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Question for Danny or anyone


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Hi,this question is for Danny but i would still like it if others can help me with this as well. As most of you know i am at the very beginning of my journey into silver stacking so forgive me if this seems like a bit of a daft question, but as Danny said he loves his sets could you or anybody tell me what kind of sets are out there and maybe point me towards some sets that might be good to get into, obviously i might as well start geting the newer releases that have come out such as the RM lunar year of the horse, but what are some older collections that would be nice to get into, starting to look like my being just a bullion collector is going for a burton, but you all warned me i would get hooked and it looks like you were right.

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Most common answer - Perth Mint lunar series 2. Recommended, won't break the bank (1oz BU). Maybe series 1 too, but I don't know about that one.

Others, probably Britannia or Kooks. Those are the ones I'd look to to next. Pandas perhaps, but IIRC anything pre-09 becomes a real minefield for fakes.

Course, don't rule out older things. . . .like Morgans ;)

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Lunar series 1 and 2 from Perth mint are the most popular I would say

Canadian wildlife series (6 coin series)

Designs that are released every year with new design (Kooks, Pandas, Koalas)

Canadian 1.5 oz wildlife series (polar bear and arctic fox)

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as long as you stick to 1oz, i would say Lunar2 and koalas.

Both are only 7 yrs gone, but 1/2ozers cost you more.

Kookaburras you still can get for decent money, from 1990 till present.

Pandas is a jungle, but from 2009 is no variants and same style.

Go for what you like, and enjoy :) 

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Hi,this question is for Danny but i would still like it if others can help me with this as well. As most of you know i am at the very beginning of my journey into silver stacking so forgive me if this seems like a bit of a daft question, but as Danny said he loves his sets could you or anybody tell me what kind of sets are out there and maybe point me towards some sets that might be good to get into, obviously i might as well start geting the newer releases that have come out such as the RM lunar year of the horse, but what are some older collections that would be nice to get into, starting to look like my being just a bullion collector is going for a burton, but you all warned me i would get hooked and it looks like you were right.


Few things to take into a consideration are,budget,proofs or Bu's or both,true sets or date runs.


As starter or newish collector i'd go for lunar 1 and 2 1oz Bu's both can be collected for reasonable money.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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Series II Perth Mint Lunars are good start.


Older ones not too expensive and only 7 to get to bring you up to date.


I wouldnt consider Panda's if your just starting out as the older ones can carry a huge premium and there are a lot to buy.

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Apologies for the delayed response, little girl's first birthday party today.

As others have said, I'd recommend the following: -




Perth lunar series 2

Fiji taku

Armenian Noah's ark.

There are some small sets there to get you started, koala / noah / taku or you could wade straight in with the britannias, my favourite.

Let us know which way you decide to go matey.

Stacker since 2013

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Thanks Danny, hope you and your familly have a wonderfull day, we are just waiting for the arrival of our second grandchild, which might well arrive today, my sons girlfriend is in labour as i am typing so it might well have the same birthday as your daughter, i'll let you know how it goes. Have you just got the one child Danny?

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Hi buddy,

Yes, just the one. It was actually her birthday on the 22nd (with future king george) but the family couldn't get together till today, so we had a little party on Tuesday and the full one today.

We'll be trying for another in a couple of years - at least that's the current plan.

Little one is asleep now, busy day, so I get some forum time [emoji1]

Hope all goes well for your new grandchild today, it's a very exciting time. I hope I'm a long way off being a grandad.

Stacker since 2013

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Hi buddy,

Yes, just the one. It was actually her birthday on the 22nd (with future king george) but the family couldn't get together till today, so we had a little party on Tuesday and the full one today.

We'll be trying for another in a couple of years - at least that's the current plan.

Little one is asleep now, busy day, so I get some forum time [emoji1]

Hope all goes well for your new grandchild today, it's a very exciting time. I hope I'm a long way off being a grandad.

I tend not to give other people advice especially when it comes to raising kids, but after raising 3 children the only advice i have ever given is to savour those early years because it passes way way too fast, before you know it you will be glaring into your daughters boyfriends eyes and threatening to kil him if he upsets her in any way :D.

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Lol. I can imagine mate.

Very much enjoying her at the moment.

That's why we are waiting till she is 3 before we start trying for another, let her get her own personality first and enjoy the first few years with her.

She's awesome, I'd love to post a pic but I have banned the wife from posting pics on Facebook so don't want to be hypocritical.

I'd rather she made her own decisions on her online presence.

Stacker since 2013

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Yes i too am a fan of not getting too personal on these forums, as i think i mentioned when i first joined i had a bad experience on another forum as a direct result of putting up some personal information, some idiot decided to launch a personal  attack on me , now i can be a bit too sensative at times it's one of my many faults and i found this experience quite upsetting, so i am quite carefull not to get too personal now on these forums, which is a shame in some ways because i still believe there are more good people than bad in the world.

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2007 25th Anniversary Panda set, available in both gold and silver... Only get graded, at least MS69

Golds are 1/20oz Proof

Silver 1/4oz Proof

Buy them individually and build up a nice set. Very limited mintage, especially as apparently in 2007 they didn't sell and a lot were melted down, reports are that the actual availability is nearer 1/2 the mintage.

The full set is 25 coins seen here....


Beware of fakes though particularly the ungraded box set.

Just something different.... :)

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