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Lunar Series 2 - 1/10oz

Carpe Diem

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Inspired by Smokestack's question on the Silver forum, I too have been considering collecting the 1/10 oz lunar series 2.  Normally I'd go mainly for bullion along with a few other bits and bobs but looking at the mintages of these 1/10 gold ounces I'm wondering whether they'd be a decent investment and having the whole set when it finishes in 2019 would look lovely.


I've had a browse around though, and while premium for this year's horse is not too shabby, I'm still weighing up potential costs for if I end up going down this road.  


Maybe anyone on here is collecting these and could advise on the best place to source the other years, or others have general considerations about other fractional gold that could be a decent investment play.

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I'm in the same boat love the look of them, chards have 3or 4 to start the set


Nice to know I'm not alone then!  


Are you thinking about it purely from a collector's standpoint or with a view to selling them if  / when you complete the set in a few years?


I'll admit I'm the latter, but try not to get too attached to them.

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Ox £126.70 - Proof.  Was cheaper than bullion version

Mouse - £143.44 - Proof. Again, cheaper than buying the bullion

Tiger - £132.4 - Bullion


These are what I paid for the earlier ones.  Later ones can still be had for a fair price.

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Ox £126.70 - Proof.  Was cheaper than bullion version

Mouse - £143.44 - Proof. Again, cheaper than buying the bullion

Tiger - £132.4 - Bullion


These are what I paid for the earlier ones.  Later ones can still be had for a fair price.


you bought those this year did you morezone?  Whenever you picked them up, seems you found yourself a deal because a few sites I've seen the Ox for around £190 at present

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you bought those this year did you morezone?  Whenever you picked them up, seems you found yourself a deal because a few sites I've seen the Ox for around £190 at present


Just 2 months ago.  Silber-Corner still has the Proof OX in stock at €158.87.

Getting the proofs is cheating a little but the bullion version is so much more expensive that I can't justify it.

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Ox £126.70 - Proof.  Was cheaper than bullion version

Mouse - £143.44 - Proof. Again, cheaper than buying the bullion

Tiger - £132.4 - Bullion


These are what I paid for the earlier ones.  Later ones can still be had for a fair price.

When mintages are declared ie 5000 odd for the 1/10 lunar mouse, would this include proofs or they a separate figure, got the chance of proof 1/10 mouse or bu 1/10 tiger, which best deal?

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got it from Vatea.de


Worked out expensive due to the euro bank transfer (about £20 - £25 fee if I remember correctly). 


It has been mentioned here to use a money broker for the payment rather than your bank and its a fair bit cheaper

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I started collecting the 1/4oz but so far have only managed to get the dragon, snake and horse, the others are proving expensive to may have to give up, I have considered starting the 1/10, It'd be great to get a full lunar series of gold.

Arghh there're just so many series of silver and gold coins to collect, I don't think I've managed a run of anything yet I keep chopping and changing.

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So after getting my first 1/10 gold lunar coin this week I can definitely say if you wanted to get some gold these are a great place to start, I have 4 now and looking at the past dates, especially the mouse, ox and tiger I can say they will be a good investment further down the line.

Really happy with them and hoping to get the whole set in the future, so anyone know where I can get the mouse, ox and tiger for a half decent price?

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http://www.aschhoff-edelmetalle.de/lunar-ii-goldmuenzen went for the proof mouse rather than the bu


Thanks for that CF, I haven't been able to find those anywhere, strange that the proof mouse's cheaper than the bu, it pains me but I have to go for the bu just to complete the set, I'm just waiting to see if Strenue can come through for me before ordering.


I feel like I should purchase a couple more horses just to sell further down the line, the premiums on the 1/10oz seem higher than any others.

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