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    AaaGee reacted to stefffana in Will The Maple Dissolve?!   
    How is your Maple? Still bathing?
    Asking for a friend...🤔

  2. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to SilverStorm in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    The gold that you should stack should be the coin (or bar) that is most popular in your country.   As a Canadian, I stack gold maple leaf.  An American would stack the American gold eagle or the Buffalo.  And for you Brits over there, the Sovereign and/or Britannia.  The reason you want to stack popular gold coins in your home country is because it will be easier for you to liquidate for a higher price when you need to convert gold to fiat.   But having said that, stacking the major gold bullion from Canada, USA, UK, Australia, Austria, South Africa...you can't really go wrong as they all have international appeal.  
    IMHO...if money is a factor, save up for the 1/10 oz size.  Buy on a regular basis to take advantage of dollar cost averaging.   You can never time the market (price) perfectly, so don't worry about price fluctuations.  If you are consistent in your buying, the average cost will correct itself in the long run.  What's important is to define your gold stacking goal and stick with it for the long run.  Your future self will thank you.  My 2 cents.
  3. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Shinus73 in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    Mostly NGC graded Royal Mint 1/4 oz proof gold coins - not bought at Royal Mint prices.
  4. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Dakaras in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    Mostly fractional, 1/10th I have most of but that's more a collection, rest is quarter sovs and various fractional coins that I've got at spot or close to, everything from 9ct Battle of Britain coins to 1/25ths in .999
  5. Like
    AaaGee reacted to GBStacking in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    In terms of the most of one type of coin, that's Sovereigns. But i have a mix of 1oz and a proof half Sov in the stack as well. The 1oz are whatever had the lowest premium when i am in a position to add one to the stack, so it's a mix of Krugs, Brits, a Kangaroo and a Buffalo. 

    As for any advice for what to get, it's really down to your own personal circumstances. Buying 1 Sov every time you can afford it works well for a lot of people as it's a nice feeling to see progress regular and often and then it obviously prevents you spending the cash on something else, however if you can save, then you will get better deals either buy buying a bigger 1oz coin at a lower premium or if you are buying from dealers, there is a reasonable discount in premium to be had for buying say 5 Sovs in one go rather than 1 at a time (just be prepared for the inevitable curse of watching spot drop about 2 mins after you complete the order! 😂). 

