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Everything posted by SovereignBull

  1. Hi All, Payday is coming up so it’s time to put the feelers out for some Sovereigns I want to complete my first collection. Only need to be bullion grade but in good condition (Not excessively rubbed, dinged or scratched! (I know some of these will be proof only) EDIT; Januarys payday funds now spent so it will be end of FEB until I can buy. Will leave this on but not bump until near end of Feb 👍🏼 Gillick Maklouf 1989 2002 ✅ @HB1 TY 2005 ✅ @ilovesilverireallydo TY 2016 (Butler) 2017
  2. I know we’re not meant to comment if we’re not bidding but consider this a free bump for what will be the bargain of the month!!!
  3. I’ve got the same one! The detail & clarity of the design almost make it look printed on! It’s only when you get it at an angle you can see the depth of the design. A very nice coin indeed 👍🏼
  4. ThankYou James! 2 more weeks though till I may have some fiat to play with 😢
  5. Some birthday Silver! Pretty sure my mum has the standard coin version at home but this was a bit of a bargain and seeing as there isn’t a 1977 Sov it was an easy buy
  6. You’ve summed it up very well. These new regulations and things I’v seen over the past 6 months are what Bitcoin was made to bypass! I got lucky with Crypto for 3 years but when I recently needed to complete a survey before I was allowed to place a sell on tokens I owned on crypto com that’s when I knew it was time to get out. I’d much rather hold any spare wealth I have in my own hands and under my sole control. In the end all these regulations for Crypto are nothing but good signs for gold!
  7. It’s not Bitcoin taking funds from gold per-say but more like traders moving money to where the opportunities are. Obvs a lot of it is market confidence but I think overtime as has been proven time and again there will only be one winner! Gold!
  8. Bitcoin went from 34k to 38k on the ETF approval news but I think the realisation that it will take many months has dawned on people. Gold took a dip on this news but seeing as the UK & US decided to chuck some missiles at Yemen its bounced very quickly
  9. Is that it? One crappy dip brought on by an announcement that ETFs were approved for a magic internet money token that’s getting so regulated & easily controlled that it will end up like Fiat? Hmpf 🤣
  10. I understand that in the UK we have to pay the dreaded VAT on our Silver but why are our prices so far off those of America. I see video after video stating that they can buy Silver at very close to spot price with a $1 premium or less! Why are online prices in the UK so far away from this? If we say add a pound and then add the 20% VAT we should be paying less than £23 a coin yet online for a Britannia we’re at £27 a coin (Figure based on an order of 10 to cover post) Is it simply a case that there is more demand in the UK or are there other factors I’m not considering?
  11. I’m just hedging my bets here as people by a little bit there will eventually be an empty tube that could be thrown in for less than 19 😉
  12. How many do I need to buy to get a free tube? 🤣
  13. The Durga train continues along with some air tites and something very modern!
  14. Bought all the gold I own at the recent Ath and simply not phased. Just feels good to have some shiny. Now time to post what rocked up today!
  15. Looking at my paltry 8 sovs I want more discount (Sorry)so I hope it keeps going. Picking up a Sov at the end of this month when I’m struggling due to other commitments would be amazing and if if drops lower again in Feb then there is a good chance I’ll be able to pick up 3 sovs. Buying at the top has been a struggle but needed to be done. Gotta start somewhere!
  16. Got myself the 2023 & 2024. Turned up today. Don’t think I’ve seen a better silver coin than the 2024! I don’t think these will be available for long
  17. My Sovereign run was doing quite well until my daughter’s car went kaput! I have a 2024 coming tomorrow which I purchased before the car trouble but won’t be buying anymore for a couple of months! Should still be able to hit my goal of 19 before the end of the year 🤞🏼 Going to move the 95th birthday 1/4 soon as it’s starting to trigger me sat with the Sovs 🤣
  18. Are they the screw type ones? I end up using a knife to lift mine out and always end up opening the capsule! Very annoying! Just ordered a tube with 20 air tires for now so I can admire the coins without wrecking them or the box! Once that’s full I’ll move them into the box🙏🏼
  19. Been thinking the same! The “BIG” story about the 1.6 million$ Iran drones are laughable when u consider the billions being poured into Ukraine by the US
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