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My plan for 2014


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 Hi! I've been in this fascinating silver/gold world  just for 2 weeks and I've already bought from 6 dealers! I like variety! I've always invested my money in the stockmarket and I wanted to diversify with a % of PM.

And that's why I'm here :D

Initially I have to stack a lot of PM to match my goal % and that's why I'm buying almost everyday hahahaha and when I reach this % (10-15 of total assets) I would have to stop (but maybe I will not be able to :D)

So for this 2014 and at this current silver/gold prices I'm planning on buying about 200oz silver and 2oz gold.

This would be easy with some kg silver coins and 2 gold coins but it would be boring don't you think?

And I'm also afraid of buying expensive coins because if the price goes up, it would be difficult to sell them...Am I wrong? Would it be wise to buy only <300€ coins for example? I don' know, I'm confused. I like everything so the answer 'buy what you like....' doesn't apply here :P


Help masters! Help!

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So for this 2014 and at this current silver/gold prices I'm planning on buying about 200oz silver and 2oz gold.


Well I started buying Silver and Gold on the 20th April 2014. And tonight with my latest purchase I've gone over the 200 oz mark, (203 oz to be precise). I also have 1.86 oz of Gold. It's taken me just under 4 months to get to a similar position that you want to be by the end of the year. 


If I can do it, (and I earn bugger all money compared to many others that regularly post on this forum), then I'm sure you'll get to your target. Good Luck.

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Hi realbluegold,


its your choice what you invest in and percentages, but for me a 20-1 (most people on here will have a different figure) Silver to Gold would be a good start and taking your time too.


 With you living in Europe i'm not sure of the VAT on Silver in Spain, but if you buy from Germany you can buy it at marginal VAT legally. Have a look at dealer section on the forum for your Silver. My choices would be Silver -to- go and Geiger but again its your choice.


 Gold you will have a larger selection, maybe you may find a dealer in Spain cheaper, here in the UK, Atkinsons, Hatton garden metals,Chards,Bairds coininvest.com (Germany) plus have a look at the Dealer list.  Note be careful about buying Gold from outside EU as the customs sheet has to be filled in correctly.  


You can also buy from this forum from coin collectors and stacker's.  


Be careful of Ebay until you have had a good feel of a few coins and you have got all the measuring equipment e.g scales, calipers, magnet and original coin to compare. When you are confident Ebay gives you a good returns policy


Ask yourself  how are you going to sell? If you want to sell one coin at a time then buy semi numerical Lunar coins, Pandas etc, if you want to sell fast to a dealer or on a forum but in big quantities buy bullion coins eg maples, Philharmonics or Libertads what ever you can get cheap.


I and others on here have a mix on the Silver, you will have to choose yourself. 

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weight, but remember everyone has a different idea.


For  a rough example would be 4 Sovereigns to 20 Silver coins.


Now you might think that is a lot of Gold compared to Silver at Todays prices if so buy more Silver or if you want to play a bit more safe historically  Gold - Silver is around the 15-1 ratio   buy more Gold.  


Just in case as a newbie you didn't know an ounce is a troy ounce 31.1g not 28g


If your finances do not stretch to buying Gold then take your time buying Silver.  There are lots of different collectors/ stacker's with varying sized pockets.  The main thing is do not over spend! 

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If your finances do not stretch to buying Gold then take your time buying Silver.  There are lots of different collectors/ stacker's with varying sized pockets.  The main thing is do not over spend! 


Isn't a problem with slowly buying silver that you end up paying a lot for postage? (assuming you are getting it online)

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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My own view on buying gold is stick to one ounce coins. Avoid numismatics, always buy the one ounce coin nearest to spot. Going below one ounce you will pay hefty premiums.

Same with silver, buy in the most bulk that suits your budget and stick to coins nearest spot.

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Going below one ounce you will pay hefty premiums.

Not necessarily. I don't have a single coin of one ounce, all mine are smaller. I buy sovs and half sovs, and I've paid between 2% UNDER spot to 5% over spot delivered. I can get fractional gold for 3% over spot if I'm patient and I know where to look. 

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historically  Gold - Silver is around the 15-1 ratio   buy more Gold.  


Sorry but that's a bit of a myth based on prices derived from a time when money was based on silver and gold. In the last 36 years that figure has been hit only once for a very short time in 1980. Apart from a few spikes it sits between 40 and 80, and as such we are currently sitting roughly in the middle of that range. 

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Not necessarily. I don't have a single coin of one ounce, all mine are smaller. I buy sovs and half sovs, and I've paid between 2% UNDER spot to 5% over spot delivered. I can get fractional gold for 3% over spot if I'm patient and I know where to look.

That's cool. I only deal with well known dealers. It's just how it's worked for me. The hassle of dealing with eBay unknowns etc is not for me.
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Hi Stretch! I like your aproach but when it's time to sell, would it be easy to sell these coins? Or it's easier to sell smaller coins? That's my big question :D

Never actually sold any gold, it would be nice if I never had to however golds 6000 year history as an easily traded item always near spot reassures me.
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That's cool. I only deal with well known dealers. It's just how it's worked for me. The hassle of dealing with eBay unknowns etc is not for me.

Never bought gold on ebay, (actually thats a lie. I stuck a cheeky under spot bid on a 1/10th Guernsey Double gold coin that was finishing about 4am in the morning, and woke up to find I'd won it for £74.16 delivered, but that is a one off), I get my gold from HGM, Atkinsons, and a Buy any Gold guy I met a while back who is able to give me a great price if I give him a regular order. 

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