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Paying too much because of "thriftiness"


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Hi all,


I always check out the tubes of maples and think....nahhhh...Too much at once...So instead I order 10.

In the end, I've paid more shipping costs so I'm less closer to spot and I feel silly about it.


So I have filled tubes right now, but I've paid too much for them because I've filled them up in 2 or 3 times thinking not to order too much out of "frugality".


You guys have this too? I've seen people ordering just 1 coin. I can understand this when it comes to gold but for silver this seems silly.

Do you guys just save up until you have enough for a tube or more, or do you order small quantities once in a while.



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Only been stacking a few months but I like to order bullion in batches of 20oz+ when the price is right (BTFD!)


antique coins is a different story though as they tend to be singles through eBay, £/oz average for antiques is 50%+ higher :(

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I like to maximise the postage band if it's variable.  Last week I put in an order of 60oz but the postage is the same upto 75oz so I added another 15oz.

If the postage is fixed, then I leave my order as it stands but I always order 50+ to keep the average down.

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If you are buying for purely stacking purposes, it makes sense to buy up to the maximum postage weight threshold so reducing your spend per coin.


Collecting is a totally different ball game, but if I am buying from outside the UK (which is nearly always) I always buy more than 1 coin and sometimes if the price is favourable buy coins I already have.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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I've come to do this more and more myself now to, as in ordering per tube to save costs.

Still, do you think it's still a good investment if people pay for small amounts at a time?

I'd think the only reason to do that would be for numismatic reasons or b/c you think apocalypse is neigh, no?

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I have done this too - but then you get brave and just order a tube or two! Once you get used to it it doesn't feel so bad! lol


Best to order at longer intervals and buy larger amounts. Of course the other side top that coin (lol) is increasing prices, but in fact prices would have to go up quite a lot to be more than the cost of shipping 10 coins!


Oops!! Edited!

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