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bars a good step up from 1 oz


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looking at a step up from the 1 oz bar   not that theres anything wrong with the one ounce, I was just looking at a bar that was easy to possibly sell on , in the future,  and gave a good premium , obviously we have the  100g  250 g 500g  10 oz

I have been looking at the metalor 100g bars with the certificate  not a fan of poured bars ,  so just wondered if there was a sort of favourite with stackers  lower than the  10 oz  and 1 kg bars ,  seen some baird bars  which look quite nice  ,    any feedback would help,,  or is it  where members  prefer 1 oz  and then jump up to the daddy  10 oz

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My own personal view and it is just that, is that i do not want to own large bars because if the price of silver should skyrocket i believe it might be harder to sell, it also rules out being able to sell just small quantities at a time should i want to. Again i stress this is only my view and i do not suggest that it is the right view. I cannot deny i would love to own a large gold bar, but my mind says it is not practical, oh and my wallet also says no :D .

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The biggest bar i own is a 100g Baird & Co Silver bar, i like it a lot and would love to add bigger bars, even the small Baird gold bars look appealing.

I like the look of the 5oz Silver bar Lady fortuna Pamp Suisse.in a plastic case on Atkinsons,looks awesome.

I have not bought for ages was trying to stop for a while but i am getting itchy for a fix.I am sure you could off load a big bar because if you buy now and sell under spot at a higher price someone will have the bargain and you still make a profit.

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@SS Agreed.


My reason and it is only mine is that I believe it would probably be more difficult to sell it in later years if the price of silver was high. that would include any large bars that said I do own a 1kg bar, I guess when I go shopping in 2033 I will need a file to shave bits off to pay for it.


Pint of milk, 2 loafs of bread, tins and stuff that will be .1 gram of silver please. Scrap scrape file file!!!!!

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500g looks pretty good. 1kg looks impressive. Affordable, with lower premiums than the 10oz/250g size, and still small enough to fit in a decent safe. 


Thinking about it, if the price of silver skyrockets because of paper trading, then even if you happened to have a big old 5kg bar, you could offload it to a dealer, it wouldn't be that unaffordable, except for the man in the street/eBay. If silver went back to £30 per ounce, you'd still sell that bar for less £5,000. That's approximately a couple of 100g gold bars in today's prices and dealers can afford to stock those without issue.


But if the price has climbed because of genuine physical scarcity then that big old bar is going to be in high demand and you'd have no trouble selling it (trouble posting it, yes, but that's not the same) because people actually need the metal.

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  • Founder & Administrator

I have a couple of Metalor 100g bars. They are awesome. Get a few and you can build a miniature silver bar stack!

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I have a couple of Metalor 100g bars. They are awesome. Get a few and you can build a miniature silver bar stack!

Can't remember the dealer/specs right now, but there's a 'stacker' bar which has upper and lower surfaces designed in such a way that they stack like Lego blocks together almost.

Looked pretty neat.

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  • Founder & Administrator

These are very nice! And you can get air-tite capsules for them which are also stackable which is awesome.

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  • Founder & Administrator

Craig12 if you are looking for some 100g silver bars I recommended giving silver trader a shout. He has some Sheffield hallmarked 100g cast bars. Available in a matte finish or a bling bling shiny finish. Probably the lowest priced 100g silver bars in the UK.

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