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proof set on e bay


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hi everyone , could I ask your opinion on this please item 151351643972  kingdom of brunei 1993 proof set  2000 sets with paperwork 

it has been listed before at £119 starting price and didn't sell  , now re listed at £99 starting price ,  description states one capsule cracked,

I kind of like it  , im not sure if theres any silver content at all , I cant seem to find any reference to them on google whatsoever, 

I wouldn't count it in my stack  and I could obviously buy 7 ounce instead


would anyone know if its worth the start price  ive no idea if its plated , 

any help would be very welcome as I may bid  but don't want to make another banana skin buy

regards craig


ps cant find any on completed auctions either exept the same seller with the same item

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I just did a google search and all that came up was the ebay listing, that's probably the same reason it's not selling and the reason I personally wouldn't buy it, there's too many unanswerable questions, what gives something value in the first place is knowing it's going to be a strong seller in the future, this looks like a nice set but it may be difficult to sell further along the line.

But saying that if you like it then go ahead and buy it.

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decide if you want to buy to sell or buy to keep.


if you intend to flip it cos you think it's cheap then the scarce 2000 mintage won't help much.

(I don't think there'll be much demand)






£100,proof mintage 1550.



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There isn't much information out there on the set that I can see.

It looks like a nice set, but I wouldn't buy it personally.

It says it is silver, but only about 1.5oz in total. It doesn't say the grade of silver either.

The coins are pretty small too, largest being 33mm and the others dropping down fast.

Craig, you constantly question why you struggle to buy silver at £15, and when you do buy it you wonder if you paid too much, and now you are looking at this??

Stacker since 2013

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Craig you state you kind of like it, if so buy it or wait and see if it doesn't sell and make him an offer, I would guess it will be .925 silver.


For near enough the same money you could buy 1oz lunar 2 proof and 1/2oz lunar 2 proof if you are getting a taste for the shiny stuff.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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danny I liked your first 4 sentences ,the 5th is a danny special .....ouch kick to the go nads

I wasn't trying to be fractious Craig, I just remember you saying about the price of silver before and was surprised you were looking at something like that.

Stacker since 2013

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yes 2 offers  wasn't interested , he said hed been offered much more by a Chinese dealer, (but didn't ship to china) offered him £45 in the end ,, said he,d put it back in the safe,    I think I worked the silver content to be about £14

he said he recalls paying £45 at an auction for it some years ago

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