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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

This topic is to discuss price action in GBP, to discuss price action in $ USD, please see this topic: https://thesilverforum.com/topic/19962-gold-monitoring-thread-usd-only/

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4 minutes ago, Roy said:

My tea leaves spoke to me...

Statement from BOE tomorrow?



If it's anything like my bank statement, It will be terrible news


Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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3 hours ago, bobski said:

We've had a few steady days this week. What are the predictions for close on Friday?

What's our new low?



£1817. I know this for a fact because of some click bait YouTuber said so. Apparently he heard it from Warren Gates or someone like that.

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 

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Live Gold Price


Current Price


Live Change

-0.01% £-0.10

Live high £1,850.12


Live low £

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Happypanda88 said:

On the contrary, the dollar (USD) will be the prettiest out of all the ugly sisters. People will haul it when all the other ugly sisters are left unwanted.  The dollar is still the global reserve currency and has been since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference.  All commodities are still priced in USD.  It will be the last of the dominos to fall ........ IMHO. 🙃

Good point. If (when) the Global economy tumbles, many countries will fail before America (several currencies are already failing). They panic and turn to the dollar (which they see as "safe") this makes the dollar strong. 

Until eventually, one day, when everyone realises it's worthless trash. Then it'll be the end for USD as the global reserve (probably resulting in nuclear war because they will do anything to protect their ego).

But when that is, is anyone's guess. Tomorrow? 2040? Who knows! Just buy gold and hope for the best 😬

Edited by katyc
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Still a good day to buy…. obviously gold is bobbling around mid £1800s, be round this mark for a while🤔

whatever you buy … be careful, see the news about homes being raided specifically for their gold😮🤔😕get it stored elsewhere 😮

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Live Gold Price


Current Price


Live Change

-0.02% £-0.34

Live high £1,852.96


Live low £1,851.70

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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2 hours ago, Petra said:

Still a good day to buy…. obviously gold is bobbling around mid £1800s, be round this mark for a while🤔

whatever you buy … be careful, see the news about homes being raided specifically for their gold😮🤔😕get it stored elsewhere 😮

So what your saying is if you're keeping it at home, buy silver to frighten the burgelerfiyers away. No one will touch that stuff eh. 

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2 hours ago, Petra said:

whatever you buy … be careful, see the news about homes being raided specifically for their gold😮🤔😕get it stored elsewhere 😮

Interesting, not seen anything on the news about that. 

Luckily I can, if push comes to shove, bury stuff under the house. be that PMs or cadavers :D 

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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9 hours ago, Happypanda88 said:

On the contrary, the dollar (USD) will be the prettiest out of all the ugly sisters.

I strongly agree, albeit that I would describe the greenback as the "least unattractive" rather than the "prettiest".

‘Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.’

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BOE rate decision at noon today, I'm going with the safe option of a 6/3 split in favour of hold, what does everyone else think?

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Petra said:

Still a good day to buy…. obviously gold is bobbling around mid £1800s, be round this mark for a while🤔

whatever you buy … be careful, see the news about homes being raided specifically for their gold😮🤔😕get it stored elsewhere 😮

I agree. It's just over £100 a year for peace of mind (if you're @James32 it's probably £500+ because his will box will be huuuuuge). I use an independent deposit box company (they're around 100 years old), over a bank who can steal it via our corrupt government.

But then I worry that if someone hears I have gold, visit to rob me, see there's none, get angry, then murder me... So.... can't win either way 🤷🏼‍♀️

If anyone wants to use St James in Leeds, feel free to give me a shout. If you mention me, I believe we both get a free month or two each (a forum member recommended it to me and we both got a bonus).

Looks like gold is settling at mid 18s. I'm not wishing my life away, but would love to see what it brings by the end of the year. Will the general elections (UK and USA) trick the people to thinking things are great with their "all fart, no poo" manifestos? (bad for gold). I guess it all depends on whether the rates finally come down as promised. 

Edited by katyc
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10 minutes ago, katyc said:

It's just over £100 a year for peace of mind (if you're @James32 it's probably £500+ because his will box will be huuuuuge).

You're paying James, he owns all the safety deposit box companies! 

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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28 minutes ago, PapaLazarou said:

I strongly agree, albeit that I would describe the greenback as the "least unattractive" rather than the "prettiest".

The US has played a stonker in getting the EU and the UK to destroy their own currencies with Net Zero policies and being reliant on imports from the US. Hence why their currency is the best of a bad bunch, or least unattractive.

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz



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29 minutes ago, ZRPMs said:

Not that I'm in anyway religious, but, God help us. As far as the elections go I think if Labour get in anyone with the smallest resemblance of wealth or money will get screwed. This is the socialists way. Take from all and give to some. Or if by some fluke the Conservatives remain in. It'll be more of the same. The political class from all sides and at all levels really do believe they are far more educated than everyone else and that they know best and if only the inconvenience of the public and voting class could be curtailed easier things would run far smoother for them. They forget that their role only exists to administer the will of the people. The people are sovereign not parliament or the members of parliament.

On the time scale I wish to use my collection / stack I think it'll continue to increase. Wealth preservation ultimately. 

I think they'll hold.

At this moment in the great stream of time. Better the Devil you know. Labour would be a disaster. 

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29 minutes ago, ZRPMs said:

I think if Labour get in anyone with the smallest resemblance of wealth or money will get screwed. This is the socialists way.

Currently I cannot see any possible way that labour can lose,  Even if Kier Stammer openly admits to being one of the grey lizard people I still think he'd win.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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4 minutes ago, Xander said:

At this moment in the great stream of time. Better the Devil you know. Labour would be a disaster. 

I'd rather have incompetance, than someone who is activley working against me.

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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3 minutes ago, SidS said:

The prospect of a Labour government terrifies me. The prospect of a continuing Conservative government fills me with apathy and despair.

The whole lot are rotten to the core.

I really can't see a better candidate than the Downing Street 🐈.

Labour used to preach, how poor, miserable, and oppressed people were. They achieved power and proved it. 

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I think if you're poor and struggling, you have to vote for labour, you can't suffer like people have been. People that genuinely need benefits, i.e disability have not just had heavy cuts but had them taken away and forced to look for work. Fair enough some got work, but many are stuck on universal credit and not getting the help they need.


Torries are horrible see you next Tuesdays, but sometimes you need to make horrible things happen for the good of others.


Would a labour government crash financial markets, probably. Although not necessarily a bad thing for gold and crypto doesn't see much effect via British politics.

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