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Everything posted by SovereignBull

  1. Nice prices these for someone collecting PF70's GLWS
  2. Never anything left after all the coin buying! Maybe in 2025 if I’ve completed my collecting goals I’ll treat myself
  3. Was very very tempted by this. Great coin and great price considering it had everything.
  4. TY Bro. The 1gs and the1/4 Sov will likely be gifted for birthdays so they will likely be not in my EOY round up. The original goal when I started this in December was to collect 19 Sovs by Dec 2024. I’ve made a really fast start but it will slow down considerably with summer holidays and the usual one off yearly payments such as car insurance and the like! Been really enjoying collecting gold and silver & it’s so much better having ur investment in hand rather than watching lines on a screen. I’m missing a 2004 proof half which is tucked away (still in the RM plastic wrap) for my son’s 21st next year. The 2004 half has probably been my best purchase so far
  5. Silver update! Scaling the Silver collecting back (I think) Mainly going to be going after Britannia bullion as cheap as poss.
  6. My observance to the rules! Don’t waste ur notis in the all I want for Christmas thread 🤣 My lil collection coming along nicely. Hopefully a 1989 will be added before the end of Feb 🤞🏼
  7. Decided to get the gold collection out! This little stack has been collected in just over a month! It’s amazing how many things become unnecessary when the gold bug bites!
  8. Was typing but red wine stole a minute from me 🤣
  9. They were £99 last time I bought one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wish I’d had more spare money at the time. Brilliant birthday/Christmas gifts at anything below £120 👍🏼 GLWS & I may bid last minute! After all kidneys go for a pretty penny and I think u only need one to live a basic life 🤣
  10. Thanks. I’m eying a double at the mo for a little bit more but will definitely consider this in the short list if it’s still available. Will probably be committing to a buy around 16th Feb. Ideally I want a 1989 before anything else - It’s the itch I’ve gotta scratch!
  11. I know but you can hope! Pretty much the reason I’m open to different sizes just so I can get the design. Have a few on the radar already which is a really good sign 🫡
  12. A bit more than I was thinking as looking at past sales they seem to be between £220 - £330 (£330 was slabbed and a PF69 grade) I need to look more into the date of the sale to see where the market sits. Plus it’s early days in the search but please keep em coming
  13. Thanks James. Another one for me to consider!
  14. Putting the feelers out for 1 of the below sovereign dates. Can be any size and just need to be in fine or above condition This is a seeking post and I cannot buy until the 23rd of February but wanting to give myself the best opportunity to find what I want before the money is burning a hole in my pocket! Any of the below, Any size, from quarter to double (can’t stretch to a 5 🤣) 1989 2016 2017 (Ideally garter but will consider privy the closer to the 23rd we get!) Thanks
  15. Still list on here. I’m constantly buying but as I said earlier I just spent all of my months allocation on Friday which was slightly over your asking price for less gold! I’m following u on here so please list (for me the last Friday of the month is the best time for new listings!)
  16. Could be worse! U could have bought the 1/40 royal mint dragon for a 150% premium! Ah bggr, no that was me! £100 for 0.8g nof gold! Could be the worst purchase ever closely followed by the 1g Christmas wishes for £80 😬
  17. Maybe I just need deeper pockets! All my buys are pretty much exclusively on TSF. I’m just spent up now till the end of Feb!
  18. Can you post close up pics of the 0.5g coins please
  19. Didn’t pick up a set and the RNLI 50p was the only one I really wanted. Hopefully the RM won’t put to much of a premium on it but I doubt that very much!
  20. Damn! Yeah that would have been a good buy. I committed to buying my coins at the start of Jan and although I’m really happy with them I didn’t have anything spare to grab the bargains. I think it’s wise (especially with the impending RM releases) to have a good amount of cash free to grab the must haves
  21. I’m seeing some large cast bars in ur future! Man can only collect so many carded bars!
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