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1/10oz gold britannia


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They are tiny and for UK buyers the half-sovs are better value.




I got mine from HGM at 3% over spot, but that is rare to be able to get one that cheap + with postage it adds a lot

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The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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I wanna stack 1/10 gold coins because I'm afraid of  gtting scammed with fake sovs. And I don't know which 1/10oz gold to choose.

If you don't want to be scammed, then just buy from reputable dealers. It's easy to check a fake sov through size and weight, and if on the minutest chance one slips through the dealer net, they will replace it.


Also thanks to the paypal policy if you get a fake from ebay, they'll refund you the money anyway if you discover it is a fake

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They are tiny and for UK buyers the half-sovs are better value.

Have to disagree with you a little bit.


It all depends where you buy from.


A 1/10th brit from HGM will cost you about 11% over spot including delivery

A half Sov from Atkinsons will cost you about 10% over spot including delivery





A half sov from Goldbullion.co.uk will cost you 28% over spot delivered.

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Kman's Brit is likely proof. My one isn't that shiny.


You think so? how would I check that, or is there no way really..


Does it increase it's value to any significant level?

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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Buy yourself a Victorian sovereign scales, plenty on ebay, before you buy any sovereigns . Easy quick and reliable way to test sovereigns


or get a fisch sovereign checker -




cheap alternative -



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The fisch is good but wayyyyyyyy too expensive, and all it is is an updated plastic version of the victorian ingenuity that is the brass sovereign scale. 


The 2nd link is only £20 and does eagles, britannia's, philharmonics, krugerands, maples, buffalo, pandas, full and 1/2 sovs


Also does silver and gold versions

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The 2nd link is only £20 and does eagles, britannia's, philharmonics, krugerands, maples, buffalo, pandas, full and 1/2 sovs


Also does silver and gold versions

Don't spend £20 the only bit that is for sovs is the card. The scale is only for the larger coins.


I've got the card and it only cost me £5.99




Scroll down to about half way for the sov/half sov card.

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The fisch is good but wayyyyyyyy too expensive, and all it is is an updated plastic version of the victorian ingenuity that is the brass sovereign scale.

At last, someone who also realises and appreciates that the Fisch is a rip off copy of a great Victorian design, also Fisch ,with there plastic pieces of crap, go after every every other cheaper copy , claiming copyright infringement , Buy quality , built to last , Victorian , Also learn everything you can about sovereigns before you invest in them
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At last, someone who also realises and appreciates that the Fisch is a rip off copy of a great Victorian design, also Fisch ,with there plastic pieces of crap, go after every every other cheaper copy , claiming copyright infringement , Buy quality , built to last , Victorian , Also learn everything you can about sovereigns before you invest in them

Everytime, I go on one of my antique fair hunts I look out for one of these scales. But I've not been able to find one yet. If I don't find one by Xmas I'll go on ebay. 


I'm really after one in good condition in its original box. I won't touch that plastic rip off fisch. I've got one of those coin id cards though. great for sticking in the wallet and checking sovs while out and about.

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