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For humour.

There are two tubs, sort and divide the coins.

They're all different from each other in some way.

Questions may be asked.



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38 minutes ago, Stuntman said:

I'd probably sort by denomination rather than by reverse design or base metal composition.  So for me: 5p coins in one tub, 10p coins in the other.

Mine are both mixed based on metal content.

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As far as I am aware, the two at the left are cupro-nickel, where the other four are steel cored with a cupro-nickel cladding.

Progress is a myth. Democracy is a sham. Dumbing down is real.
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1 hour ago, Earthmetal said:

As far as I am aware, the two at the left are cupro-nickel, where the other four are steel cored with a cupro-nickel cladding.

The middle, red boxed, two are cupronickel.  The design was changed before the metal content.

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Ah right, thanks. I thought the change co-incided in 2012, but I see now the design changed in 2008.

Progress is a myth. Democracy is a sham. Dumbing down is real.
Throw your mobile 'phone in the bin, it will free you!
Turn your TV off, cancel your licence.

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