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Posts posted by SidS

  1. 51 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

    or we could do a charity event for you so you can have it all without contributing, TSF benefits system. 

    That's harsh.

    I never asked nor expected to have access to any offers, first, best prices on items etc. I don't really use this site to buy/sell as such. Not saying I won't if interesting things come along. But I always expect to be at the back of the queue for that, and rightly so. I come here for info and yes even a bit of banter at times.

    However, is it really such a crime, such an affront to request one simple thread for inane waffle for us freebies? That's all I hoped for.

    So I might not contribute financially, but there is also knowledge to impart at times. Clearly that counts for naught.

  2. A thread to discuss issues that might affect either the supply or price of gold. For example: elections, wars, gold squeezes, mining issues, political policy, economic problems etc. Graphs and technical analysis are probably better in the Gold Price thread.

  3. Not at this time.

    I know there's some tension on the gold thread sometimes due to going off topic. I think there should be a gold and politics thread - there's definitely a connection between what's going on in the world and the gold price. It'd be great to be able to discuss it. Gold does not live in a vacuum and endless posts about graphs aren't very informative as to the contextual reasoning behind the price adjustments. Just my thoughts.

  4. I wonder about other nation's coins where the alloy has even greater copper content. US pre-1933 coins have an orange hue sometimes, they are .900 gold and 10% copper. I've never seen them look like modern UK sovereign colour though.

  5. 1 hour ago, Gruff said:

    Worse in all aspects.. more debt, more illegals, more waste, more taxes and a relentless push to WEF Agenda 2030.... 

    I'm not sure it will actually be worse, although it may certainly 'appear' to be. The only thing that will change is the rhetoric.

    The outgoing government's rhetoric was, "We're working hard to stop illegal immigration/woke culture/benefit fraud/labelling etc." And then doing diddly squat to actually change anything, because deep down they didn't want to change anything. All pushed on and peddled by the media, much of which controlled by Tories, note. The Rwanda idea was all a ruse to distract, make it look like they were doing something, hopefully (for them) without achieving any end result. Like one of those Heath Robinson contraptions.

    The incoming government's rhetoric will be, "yes please."

    The dice will still keep rolling though, no matter the rhetoric. There will be no change in the direction it's going in. Just make sure you've got a paddle.

  6. I'll have to try my luck at the bank with a £50. They're not in circulation around these parts, nor do cash machines give them out. Got to ask at the Post Office or bank and that's like pulling hen's teeth.

    I'm surprised an earlier poster got £5s from an ATM, that's unusual in itself.

  7. That was WAY quicker than I thought. On 27th June, I ended up with £20, £10 and £5 notes of Charles III.

    The £20 is crisp - serial EH04 - I'll keep this.

    The £10 slightly creased, the £5 quite roughly. Serials HB22 and CA20. These will go back to circulation when I get some nicer ones.

    It really didn't take long.

    Still little to no Charles III coinage though. I've had two 50p coins since they were released and nothing else.

  8. 10 hours ago, ZRPMs said:

    Then becoming more aware of the different varieties, bullion, Proof, Matt Proof. Then the rarity of certain ones and getting drawn to the more numismatic valued coins. There is just loads of ways to collect them. You've entered the rabbit hole now.

    Next step is overdates and over letters, closely followed by denticle count. 😁

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