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Silver Premium Member
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  1. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from Fishface220 in Ebay seller. On here?   
    It turned up thismorning. Managed to get it out of the capsule without touching it. Thanks @Scootermuppet
    Love it👍

  2. Like
    AaaGee reacted to modofantasma in Why silver price is going down when we have such inflation?   
    Seriously though, some people are likely still better off holding silver as it stops them spanking cash on nonsense that would lose any value. 
  3. Haha
    AaaGee reacted to LawrenceChard in Thinking of getting a membership here !!!!! Convince me !!!!!   
    You're easily convinced, although I suspect you had already decided.
    Essex dealers: perhaps they all got caught!
  4. Like
    AaaGee reacted to LawrenceChard in Thinking of getting a membership here !!!!! Convince me !!!!!   
    I think a monthly sub is a great idea...
    Start with a  "Meatball Marinara", then work your way through the rest.
  5. Like
    AaaGee reacted to GoldDiggerDave in Ebay seller. On here?   
    That's great to hear mate, there's loads of good people on here.   
  6. Super Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from GoldDiggerDave in Ebay seller. On here?   
    No. A member on this fine forum sold me one.
  7. Like
    AaaGee reacted to GoldDiggerDave in So, ive just started stacking....   
    @AaaGee 👍nothing wrong with silver one bit as long as you are buying it for the right reasons, I’ve just bought some more this week, just made a quick 18% on it, not a massive amount pays for a few beers. 

    some nice designs to be had and they are not expensive. So there is joy to be had collecting silver. 
  8. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from GoldDiggerDave in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Thanks, makes a lot of sense. You have voiced the opinion of others before you but its taken time for it to sink in with me (miss spent youth lol).
    I'll get a hand full of silver brits a year just because I like em but will concentrate on gold. 
    Thanks again 
  9. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to GoldDiggerDave in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Sovereigns all day mate!  
    Problem with that 37k in 15 years is lucky to be worth 12-15k in real terms.    Gold historically has always been a store of wealth look at a sovereign as a stored weeks take home wage today.  It's very likely still to be a weeks wage in 2037 when a weekly wage is £850 for example.   
    Silver is not a store of wealth, it has not kept up with inflation.    
    The only thing I can see putting gold under pressure in the mid term is very high interest rates as this historically has a negative effect on gold as there's better returns to be had having cash in the bank.  But I don't trust the banks one bit, would not surprise me if the banks all temped us to liquidate everything for the promise of a high interest return only to nail us all with a bail in once they are holding all of our cash. 
    By all means buy what you like and live by the financial decisions you make for yourself.  
  10. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to James32 in Ebay seller. On here?   
    Which coin is it?
    Maybe put a wanted post up on here, sure it will be cheaper 🤔 
  11. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from Scootermuppet in So, ive just started stacking....   
    As for silver there is a positive.
    Im heading towards 50 now and never been good at saving money.
    If i were to put 2.5k a year for the next 15 years on silver i would have what owes me £37.500 
    Fingers crossed, at worst its still worth what it owes me. Sell it all and bank 37.k 
    Surely its worth it?
    This is hoping that i can afford to put 2 5k in yearly. Maybe some years more, some years less.
  12. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from LemmyMcGregor in So, ive just started stacking....   
    As for silver there is a positive.
    Im heading towards 50 now and never been good at saving money.
    If i were to put 2.5k a year for the next 15 years on silver i would have what owes me £37.500 
    Fingers crossed, at worst its still worth what it owes me. Sell it all and bank 37.k 
    Surely its worth it?
    This is hoping that i can afford to put 2 5k in yearly. Maybe some years more, some years less.
  13. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from Gordy in So, ive just started stacking....   
    As for silver there is a positive.
    Im heading towards 50 now and never been good at saving money.
    If i were to put 2.5k a year for the next 15 years on silver i would have what owes me £37.500 
    Fingers crossed, at worst its still worth what it owes me. Sell it all and bank 37.k 
    Surely its worth it?
    This is hoping that i can afford to put 2 5k in yearly. Maybe some years more, some years less.
  14. Like
    AaaGee reacted to James32 in Best Storage   
    Basically it's keeping air/moisture out that will keep you in best shape, ever thought about a food sealer? Haven't used myself but seen others using with great success. 
  15. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Bigmarc in So, ive just started stacking....   
    I know mate, only playing. 
    I suppose I have been lucky in the fact that I have made money from silver and have managed to grow what I have accumulated but my expectations have never been high financially which may have helped. I do hold gold but unfortunately have no love for it, maybe because gold only represents value with little use case, it basically only fluctuates depending on how many rich people want it. 
    I suppose silver is a little hope, those who bought in 2019 would have made a fair bit on the silver squeeze phenomenon. Silver to me is probably the only thing in my house I have to my self (kids, missus and mates not interested). I get enjoyment of holding something real, a bit of history, dug from the earth buy man (or woman) and crafted by man (or woman). I have to admit I am not currently buying and will start again when a recession is called officially. The charts and history all prove that it's the underdog and that is probably its main selling point but as long as you don't throw all your money into it , it can be treated as a hobby that may make you a bit of money at some point. 
    There are moon boys (and girls) in everything, trust me I have been learning the crypto world but as a whole they are a small percentage of the community that think the lights are going to go out tomorrow. Take it with a pinch of salt I say. One thing I will say is what I have learnt over the last couple of years is no one can predict tops, bottoms, COVID, war and governments printing money so just play the game with your own eyes rather than "influencer's". 
    Any how, off to buy some beans and bricks now. 
    Silver to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀
  16. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to JamieUK in Best Storage   
    Hi AaaGee
    Thanks for your reply.
    Certain substances interact poorly with silver over extended periods of time. This includes paper, aluminum foil, and plastics with PVC. Plastics can be a great storage medium for silver, but you should verify that they aren’t PVC plastics, which are generally softer plastics.
  17. Like
    AaaGee reacted to GoldDiggerDave in So, ive just started stacking....   
    @Happypanda88 my horizons are broad enough, and if people want to get sucked into buying silver for the sole reason for “ being a hedge against inflation” then good on them it’s not my money they are losing.   
    Pointless buying a 1oz round while someone is paying 39.9% Apr servicing their credit card or overdrawn obligations or paying 3% on a mortgage for them next 35 years.  
    as for the economy collapsing, let’s say it does at 12 o’clock today, just where is someone going to be able to offload their monster boxes of silver and would you really accept the nations fiat currency in that scenario?
    there are advantages to buying silver, but it will not help you if the worst happens, it’s a moronic view point some silver holders have.
    then again if it goes to 10 million quid per Oz we’re are all millionaires everyone is a winner. 

