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My Gold Dilemma


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So here is my dilemma, off to Scotland this weekend, and already short of funds because of having to pay out £375 in car repairs in the last week or so.......OUCH!.


BUT......Ebay have given me a £15 voucher if I spend over £75. Very nice you say, but the voucher runs out the day before I return home, so if I want to spend it I have to spend it tonight. I also have £5 of nectar vouchers waiting to be used as well, so I've got £20 in vouchers available.


I've found a half sov for £97 delivered on Ebay, so do I pull the trigger on it for a cost of only £77 with the vouchers and leave me a bit tight for my week away, or do I do the right thing and say "oh well never mind, maybe next time"


My finger is sitting over that button as I'm typing this...................decisions decisions..... :huh:  :unsure:


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Ah feck it... .....I'll drive up at 55mph, and my ex-wife and daughter can pay for our usual Sunday night Chinese takeaway, (I paid for it the last two times I was up visiting and it cost me over £45 each time)


I'm gonna press that button.............that £15 voucher will bug me all week if I allow it to expire. :rolleyes: ..............LOL


I've still got cash enough for the week away, but I'm one of those blokes who always needs a couple of hundred quid in his back pocket "for emergencies". I'll just have to have £120 in my pocket "for emergencies" instead.......here goes..!!



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Done it, a half sov for £77........ :D


I might be missing out on the low silver prices, but at least i picked up a bargain this week.


Although after this week away in Scotland, and the following three weeks , where I've got a deal with a forum member to complete next weekend, then off to see Chelsea play Arsenal after that, and then a weekend works conference in the midlands the following weekend, I think I really need these low silver prices to hang around for at least a month before I can get to them.   ;)

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You might be wondering why is he up at this time in the morning......


Well i have just finished my rotation in the ME and I work 21 12 hour nights with no break so as you can imagine my body clock is all messed up. When I want to sleep now it says whoo-ooh no boyo you should be awake now.

It usually takes me around 10 days to re-adjust.


So for now a very odd sleeping pattern.

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