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would anyone happen to know if any of the following events will move pm,s up or down


interest rate rises uk , usa , and europe

uk general election

further deep recession  uk  Eurozone  usa

mortgage foreclosures / repossesions

bond tapering

ecb cutting interest rates further than the minus they already are

and the biggie


Scotland  votes yes

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I know I should reply elsewhere , but what is driving the price down at the minute, I know everyone has said the silver fix ending didn't do anything , but these falls have been after the silver fix ended haven't they?

are big sales been dumped on paper trading

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What other events are coming up?



Pricing Influence

With the start of gold trading in the free-trade zone, China is seeking to exert its influence over prices while expanding the yuan’s role in global trade




But that's just another 'maybe'.

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god this is interesting , so in simple terms  , you need them to manipulate to drive it down if youre buying / but if everyone has bought enough silver then if the manipulating stops then we all become better off in money terms , I suppose the question is then

if they never stop manipulating pm,s  then we always get a wrong price forever

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Think of this: I read (I can't find the article to quote or share, but will keep looking) that last year more silver was sold than ever before. The exchange in Shanghai (I think it was, must find that article lol) has less stock than ever in it;s history. Consumer demand was higher than eve before.


Now we all know when consumer demand is hight ans supply is low that prices go up right?


So why did silver loose so much value last year? 30%? Something like that.






So all the events you list may have some small 'local' effects sending prices off a few dollars here or a few dollars there, but the current trend won't change until it is politically expedient for whoever is behind this manipulation.


This is an interesting article. Written in October 2012 it predicted a "blood bath crash" in PM's - how right they were!




They have a lot of interesting stuff to say about the current market. Spend a few hours having a look there, it is very interesting.

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