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Silver Monitoring Thread £ (GBP) only.

Message added by ChrisSilver

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It just pipped below £16 didn't it?

Gold was steady, perhaps up? Just goes to highlight the importance of diversity.

Don't keep all your eggs in one monsterbox :D

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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22 minutes ago, Stacktastic said:

Lets get back on track as this is a silver monitoring thread on a silver forum.
It's taken a nose dive today, so at least we have somehting to talk about. 😜

I thought we had seen the bottom yesterday, but it can easily get a lot lower. 
Fabulous opportunity if you ask me. 

How much lower do you think it can go?

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26 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Are you implying that the typical post made here is insane?
i do believe you are. 
As a higher volume poster on the TSF i must conclude this refers to me as well.

Look at this @LawrenceChard - as i pointed out only today

i am literally shaking. 😱


I have a philosophy or mantra that we are all different, which I believe is a good thing.

Coin collecting is a minority interest, and some numismatists might be considered eccentric.

If someone called me eccentric, I would probably accept it is a compliment, althought I might go to Kwikfit for some wheel balancing.

There are also conspiracy theorists around. I don't want to insult or alienate too many of them, because they tend to like buying silver. 😎

I suspect there are a few extremists also, and I don't want to insult or alienate any of them, because they might be in possession of a BFG.



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3 hours ago, Minimalist said:

No point in repeating this reality. People will refuse to believe it. Metals are being hammered.


people refuse to believe it because it's simply not true.


physical silver britannias with stock on sale at £22/toz posted. maybe the lowest it's been in months.

you said something about buying all the physical metal I have at pre drop prices, there's good news,

you can likely buy more physical metal than I have at lower than pre drop prices.


who needs to recognise proof when you can keep on kidding yourself that the futures paper market

has no bearing on the current physical market?



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47 minutes ago, TommyTwoShots said:

How much lower do you think it can go?

No idea its broken strong support. 

Hopefully it might bounce somewhere around £14.20 ish if it carries on down. 
Im hoping for £12 or there abouts as I don't own any silver stocks. 
Im flogging £3k of silver tomorrow (price locked in) for it, so thats good. 

One thing for sure im waiting for it to prove its going back up, unlike gold recently!! 


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1 hour ago, LawrenceChard said:

I couldn't resist:


Fabulous opportunity if you ask me.


I disagree no where to put ya pint whilst dipping in at the bottom!

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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9 hours ago, Roy said:

It just pipped below £16 didn't it?

Gold was steady, perhaps up? Just goes to highlight the importance of diversity.

Don't keep all your eggs in one monsterbox :D

I have been buying, and the price keeps dropping, looking for the news on why this is happening. This dude says Elon the muskrat plans to mine space but could just be a dump and pump after his increased acquisition??? I don't know ? Can anyone confirm the latest market factors in their opinion or give links ?


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8 hours ago, silversky said:

I still think there's a good chance that this will be a spike low.  A close for the week flat is what I predict.  Could be wrong of course!  :) 

Yep but a significant one as it broke yearly lows

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9 hours ago, Bigmarc said:

Though bit had been put back a year? 

Not sure, will need to check. I remember Andrew Maguire mentioning something about the LBMA had managed to get a 6 month reprieve in something, but thought that brought it to Jan 2022?

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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1 hour ago, Gruff said:

Not sure, will need to check. I remember Andrew Maguire mentioning something about the LBMA had managed to get a 6 month reprieve in something, but thought that brought it to Jan 2022?

Andrew Maguire has been like a stuck record on replay since I heard him first on king world news way back in 2010. He will be right one day but a stopped clock is right twice a day and that's a better track records than him

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11 hours ago, silversky said:

I still think there's a good chance that this will be a spike low.  A close for the week flat is what I predict.  Could be wrong of course!  :) 

Im not so sure, given the resistance it broke - that sudden sell off is certainly dodgy. 
As this guy says it could take some time & the dollar is apparently strong (we know it isnt LOL).

But with a possible heavy S&P sell off, money may well move into silver.
£14.90 is what im looking at for an initial buying level. 