    In terms of selling, Sovs are about as liquid as you are going to get. You should have no issue shifting these to either private individuals or to dealers. 1oz, there are still plenty of buyers for these but you may find people want a pre established seller history before parting with bigger chunks of cash. Dealers though will almost certainly take these off your hands all day long just factor in you might get a little below spot for them.
  6. Like
    AaaGee reacted to BullionBuyerUK in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    This month Sovereigns are what I have the most of at the minute, pop in my local pawn shop once/twice a month and buy one. But, after a few months I'll get bored with sovereigns, so then I'll buy a few 1/4oz coins. If at the end of the month I have spare cash, I'll save it and put it towards a 1oz coin, or I may buy a half sov! The thing for me that keeps me motivated to keep stacking is buy a variety of different coins.
  7. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Petra in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    The only 5oz coin I have is a slabbed 2013 proof. Amazing coin. 5oz certainly gives amazing detail. Only issue is that it’s in a slab!
  8. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Scootermuppet in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    Think I may have mentioned this, but I started with 1/10th Gold Brits (after some Silver purchases when cash was tight) - as they were easier to afford - when a client paid an invoice, I'd grab one.
    Recently, work has been plentiful, so have made the most of it, with some sovereigns etc - and if I want to get another sovereign, I can always sell a 1/10th coin and put some towards it for the Sov 😁
    If I have a quiet month, I can always sell a 1/10 or two to keep ticking along - or a Sovereign if I need a little more 👍
    Sovereigns are usually available at fairly low premiums here on the forum, which means you'll get pretty much what you paid for it back if you have to sell in the shorter term, and should see a modest profit as the years go by if you don;t need to sell.
    I'll probably keep buying 1/10ths when they are reasonably priced, as they seem fairly easy to move on should the need arise, but I'll probably be concentrating on Sovereigns where possible, as they appear to be a good balance between premium and ease of liquidity.
  9. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to dicker in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    Covered many times before but it is NEVER a pain to answer this questions- we all started somewhere once.
    Go for low pct above spot.  Sov or Brit work well. Cheaper in the forum then dealer if they are available but look at dealers none the less.
    Sovs make the most sense and Gillicks hit the spot every time for me.
  10. Haha
    AaaGee reacted to Xander in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
  11. Like
    AaaGee reacted to James32 in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    I'd only be left with a few grams of gold and likely zero silver, But my blood pressure would be improved I'm sure!
  12. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to LawrenceChard in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    I am sure it is better to be slightly conservative when there are potential bad situations, and to always try to keep something in reserve.
    It is never good to have to sell in an "emergency".
    A good strategy would be to avoid the impulse, temptation buys, especially if it's a high premium item.
    Although this might mean missing out if prices continue to rise, there may be later opportunities to grab a bargain.
    High premium would include most silver, but you may get the chance to go for gold later.
    If keeping your cash is bad for mints and dealers, let them worry!
  13. Like
    AaaGee reacted to flyingveepixie in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    The trouble is that the currency, ie your 'money' in the bank, is being inflated away to zero worth, that's why you find yourself with ever decreasing purchasing power,  and it may be that the pms you hold will be the saviour of the day...There's a great series on youtube which was recommended to me the other day and which I watched in full and it's a real eye opener with regards to the difference between currency and money. Here's the link to episode one.
  14. Haha
    AaaGee reacted to goldhunter in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    also dont visit the shops or turn the heating on......problem definitely solved then
  15. Like
    AaaGee reacted to Dakaras in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    It's not looking great, I will keep buying PMs bit silver will now be just stuff I like at sensible premium's, saw a bar I really liked earlier but premium was way over what I'm prepared to pay at the moment where as a couple of months ago it wouldn't have bothered me. But also will be building up the cash at home stash and cutting back on lunches and breakfast out....which is a shame as worked hard to be able to finally do that as and when we want. 
    Jacked in self employment after 18 years and winding business up, shame love what I do but it relies on people having problems that they don't want to sort themselves. 
  16. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to James32 in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    Here's my logic for what it's worth. 
    Our PM's ( well i mean your's as ive lost mine unfortunately) are for a rainy day, either we benefit financially from them or they literally save us from eating pebbles in the future. 
    Always keep some cash on hand, whether in bank or under the 3rd floorboard from the left in nan's room😄
    Banks can have problems and literally just "stop" giving out money,so best to have a back up for your back up too.
    I will continue to buy metals within reason ( deal at the time) as longer term they will do ok. Sometimes the best time to buy something is when everyone is running in the opposite direction 🙃 
  17. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from Goldfever20 in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    Yep, its the cost of living that ive started to notice.
    Also a little guilty of over spending this year.
    Im going for money in the bank and holding out untill next year when this thing really hits. And see how im getting on.
    Maybe purchase, maybe not.
    But not wanting to sell any PMs i have unless I really need to.
  18. Like
    AaaGee got a reaction from Dazlenk in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    Yep, its the cost of living that ive started to notice.
    Also a little guilty of over spending this year.
    Im going for money in the bank and holding out untill next year when this thing really hits. And see how im getting on.
    Maybe purchase, maybe not.
    But not wanting to sell any PMs i have unless I really need to.
  19. Thanks
    AaaGee reacted to Dazlenk in Its all Doom & Gloom.....   
    The way things are going I think I'd have to agree with your "money in the bank" comment. I've bought a couple of silver coins recently to add to my Lib collection, but the gold coins I'd like to buy ( sov's, 1/4 oz tudor lion ) for my future investment stack will have to wait. I've got some building work starting in my house soon ££££££ and my job situation has become slightly more uncertain recently. So unless the pm prices plummet I'll be holding off on making any expensive additions to my stack/collection until things become more settled, in regards to both the cost of living and also my own personal situation. 
  20. Like
    AaaGee reacted to DrDave in Will The Maple Dissolve?!   
    I've got one of them ☺️
    I might run a test
  21. Like
    AaaGee reacted to DrDave in Will The Maple Dissolve?!   
    Well, todays weigh in shows the coins at
    which is down from yesterday!
    For now, i'm putting it down to factors such as drying, cleanliness etc, although i'm trying to be thourough.
    I've now got another coin which i'll weigh as a control each day, so if the scales are at all inconsistant then we should be able to spot it.

  22. Like
    AaaGee reacted to DrDave in Will The Maple Dissolve?!   
    Do you realise how long it takes to shoot that image.............!😂
    I'll see what i can do 👍
  23. Like
    AaaGee reacted to DrDave in Removing the Tarnish.........   
    Just about to do it now! Should be live by 4pm......................
  24. Like
    AaaGee reacted to DrDave in Removing the Tarnish.........   
    First of all, thanks to @James32 and @Scootermuppet for advice on removing the tarnish on a Maple that i received in a batch.
    So i gave it a go, despite the word of warning from @LawrenceChard 🤓 , and i'm quite pleased with the result.
    However i was interested to find out what was happening when the coin was in the solution, and, although i had an idea, i did a little Googling.
    As i thought, it was an electrolytic process. What happens (i'm happy to corrected though) is that the bicarb and the foil turns the tarnish, which is a silver sulphide, back into silver (which i understand remains on the coin) and the releases the sulphide which attaches itself to the aluminium foil, becoming aluminium sulphide.
    So my logic tells me that however long i leave to coin in the solution, the process won't continue if the tarnish has gone, and the coin won't loose any of its mass into the solution.
    So i'll accept the challenge from Mr Chard, and will put a coin in a solution and weigh it each day for a week and refresh the solution. I'll start a new thread tomorrow and will update it every day if anybody is interested?
    Its not that important in the grand scheme of things, but i get obsessed with things like this 🤓

  25. Like
    AaaGee reacted to James32 in Gold, What have you got most of?   
    Any great condition but cheapish😬🤣 bullion 1/4s currently? 
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