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Why is gold so sexy?


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Answer question why is Gold sexy better demonstrated with a picture because which would you prefer the stack of bank notes or 5x 1 oz Gold QB Griffins. I bought these back in October 2018 one of the best deals (in hindsight) but Gold lot more sexy than paper money.


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With it becoming increasing more harder for depositors to access their money from the banks with ease (without limits or numerous questions)  It led me towards au and Ag. 

It's for me a much better savings mechanism than the retail banks. Also right now I'm looking to make a play and convert some gold into holiday money Canadian dollars meaning I will get much more Canadian dollars when comparing it to the lousy pound ATM. 


In gold we trust


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I am on one stacker mission to buy 100 oz Gold in Queens Beasts coins. I have 10x Lions, Griffins, Dragons, Unicorns, Bulls and Falcons. Missed out on the Yales due recent higher price in Gold but hoping to finish the collection when opportunity presents itself.

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30 minutes ago, Tn21 said:

I will get much more Canadian dollars when comparing it to the lousy pound

Ive done a few REALLY nice trades on the TSX recently that were made sweeter by the£/CAD rates -the miners of PM have had a rather nice rally recently - and Ive been in and out - to the extent that the stocks im still holding are "FREE" - - Capital has been returned and a LOAD of profits too!   😉😁

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30 minutes ago, Tn21 said:

With it becoming increasing more harder for depositors to access their money from the banks with ease (without limits or numerous questions)  It led me towards au and Ag. 

It's for me a much better savings mechanism than the retail banks. Also right now I'm looking to make a play and convert some gold into holiday money Canadian dollars meaning I will get much more Canadian dollars when comparing it to the lousy pound ATM. 


In gold we trust


Yeah, you can’t even deposit £500 in a bank these days without where did the money come from. One day I might give them a lecture on fractional reserve lending and try to explain all the hands the cash has been through. Wait for the queue to build up behind me etc. Then give a boring answer like went on holiday and took too much spending cash with me, so putting it back.

Hate banks!

Decus et tutamen (an ornament and a safeguard)

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OjxoCIsDbMgx7MM_l4CmA

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2 minutes ago, MancunianStacker said:

Yeah, you can’t even deposit £500 in a bank these days without where did the money come from. One day I might give them a lecture on fractional reserve lending and try to explain all the hands the cash has been through. Wait for the queue to build up behind me etc. Then give a boring answer like went on holiday and took too much spending cash with me, so putting it back.

Hate banks!

Haha, +1 for the hatred of banks too

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Yeah Gold and Silver are where it's at. I appreciate them both for different reasons. I recently found out about the "infinite banking concept" here in the US. I'm not sure if there is an equivalent to this type of system in the UK. Does anyone use this concept of "Lifetime" or "Permanent"  Life Insurance to handle their money instead of a bank? I would love to hear some input from someone who really uses it. It seems like an interesting way to be able to put money into gold and then repay yourself. I am still researching it, but anything to stay away from the banks hahaha!

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9 hours ago, MancunianStacker said:

Yeah, you can’t even deposit £500 in a bank these days without where did the money come from. One day I might give them a lecture on fractional reserve lending and try to explain all the hands the cash has been through. Wait for the queue to build up behind me etc. Then give a boring answer like went on holiday and took too much spending cash with me, so putting it back.

Hate banks!

My answer:

" I am not an expert but high probably those money came from fraud bank system called fractional reserve, then they were paid for item which had unfairly inflated price by this fraud bank system, then was spend in my employer business, then land in my bank account after rip off by half of my labor worth by government, then i paid them out at ATM to keep some cash in case of fraud and faulty bank system doesn't work and i cant get my money, finally i have to make online payment and need to use thefts banking system to do it coz they have to take their share in every deal as every decent mafia does . Is that sufficient answer ? "


On the other hand i read a complain of one of customers of popular Scottish banks, which tried to pay in 200 pounds cash and cashier said that money looks to new and are confiscated for check which will take 6 weeks. Guy was going to pay in money for credit card payment and was charged fine for missed payment coz of that.

So be aware even cash in your hand is not yours.

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Even in extremely small amounts gold is so beautiful. I do buy some lovely heavy bars of silver, but gold is beyond my reach when it comes to big weight.

When it comes to depositing money in the bank, the self service machines are your friends. No awkward questions to answer there. I use them all the time. Love the privacy of them, though the socialist in me is not so keen. I especially love the coin taking machines which I fill up after checking the bags of 50ps I’ve just taken for Kews...haha!! (still not found one!!!)

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I hate gold and silver, I only buy the coins for the stunning hottie on the obverse...that's why those of us with significant others have to hide our purchases from them, I stash mine with my 'sexytime magazine' collection :)

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