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Everything posted by James32

  1. Seen that at £25 a few days ago and thought whomever was bidding knew the craic..Guess not😅
  2. Lawrence of chard.. I've reported you for argumentative behaviour..
  3. I'm with Lawrence, only a blip and now heading to moon ( again )
  4. What kind of dream only costs £20?? Millionaire lifestyle with lemonade pockets 😋
  5. Pana coins are even rarer?? 500+ on Numista.
  6. Yes you got brains to burn 🤣🤣 someone's got to balance out @Mtaybar's shortcomings.
  7. I see this now lol, still suprising so many bidders knew that on ebay..
  8. Low mintage likely..still wouldn't get £150 on here🤣🤣
  9. Must go and check are my tubes real plastic 🤨
  10. Coins look perfectly fine, but that's currently to expensive for a 1/10th gold britannia ( not the sellers fault as they have eBay fees to pay unfortunately) Check.. chards/tavex/Atkinsons/ATS first and I expect you to achieve a better price.
  11. Which coin is it? Maybe put a wanted post up on here, sure it will be cheaper 🤔
  12. Thanks to @Gordy for this bundle 😁 dinky little things, that are for a gift.
  13. 🤣🤣 Agree on the 1/20ths , then you have the 1/25 and 1/40th coins 😂 might aswell stack gold leaf😁
  14. When you posted the deal, I put a few in my basket but completely forgot about them🤣🤣
  15. Think it's just a psychological thing based on price/premium Just comes down to premium charged by dealers unfortunately, plus the fact a 1/4 which is still premium heavy,is within a large number of peoples budgets. Price them right and I and most other's will buy as many as i/we can, whether from here or a dealer. I like the size and its more visually enjoyable than a 1/4 any day. @Paul recently had 2 x 1/2 Krugerrands up recently for approximately the same price as a full krugerrand. I bought them because in my tiny mind, 2 is better than one if price isn't an issue. Then he went a decided to offer 4 x 1/4 Krugerrands at approximately the same price as a full Krugerrand, yep you guessed it..I bought those too🤣 because 4 is better than one. 1/10ths I hate and ive tried a few times to get into them, not just because of premium, but when you have to take a photograph of a coin ...then zoom in to read the date,its an issue.
  16. As soon as I see tubes of coins (25 of course) on the forum for £500 a pop.. I will purchase what I need and then give the go-ahead for moon launch 😁
  17. Welcome aboard. As an investment, stick with the lowest price bullion you can safely find, then treat yourself to the odd premium coin/bar that you really like now and again.
  18. For what it's worth, the photographs are not great but I think the box is genuine and certificate looks good, and the coin could very well be too. Really would only be guessing without better pics or the coin in hand. If weight diameter and thickness are within range,then you are probably OK based on the year of issue( some older ones could be genuine gold but fake sovereigns) You're scales are likely not accurate enough to be honest, so you're only option is to take to a dealer/high end Jewelers for testing.. Honestly if I was in your position, I'd return coin for refund as you didn't receive a 10/10 coin, what you received is a coin that's been handled more times than Jordan's chest, unless the finger prints are your's?? You have 30 days to return, even though you left positive feedback 👀 lesson 1 has been learned 👍 only leave feedback when happy. You're heart will never be in the purchase now so best to get out of the situation whilst you can.
  19. I'm the same..which is why change effects me negatively 🤣🤣
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