reaction from AaaGee in GOLD DEALS - (UK & Europe) See a deal, post it here   
    Gold deals are just so scarce that we're reduced to finding deals on wooden boxes. 😭
    (Nice box though)
  11. Thanks
  12. Thanks
  13. Thanks
  14. Thanks
  15. Thanks
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    SilverRich got a reaction from Gruff in Today I Received.....   
    I did look briefly in the camera section but I'd love to know the exact way you take pictures such as above. Shadows and lighting when taking pics really annoy me. 
  17. Thanks
  18. Thanks
  19. Like
    SilverRich got a reaction from SilverToday in Today I Received.....   
    Thank you. 
    I've actually been contemplating buying a proper camera as I just can't get the sort of images I want with my phone and I quite like taking coin pictures. 
  20. Like
    SilverRich got a reaction from frag in I am gonna need a bigger paper round   
    Buy half sovs and 1/10 Brits. Look for deals as close to spot as possible. Sure the £/g will be higher than a full Sov but if you can keep buying them as opposed to worrying about buying full sovs it's a no brainer. 
    Just roll with it. 
  21. Like
    SilverRich got a reaction from Petra in I am gonna need a bigger paper round   
    Buy half sovs and 1/10 Brits. Look for deals as close to spot as possible. Sure the £/g will be higher than a full Sov but if you can keep buying them as opposed to worrying about buying full sovs it's a no brainer. 
    Just roll with it. 
  22. Like
    SilverRich reacted to Charliemouse in Today I Received.....   
    Royal Mint 2025 1oz Silver Lunar Year of the Snake

  23. Haha
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