  18. Like
    AaaGee reacted to TeaTime in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Anyone who states that silver will make a loss because of the premium and VAT is being, at best, disingenuous. No-one sells silver coins at spot. Look on any forum / dealer website or Ebay to see the actual selling prices of modern silver coins. Prices will fluctuate depending on the intrinsic value of the metal but there will always be a premium involved when buying any manufactured goods. The premium on silver is generally higher than on gold - meaning silver is not as reliant on spot price manipulation movement....
    Imagine both gold and silver prices plummeted 50% tomorrow - the higher premium on silver coins would act as a buffer. The gold coins trading at spot would be worth half of what they are today.
    Admittedly my attitude to gold/silver is based on a collector, rather than stacker, mentality. I never 'invest' in modern silver/gold coins unless i will actually enjoy owning them. Making an (eventual) profit is the aim but it's not my primary motivation... Knowing my luck i'll keel-over and my coins will get sold by family to a dealer for pennies with the resounding epitaph of 'there's no demand for that sort of stuff these days'......
  19. Haha
    AaaGee reacted to Happypanda88 in So, ive just started stacking....   
    ....and those magic beans could become a giant plant that enables you to climb to the top and reach those golden eggs ! 🤗
    But I wouldn't say to people to go all in on the magic beans ! 😁
  20. Haha
    AaaGee reacted to GoldDiggerDave in So, ive just started stacking....   
    If this was the magic bean forum I'd be saying be wary of buying magic beans. 
  21. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Bigmarc in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Just treat it as a hobby and learn the market you are operating in. My monthly money I allocated to PM's is very low and I am not currently buying but that Money does go somewhere and will end up as silver or gold (depending on what is best value at the time). Also please make up your own mind, don't flip so easy, this means ignoring you tubers and faceless forum posts (including me). People generally tend to be bias towards their own bags.
  22. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Scootermuppet in So, ive just started stacking....   
    I started my stacking journey around 18 months ago by stacking Silver - 1, 2 or 3 coins at a time - whatever I could afford as a client paid an invoice - to use as a way of saving that meant I couldn't just use it to make a spur of the moment purchase, as turning it back in to cash would take some time & effort.
    Not ideal, but that was all the available funds I had - as time has gone by and my business has picked up, I've been lucky enough to afford some Gold too, but the fact that I managed to fill a tube of Silver Brits blew me away - just a few years ago, the thought that I would be able to 'save' around £600 was unthinkable...
    We all had to start somewhere (Even @Paul & @James32 😅) - and IMHO, a handful of Silver 1oz coins / bars is better than a handful of nothing... 😏
    We can all offer advice to help you make the most of your available funds, but at the end of it all - you do you 👍
  23. Like
    AaaGee reacted to LawrenceChard in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Most people here like silver...
    But most people here don't like VAT...
    Also % premiums are higher on silver, even ex VAT.
  24. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from LawrenceChard in So, ive just started stacking....   
    The 2x999 coins i bought are both 1/4oz.
    I understand that the smaller i buy, the higher the premium. But thats due to personal finances. Maybe i should save more rather than the little and often approach. But when it comes to selling, arnt the smaller weights an easier sell?
    I would have thought the average person with average earnings would struggle with buying 1oz coins/bars in a single hit even if the premium is lower.
    Thanks for showing me that you are cheaper than BBP. That is something else ive not done, comparing prices.
  25. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from LemmyMcGregor in So, ive just started stacking....   
    Yep, ok point taken.
    I'll buy a hand full of silver britts a year and concentrate on the gold👍
    Just reading through the thread you linked to. An interesting read.
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