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Posts posted by 27carrots

  1. Surprised this section is dead with platinum/gold ratio at ATH this week. Have been looking for a decent deal for weeks and just managed to get 5 tenth brits for a nice price. Would be stacking platinum exclusively right now if it wasn’t so hard to get.

  2. If I had 10k cash, I’d go for the 44 2024 half sovs from Chards.

    All else being equal, it is better to have two halfs than a full for the same money and there is an £8 difference total.

    Secondary market half sovs tend to be more likely to be in bad condition than full and so bulk buying new is better imo.

    With high SD postage costs, if you need to sell a load in one go, you will probably prefer to sell to a dealer anyway so it doesn’t matter if they are the same year.

    If you sell one at a time, the year also doesn’t matter.

  3. It’s always a good idea to avoid duplicates where possible as it’s easier to shift a load of sovs in one go in a place like TSF if people have many years to choose from. But thanks to royal mail jacking up their special delivery prices it would be hard work to get more than you could get for a bulk sale to a dealer where the years don’t matter.

  4. Ring type airtites

    16mm 1/10 brits

    19mm 1/2 sovs

    22mm sovs and 1/4 brits etc

    I’d ask morezone first if he has anything you need and if not go to air-tites.com.

  5. On 02/04/2024 at 13:59, BackyardBullion said:

    THE FOLLOWING IS NOT FORMAL TAX ADVICE, but my own interpretation of the rules. 

    Thats assuming you make that much profit per bar.

    Its the profit on the capital not the total value that makes a difference. 

    If you bought 100x 1g bars at £55 each and sold them all for £65 each you make £1000 profit and do not have to even declare the gain as it is below the threshold.

    If you had 100x 1g bars bought for £35 a few years ago and sold them for £75 each then that would be a £4000 gain. You would need to declare it and you would pay tax on the £1000 above the allowance. 

    Does anyone know what happens with non exempt coins when you die?
    Let’s say you buy a krug for £1000.

    Then you die and leave it to someone when it is worth £2000.

    Then they sell it when it is worth £3000.

    How much “gain” is taxable here?

  6. They would never work as real money as the singles have to have a few pounds premium and so the 50s would need a premium 50 times bigger to be worth 50 singles. They are just collectibles really. I collect the singles as they are worth having but I don’t think you could get the value back reselling the larger denominations in the future and so it’s not worth it for me personally.

  7. On 13/10/2023 at 16:17, 1moreoz said:

    I just got in about to buy a bunch of golf and price has shot up a good bit 🥲 will wait it out till next week now. 

    Next week will be the worst time to buy. The price is gonna shoot to £1700 at least but will drop back to £1500 once the war is resolved in a couple of weeks. I’d wait until then.

  8. It might be fun to collect a 1g bar but i wouldn’t get anything bigger. Not even a tenth. If i wanted exposure to palladium, I’d get an etf. The problem is you can’t buy physical when the price drops like a stone and you cant sell when the price spikes. I seem to remember when morezone was selling his stack, he had to sell his palladium 1oz for £200 under spot because spot was high at the time.

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