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If you could choose one person's face...

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I only know Churchill out them three. What's the whole point of a sovereign anyway?

If you don't have the current monarch on it then it ceases to become a sovereign. Now, if you are going to replace the

St George obverse side with national heroes like Horatio Nelson then......still not sure about the idea.

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I only know Churchill out them three. What's the whole point of a sovereign anyway?

If you don't have the current monarch on it then it ceases to become a sovereign. Now, if you are going to replace the

St George obverse side with national heroes like Horatio Nelson then......still not sure about the idea.


Joseph Merrick was better known by his nickname "the elephant man"...


Otherwise I quite agree, the sovereign should always carry the monarch's head, and having a head on the other side would just be a bit weird. Coat of arms or something would be fine occasionally, otherwise George & the Dragon.

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I only know Churchill out them three. What's the whole point of a sovereign anyway?

If you don't have the current monarch on it then it ceases to become a sovereign. Now, if you are going to replace the

St George obverse side with national heroes like Horatio Nelson then......still not sure about the idea.



you better believe it - just got this from royal mint's site


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Has to be Winston Churchill! 2015 is the 50th anniversary of his death.

Coincidently I share the same birthday as Churchill, and I was born the same year he died. Perhaps I am the reincarnation of the great man. After all, I'm going bald, and my belly is starting to head towards my feet but I havn't yet got the craving for cigars, and I quite like the Germans, (especially Livia at STG  ;) ), so maybe I'm still ok.

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