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14 hours ago, Minimalist said:


no one cares what andrew maguire says.

I'm asking you that if the physical silver prices(with stock for delivery) goes up and down in rhythm

with the up and down movements in the spot price(supposedly manipulated), is it a disconnect between

the over supply of silver on the futures market versus the physical market?

you'd rather believe random vague rantings from the likes of andrew maguire(who profit from pumping

the prices of the metals) rather than what you see with your own eyes? what happened to 'what I see

on my shopping bill don't match with the official inflation figures'? I guess it's double standards as to

if you believe what you see with your own eyes.


a thread about the weak demand made before yesterdays drop.


the excessive use of capitals by forum sellers as a means to advertise their metal, is becoming a problem.

(also made before yesterdays drop). looks to me like a good bit of physical metal was not shifting at

pre drop prices(hence the trend for some sales thread to try to look more appealing).

the early warning signs are there for people interested in looking. hardly what I'd consider manipulated

manoeuvre with no real world backing.


are you listening to andrew maguire because he did such a great job giving you the heads up about

yesterdays 4% drop on paper for your bullion silver holdings? or are you any closer to taking off the

metals pumpers blindfold?


you see the forum members who tried to warn you of short term over supply that are likely to lead to

short term lower price, they are defined as 'in league with the evil bankers'. how dare they claim that

down movements in the silver price are a normal market price discovery behaviour. potential buyers

need to counter offer with higher prices when haggling for physical silver.(yes, I am mocking how

absurd it would be for silver prices to go up in a straight line)



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September is quite often a bad month for equities, maybe silver is just following that.

One thing seems clear - there is now a clear divergence between Gold and Silver moves; make of that what you will.

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.

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8 hours ago, Stacktastic said:

Im not so sure, given the resistance it broke - that sudden sell off is certainly dodgy. 
As this guy says it could take some time & the dollar is apparently strong (we know it isnt LOL).

But with a possible heavy S&P sell off, money may well move into silver.
£14.90 is what im looking at for an initial buying level. 


Let's see how the week finishes out.  There seems to be a lot of bears around at the moment, but I still think (as I said last week) that this week will close flat or above it's open and that "the bottom will be in".  Looks like a pretty strong push for the stops was made but gold has dragged silver back up by the scruff.  I fully expected the dive for the stops.  The coming close on Friday's going to be important.

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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7 hours ago, HawkHybrid said:

no one cares what andrew maguire says.

Are you insinuating that hes wrong?

7 hours ago, HawkHybrid said:

is it a disconnect between

the over supply of silver on the futures market versus the physical market?

you'd rather believe random vague rantings from the likes of andrew maguire(who profit from pumping

the prices of the metals) rather than what you see with your own eyes? what happened to 'what I see

on my shopping bill don't match with the official inflation figures'? I guess it's double standards as to

if you believe what you see with your own eyes.

My own eyes see that their is a Paper:Silver ratio at 188:1 (which equates to $3,000 per ounce - ponzi scheme). Yet, the price is close to $17. Tell me how that isnt deception/manipulation?

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23 minutes ago, Minimalist said:

Are you insinuating that hes wrong?


10 hours ago, Paul said:

Andrew Maguire has been like a stuck record on replay since I heard him first on king world news way back in 2010. He will be right one day but a stopped clock is right twice a day and that's a better track records than him

maybe andrew maguire could be helpful next time and give you a heads up before the silver price is about to drop 4%?

(instead of claiming manipulation after the drops have happened.)

23 minutes ago, Minimalist said:

My own eyes see that their is a Paper:Silver ratio at 188:1 (which equates to $3,000 per ounce - ponzi scheme). Yet, the price is close to $17. Tell me how that isnt deception/manipulation?

but it doesn't see that miners extract silver at ~$16/toz(aisc supply) and the market is currently pricing silver at ~$22/toz(the demand side).

markets are about demand and supply.

expecting something that costs $16 to produce to be sold for $3,000 - who is the one that is doing the rip off deception/manipulation?

name anyone who is currently willing to pay $3,000/toz for bullion silver?



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