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Everything posted by SovereignBull

  1. Very similar and I guess the BUNC will be sealed on card. Not sure what other differences there will be
  2. Yeah it was just an auction that was badly worded and ended at an odd time. I think I just got really lucky
  3. Yeah. Normally carries a hefty premium! Picked this up for £38!
  4. Once I set myself a goal I usually go all in and can’t really rest easy until it’s completed! My slightly Autistic, OCD trait! I try not to set more than one goal at a time as I just struggle with not putting all my effort into just one! Once this is done I’ve got to somehow buy 10 more sovereigns before the end of the year which I’m not sure is possible but I’ll give it a good go!
  5. A few in the post and just a couple to go! Britannia 1998 - 2024
  6. Happy to go £200 for the last bar
  7. TY @andsing56 would you do 1no. For £27.00 ? Doing a date run so only after the one! cheers
  8. Very nice! I’d have a look at mine but they are in the room with the dog and would only set her off! My version of a dragon guarding the gold and silver! Ill post some pics tomorrow and will do a video once I’ve got one of every date 👍🏼
  9. Paid a lot for the first 6 but they were all early years and in great condition. I’ve bought others in a bulk buy and sold the duplicates on which helped get my cost average down
  10. Hahaha - Not enjoyed being able to buy gold while I did this! And I’m done with proofs after the great engravers G&D I got today! Only time I’m buying proof now is when it’s very, very close to the price of bullion!
  11. Perfect 👌🏼 I’ve only got 4 left to collect! 1997, 2006, 2019 & 2022! On average I think my cost per coin when you account for the postage costs has probably been around £30. You will well and truly beat that but I still think I’ve managed to get a really nice good condition collection at a really good price.
  12. I’m an awful saver. As in zero savings ever! I like things I buy them! However….. I started buying Gold & Silver at the start of December last year. I now have around £7000 saved in Precious Metals at current spot price. For those of us that struggle to save I can’t think of anything better than Gold to buy. You get something physical to hold onto, it’s beautiful to look at and very easy to sell if you desperately need the funds! The very best thing about it though is once you have it, you want more and you don’t want to sell it! Perfect scenario for me
  13. Now that’s an absolute result! Huge saving on cost and time! Well played.
  14. I think the PF70 version of these coins will be few and far between!
  15. Please do. A lovely coin. I normally only buy the 1/10ths and am a bit like yourself and try to buy off weight alone! Picked up an 87 and 2003 proofs for pretty much spot price. Gold is gold but if you can get a proof for a small premium then I think it’s worth it That really is a lovely coin.
  16. How dare you? 🤣 That 1997 1/4 is stunning. One of my fave designs
  17. Just to note. Been in touch with royal mint customer services and they’ve been superb. The Royal Mint get absolutely everything spot on apart from the quality of the coin! The quality of the packaging to the way they ship the product is second to none (don’t ask me about the Brit/lib 1/40th!) such a shame they have blind people in QC
  18. Yeah spoke to a few others so that’s obvs acceptable the mark by the tail isn’t though. Really wants this to be good! Oh well back to just buying gold bullion!
  19. So pissed off I just clicked refund! Done with the royal mint. I was so looking forward to this coin after such a long wait! Shouldn’t have got my hopes up 😢 I can almost live with the rim defects but the line by the tail I can’t!
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