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Atkinsons and their advertised spot prices.


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I've been following the spot prices for both gold and silver on various sites for a while now and I've noticed a strange trend with the advertised spot prices on the Atkinsons website. Whilst the Gold price is usually spot on with the live price, the Silver price is quite regularly 5p or 6p above the real time live spot price. And as I typed this I re-checked the prices, and silver fell by 2p. With both the live price found elsewhere and the Atkinson "live" price also falling by 2p, but still 5p higher


As their selling prices is linked to their spot price, I'm wondering if this is atkinsons trying to do some cheeky profiteering at the expense of unwary customers. 

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I think they are displaying the offer price(what people would have

to pay to buy silver). a bit like in shares where they display the

mid price but the trading prices are usually to either side of that.

in a normal trade silver is more volatile so have a bigger spread.



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It must be a conspiracy HT

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Very cheeky from Atkinsons, I shall not be buying any more of their overpriced silver; oh no! I will get mine from "craig12 bullion limited" (when it starts), which should have an accurate spot ticker, a much better website, and genuine special offers. 

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  • Founder & Administrator

I think they are advertising the ask price. Rather than the bid-ask mid point.

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If people have an issue with Atkinson's, or any other dealer for that matter, perhaps it would be good for the persons who are concerned to contact them directly and give them the right of reply? I use Atkinson's a lot as they are close to where I live, and they have never been anything but helpful to me. Before we get the pitchforks and flaming torches out perhaps someone who's concerned by this should email them ;)

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If people have an issue with Atkinson's, or any other dealer for that matter, perhaps it would be good for the persons who are concerned to contact them directly and give them the right of reply? I use Atkinson's a lot as they are close to where I live, and they have never been anything but helpful to me. Before we get the pitchforks and flaming torches out perhaps someone who's concerned by this should email them ;)

Agreed, drop them an email Craig and see what they say.

I also live close by and have picked orders up in person before. But I can't abide by their prices nowadays so haven't used them in a while.

Stacker since 2013

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will do  had a live chat today about the 2 rand coin being about a fiver dearer than gold line  , Rachel said they will look at trying to alter price, and said if you see anything cheaper on another site  , I should contact them and they will see if they can beat the price

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Atkinsons is my favorite dealer for gold. I have noticed a few times the gold spot being off, especially at the weekends and Friday's. I don't by vat silver so never noticed the silver spot.

I've considered phoning Atkinsons regarding this issue but not got round to it. I normally check the spot price on the kitco app before purchase. I'm willing to forgive Atkinsons as they are consistently the cheapest bullion dealer.

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Atkinsons is my favorite dealer for gold. I have noticed a few times the gold spot being off, especially at the weekends and Friday's. I don't by vat silver so never noticed the silver spot.

I've considered phoning Atkinsons regarding this issue but not got round to it. I normally check the spot price on the kitco app before purchase. I'm willing to forgive Atkinsons as they are consistently the cheapest bullion dealer.


I think stretch has a good point in that as long as atkinson's are consistent and offer a

good deal for price/quality/service, should we be that concerned with how exactly they

arrived at their pricing?



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