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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by SovereignBull

  1. The Durga train continues along with some air tites and something very modern!
  2. Bought all the gold I own at the recent Ath and simply not phased. Just feels good to have some shiny. Now time to post what rocked up today!
  3. Looking at my paltry 8 sovs I want more discount (Sorry)so I hope it keeps going. Picking up a Sov at the end of this month when I’m struggling due to other commitments would be amazing and if if drops lower again in Feb then there is a good chance I’ll be able to pick up 3 sovs. Buying at the top has been a struggle but needed to be done. Gotta start somewhere!
  4. Got myself the 2023 & 2024. Turned up today. Don’t think I’ve seen a better silver coin than the 2024! I don’t think these will be available for long
  5. My Sovereign run was doing quite well until my daughter’s car went kaput! I have a 2024 coming tomorrow which I purchased before the car trouble but won’t be buying anymore for a couple of months! Should still be able to hit my goal of 19 before the end of the year 🤞🏼 Going to move the 95th birthday 1/4 soon as it’s starting to trigger me sat with the Sovs 🤣
  6. Are they the screw type ones? I end up using a knife to lift mine out and always end up opening the capsule! Very annoying! Just ordered a tube with 20 air tires for now so I can admire the coins without wrecking them or the box! Once that’s full I’ll move them into the box🙏🏼
  7. Been thinking the same! The “BIG” story about the 1.6 million$ Iran drones are laughable when u consider the billions being poured into Ukraine by the US
  8. Not had a proper look yet but has 54 nicely laid out pages detailing the history of the Sovereign and then around 20 pages of guide info. Book was published in 2001 so obvs only goes upto that date picked mine up from world of books for 13.45 delivered.
  9. Agreed! As well as all the measurement device a magnifying device is on the cards. Just need to find the right mix of utility & elegance!
  10. Goods recieved by @artalien just now and payment made within 10mins of reciept. A perfect example of a newbie Seller & established buyer
  11. I did. All sold up now! It’s what’s paid for my holidays and family car repairs for the last 4/5 years!
  12. Brilliant! I figured that as long as its weighing the royal mint coins at the same or very similair weight to the others in my collection its a good start! All coins are the same diameter & look similair thinkness although I will get a digital measure for this. So far so good!
  13. Possibly the closet! So this is a gold plated token given to those that attended the 2023 Avalanche (Crypto Avax) summit last year! Chikn is an NFT project with around 30 million total sales volume! Chikn The highest individual sale was around 100,000.00. Not a lot compared to BAYC.
  14. Never used this site but seems to be the only seller in the UK with stock https://www.ukcoinhunt.com/product/2021-shoebill-stork-one-ounce-silver-coin/
  15. This! Be very surprised if any of you know this medal & its origins! (Without google help)
  16. Measured all my 1oz silver and was getting between 1.003 - 1.008 toz so think all results showing as expected. I will at some point take to dealer to get verified but visually, dimension, weight & magnet tests all come out good
  17. Worth noting I am using the worlds cheapest digital scale!!
  18. Just weighed all my sovereigns and this is what I got (listed retailers for comparison) Royal Mint 2023 Coronation 8.02 Atkinsons 2023 Coronation 8.02 BullionByPost Memorial 8.02 Atkinsons Jubilee 8.02 TSF 2012 8.01 Chards 1918 8.01
  19. Have u picked up the 2024 1/4 from RM yet? I don’t believe u can buy them anywhere else yet
  20. Great spot originally James. Be good to do a thickness measure after the weight check. That bar looks twice as thick as it should
  21. Congrats. Wish I could have made an offer! A beautiful coin which is on my list to get but at normal sovereign size & not slabbed. AKA a lot cheaper 🤣
  22. Probs still won’t be listed on the landing page or the “new” link! The 2024 sovereign launch was laughable! I still can’t believe you had to run a search to find it
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